Showing posts with label PS4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS4. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Stories on Tuesday - Coffee Talk - Part 4 - 28th and 29th of September

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Coffee Talk from Toge Productions. I've downloaded it as part of PlayStation Plus.

This is Part 4.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Stories on Tuesday - Coffee Talk - Part 3 - 26th and 27th of September

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Coffee Talk from  Toge Productions. I've downloaded it as part of PlayStation Plus.

This is Part 3.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - Battleminer Giants on PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of Battleminer Giants from  Wobbly Tooth Games. 

I wanted to try this demo as i really liked the artwork of the solo giant enemy and the solo adventurer. a part of me hoped that this was going to be some sort of Shadow of Colossus kind of game, but the brief description on the PSN Store made it clear that it wasn't that. But i was still interested in trying it.

This is a short video because it is a short demo. there's only one thing to do, defeat the giant enemy. i failed in my first attempt, the enemy defeated me. but this broke the demo as i couldn't workout what to do when i respawned in town. i can't craft and there were no stores to purchase items at as my bow had broke. it was this point where we learned that the demo has skipped the earlier tutorials in the game and has put us at the first major activity. as i couldn't do anything, i had to quit and try again.

the second time i was much more successful, but in beating the giant enemy i triggered the demo to end. there appeared to be a save system but at no point did the demo say if saves would carry over to the final game. there were no trailers, screenshots, or artwork when we beat the demo either. i was surprised that there were no links to getting the game from the PSN either.

Even tho i like the "boxart" for this game, now i've played the demo for it i'm not interested in getting it. the defeating giant enemies part of it was nice and then taking parts from the bodies of said enemies was a fun challenge, too. I'm not big into crafting games and as this demo didn't showcase that aspect of it's gameplay i don't know how it'd work in the final game.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Stories on Tuesday - Coffee Talk - Part 2 - 24th and 25th of September

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Coffee Talk from Toge Productions. I've downloaded it as part of PlayStation Plus.

This is Part 2.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - Boxville 2 on PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of Boxville 2. 

Back in September 2023, i checked out the demo for Boxville,, and really enjoyed the art style. in that demo it was clear that the story was skipped so not to spoil it but we were playing from the start of the game. with this demo for Boxville 2, it just throws us into gameplay after the starting animation.

Point and click games aren't a genre i do well at, so in this demo i tried to explain my thought processes as i played so you could understand what i was doing. but by the end of this video, i don't think i had finished the section in the demo. but the game doesn't give us any information so i don't know for sure if i was finished, if i wasn't finished, or if this is how it should be played. but what was really frustrating with the demo was how it ended. most games take us back to a home screen, some games will have a trailer and/or screenshots at the end. this game was stuck with either the screen saying it's a demo or the pause menu.

This lack of information from the game wasn't good. it felt like it was designed for those who have played Boxville before and knew what type of game this was and how it plays. there's no tutorial, no introduction, no progress meter, and no hint system. for me, someone who's not familiar with the genre, it feels like a hardcore point and click game and not one that's approachable for new players.

It does look great, i really enjoy the art style and humour. and whilst it's not a great demo, i would actually recommend it. Boxville 2's hands off approach could be interesting for "souls like" fans and this a great way to try out a point and click adventure game that's just as hands off.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Stories on Tuesday - Coffee Talk - Part 1 - 22nd and 23rd of September

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Coffee Talk from Toge Productions. I've downloaded it as part of PlayStation Plus.

Coffee Talk is one of those games i've heard people talk about, i've seen it online and in shops, but i know next to nothing about it other than there are stories being told. when i heard it on podcasts, people talked about it without getting specifics. so there are moments in this video where i'm by surprised by things. the biggest being that this isn't a game with just humans. 

I have downloaded this game from the PSN as it's part of PlayStation Plus, but i'm having some tech issues with it. it'd be interesting to know if anyone is having similar issues with the PS4 version of this game. i know it's built on Unity and there's another PS4 game i'm playing that's crashing to XMB that's also built on Unity so maybe it's a Unity issue. i haven't edited it out because the music in the game continues whilst the gameplay seems to have paused. in future parts, i'll just keep quiet so we can all enjoy the music.

An unwelcomed surprise was when i had to make Latte Art. i have no idea what i had to do, there was no tutorial or practice before the day started. so the panic is genuine and i wasn't happy with what i made. it's worse than when i played Tearaway as in that game i'm able to try and reset and try again. in Coffee Talk i don't think there's a way for me to do that, i think i can only choose to trash the drink and start again. trying to make a drink is also a little difficult. i don't know a lot of coffee drinks so most of what i'm making is just me guessing. this has resulted in my first bad drink already.

But the point of the series is to play the story that we get. so it's possible my drinks and mistakes will lead to a slightly different story. if it does, let me know in the comments how my couple of days differed to yours.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Cloud Monday - Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - Part 2 - It Has Bugs And Issues, But I Recommend It

This week's new Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

Across both parts, it's become clear that Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings isn't the best game ever made. I'm not sure whether this is unique to this emulated version of the game or if the original also has it's own problems. but these aren't game breaking bugs and are minor frustrations at most. but they are noticeable.

There's also no denying that the game design is well suited for playing the game from the cloud. But, as we've also seen across both parts, there are moments when it doesn't work quite as well. Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings plays like a movie and there are often cinematic moments. but when there are moments of stream tearing, it does kinda take us out of these cinematic moments. it's because of this, i would also recommend downloading the game to try and preserve the cinematic mood.

personally, i'm going to continue playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings from the cloud. i'm satisfied with the performance of it being streamed from the cloud. i have enjoyed my time playing it and i genuinely want to see where the story goes. it's not the best but that doesn't stop my enjoyment of it.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - Turbo Overkill On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played Turbo Overkill on PlayStation 4, from developers Trigger Happy Interactive and publishers Apogee Entertainment.

I grew up with late 90's early 2000's shooters so playing Turbo Overkill was fun and nostalgic. but i was also impressed that the developers tried to modernise this style of shooter from just being another Doom/Quake/Unreal clone into something unique. 

We're immediately greeted by two big themes of the game when we start the demo Cyberpunk and blood. Turbo Overkill's interpretation of Cyberpunk wasn't just the music, i felt that the world and plot of the game fitted well with what i imagine a cyberpunk style "world" to be. this helped make what story i found not only interesting but also a story i wanted to see where it went and what would happen next. the visuals and music were good on PS4, but i did think the music looped a little too soon.

For me, the Turbo Overkill demo was long because i kept making platforming mistakes. it's something that can happen with first person games. i felt that up to the point i got stuck, the landing platforms i've had to get too were big/wide enough so landing was easy. but there was this one platform that was tiny in comparison that took a few times to get. thankfully, falling to the bottom didn't kill me as the game's level design is smart and built vertically so we can get right back there fairly easily. i am just a bit concerned that these sort of platforming sections might become a little too frequent.

As a demo, i think it works all right. it doesn't say demo on the home screen nor is there a way to get to the PSN Store from there, something that many demos do nowadays. i think this is the start of the game and i think they've made it long enough to so we get enough story to be hooked, enough of the shooting and platforming mechanics so we know if we like how it feels and plays, and we've had a couple of goes with the upgrades to our body. but i do think it could've pointed us to the options or done a tutorial to help with how fast the camera controls are. i knew from the start that the camera was moving too fast and i had to go into the options and sort it out.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Cloud Monday - Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - Small Levels And Good Auto Save Help Streaming

This week's new Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

I'll be honest and say i didn't know that this game came out on PS2, let alone was out and part of the PS2 emulated games on PS4 and PS5. it was a late PS2 game and Wii game, but i have never played it before so i was curious if the controls would hold up. i knew graphically it might be a little rough, but other than some poor faces, i thought this did alright for how old it is.

as it's part of the PS2 games emulated on PS4 and PS5, we're able to save when ever we want by pressing options. but it also seemed like Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings has it's own robust auto save feature. we're unable to manually pause and save, but the game seems to save after every set piece your progress in the story and it saves when you pick up a collectable. this means, if you forget to save via the options button, you're only a few minutes away from your previous save.

One issue these emulated games could have is how they control. i thought Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings controlled fine. the camera may want to fight us a little, but if you leave it alone it's ok. one kinda quirk with the controls which i'm assuming is the game itself rather than a result of it being streamed from the cloud is that the Indy character is a little slow. he's slow to stand up and get down, he can be a little slow moving and dodging. it's something that takes time to get used to, another famous example would be how slow and "heavy" the characters in Killzone 2 and 3 felt on PS3 in comparison to other shooters out at the time.

there were brief moments of stream tearing, when grey appeared on the screen, and it was very noticeable. but it was less frequent than the games apparent own bugs. there were times when a line would appear across the screen for a very brief moment. this happened more than anything i noticed from the stream so it's possible that Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings could be patched by the time i do Part 2.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Cloud Monday - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion - Not Recommend To Stream From The Cloud

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

Part 1,, ended with the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service terminating my connection so in this part we got to see when the last save was. thankfully, it wasn't as bad as i feared. it looks like there is an auto save feature so i probably lost 5-10 minutes of the mission i was currently on rather than 20 minutes or more it would've cost me if the game relied on my manual save instead.

there's more than one reason reason why i've come out and said i do not recommend streaming this game from the cloud. the save system is one of those but there's other things. a bizarre one i don't think i've seen before was when the poor connection logo appeared but it covered up the game's controls right a moment when i needed to guard. i hadn't used guard up to this point, but i was facing off against a boss level character and had to try and dodge whilst i waited for the logo to disappear so i could finally read how to guard. 

another little thing that i noticed more in this part than the first part is how it affected the music in the game. i'm a big fan of the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII soundtrack so i found it very distracting when there were, admittedly rare, audio issues. The overarching issue that became more apparent in this part was how it interfered with how cinematic the game was trying to be.

The game is full of cutscenes and they look much better than the rest of the game. but when there's an issue with the stream, because these videos are of such a high quality it becomes quite noticeable and distracting and ultimately detracts from the cinematic presentation of this game. this also occurs when you're racing to get to an auto save or a manual save. as you can skip these videos, you're choosing to skip either some cool cinematics or important story stuff.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion does have some useful game design that makes it good to stream from the cloud, but they're only small aspects when compared to grand overall game itself. personally, i don't recommend this game as something you should stream from the cloud and instead you should download it and play it that way,

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Battle DEMO On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Battle DEMO.

There are 2 demoes for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II. last week i tried out the Story DEMO,, and today i tried out the Battle DEMO. Playing them was a different experience, not just in terms of the demo content but also in how broth approach the customer. as the story demo was from the start of the game, it includes a tutorial and is a much slower pace. this battle demo has no tutorial and puts us into one of two dungeons with basic missions to complete.

Thankfully, have played the demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak and knew about it's battle system. but using this many characters was new to me and things were happening i wasn't too sure about. it's frustrating in that both the dungeons in this demo were specially made for the demo and that this demo feels "hand made" whereas the story demo is just a cut and paste from the start of the game. if the effort was put in to make such a special demo, then why was no effort put in to providing a tutorial. they might as well have just lifted the tutorial from the start of the game as a video and played that, at least it would've been something.

Oh, i would highly recommend setting this demo to easy. i did the first dungeon at easy difficulty level and found it to be a good challenge for my knowledge of how it all worked. for the second dungeon, i tried out the normal difficulty level and ended up getting my first team wiped out. thankfully, in The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II there's a backup team so if the first team get knocked out, the second team take their place and continue the battle.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Cloud Monday - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion - Couldn't Save Before Being Disconnected

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

The title is the real headline here. unlike the PS2, PS1, and PSP games that have been released on PS4 and PS5 via emulation and can therefore save at any point by pressing the options button, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion is not one of these so i am reliant on the game's save system. in this video, you'll see that i'm stuck in the middle of a mission with no save point in sight. this game uses specific save points instead of manual saves via the pause menu or options menu. so when the 20 second warning came up, there was nothing i could do. i do have a save, but that was from before the mission i was doing.

In some respects, this version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is worse than the original because the PSP version could be put to sleep and continued at a later date or the game could be paused and the screen turned off. because those features were PSP hardware features and not software, there's nothing equivalent to them when you stream a game from the cloud.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion isn't a 1080p game, but the quality of the stream meant that the videos looked great regardless. from what i remember, the main game is basically an HD skin over the PSP version and in places it didn't look as high quality. playing the game, i noticed character movement was stiffer than expected and the faces often looked poor. But that's the game itself and not from the streaming from the cloud.

Another example of this was in combat. the character animation has priority, so i had to wait for one animation to finish before i could do another move. you can see in this video i was often pressing buttons to attack other enemies as i was expecting it to be more fluid. i didn't notice any delay due to this being streamed to me and a key example of this was the rumble, it always felt accurate to what was happening on screen and of course the original version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII didn't have rumble as the PSP didn't have the hardware for it.

So streaming the game from the cloud felt great, until the disconnection happened. thankfully the last save point was only before the mission so it's better than Sonic Frontiers which took nearly an hour before i could manual save or other RPGs like Scarlet Nexus which also had fixed points i could save at but it's save points were more than 30 minutes apart. we'll see in Part 2 next week if save points become more frequent as we go but in an age of cloud streaming and when other Final Fantasy games have made it easier to save, it's a little disappointing that Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion wasn't updated.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Story DEMO On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Story DEMO.

Unlike The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak which only got one demo before it's release, The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II has two and today i'll be trying out the Story DEMO and next week i'll try the Battle DEMO. I had forgotten that i tried out the The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak DEMO last year When i started this DEMO there was an option to watch a re-cap for the first game, The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak, and i decided to watch it. as i didn't play it, i was fascinated where the story ended up going and wouldn't mind playing it as it looks like it was a good story.

Once that video is finished, this DEMO starts by setting up the mystery, or one of the mysteries, that The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II will be dealing with. Then the story starts and as this is a Story DEMO, it's unsurprising that this is story heavy.

what i played took place mostly in the same area as the DEMO for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak, so it was nice and familiar. but we did get to visit a couple of different areas. most of the people were also familiar, and again this isn't a negative. the speed of this DEMO felt slow, but because the location and people were the same, the speed of the story telling actually felt appropriate. the conversations were casual, people were familiar with each other, and ultimately i didn't really notice how long this video was until near the end, which is why this ended up being more than an hour. i was enjoying the story being told.

I would recommend checking out this DEMO. the save carries over to the main game if you choose to buy it. The DEMO also has it's own checklist of things to do. i didn't reach the end of it, nor did i finish the checklist. it wouldn't surprise me if there's another hour or so of DEMO left to play!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Cloud Monday - SkyGunner - Part 2 - Gameplay Takes Practice, But It's Great To Play Via The Cloud

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing SkyGunner on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

In Part 1,, it was clear that this was going to be ok to stream from the cloud because we're able to save at any point by pressing the Options button on the PS4 controller. what we learned from Part 2 was that the only way to save via the game itself was to save and exit the game via the pause menu. so playing it as a PS2 game on PS4/PS5 is the best way to play it via the cloud.

In this part we also saw how it would play if there were some streaming issues. things like macroblocking weren't that much of an issue because of how big everything in the game is, we're not loosing the small pieces of detail as there aren't much anyway. but the stream tearing, when grey appears on the screen, was more of an issue because this game is 4:3. when the grey appears, more critical video of the action is missing. thankfully, as we're able to pause the game via the emulation software by pressing options, we can stop the game and either wait for things to improve or save and exit if we have to. it's not an ideal situation, but it's fair compromise as there are some games where we can't save at any point, where we'd have to sacrifice a cutsene to get to a point where we could save.

So for SkyGunner, the more difficult question is is the game worth being streamed from the cloud in the first place. i think it is. one reason is that it's a somewhat rare game that i hadn't heard of that came out somewhat early in the PS2 lifecycle. playing it via the cloud is easy and cheaper than trying to find your own copy of the game. i also enjoyed it's story. i was surprised that in Part 2 we got the story from a different perspective as i picked a different character in Part 2. it may take some time to get used to how it controls as it's not perfect, but i think there's enough here for some fun, even if you only play through the story from one character's perspective 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Cloud Monday - SkyGunner - Part 1 - A PS2 on PS4/PS5 Game Which Means You Can Save At Any Time

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing SkyGunner on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

SkyGunner originally came out on PS2 back in 2001 so this is the PS4/PS5 emulated version of it that is available to download or stream. These emulated classics are great for streaming from the cloud because of the ability to save at any point by pressing the "Option" button on the controller. 

The big question is whether or not the games are worth playing. SkyGunner is a game that looks familiar but not one i really remember. that could be due to the animation studio behind the cutscenes doing the Final Fantasy: Unlimited anime. it's safe to say it's somewhat obscure so having it come out as a PS2 on PS4/PS5 game is good. but after my first hour with it, i didn't enjoy the gameplay that much. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Cloud Monday - Sonic Frontiers - Part 2 - It's Fine To Play In The Cloud But ...

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing Sonic Frontiers on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

Part 2 was a little rougher than Part 1 in terms of the streaming quality. When we checked the internet speed test at the end of the video it was better than Part 1. It was mostly Stream Tearing, when instead of a video we get grey instead. there were also instances of audio breaking up. it's not something i've noticed too much in past Cloud Monday videos so i'm not too sure if it was a result of the streaming or something the game was doing, like loading for example.

None of these were a big issue when it came to playing the game. with the wide open spaces sparsely populated by enemies, we're not likely to come across something if there's an issue. standing still and waiting for it to pass also won't be an issue as nothing hunts us down unless we get close to them. so the games deficiencies make it suitable for streaming, but it'll be up to you whether or not that's actually a good thing or just making the best of a bad situation.

QTE Gamers official rating is that Sonic Frontiers is FINE to stream from the Cloud but beware that you won't be able to do a manual save for nearly the first hour. the platforming is difficult regardless of the quality of the stream, and i kept stumbling upon springs and such. the lock on camera is rough and often requires manually readjusting. i have other issues with the game, but as it is some of it's negatives can work with being streamed from the cloud whilst others are already bad and would get worse.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Cloud Monday - Sonic Frontiers - Part 1 - Too Long Before Manual Save Unlocked, Empty World a Plus!

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing Sonic Frontiers on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

It's nice to bring back Cloud Monday. the main difference with the return is that in Part 2, i'll make my opinion clear and "badge" the game if i recommend playing it via the cloud, if i don't, or "user beware". feel free to check out the rest of the playlist, i think i've made the video titles mostly clear as to what my thoughts were.

For Sonic Frontiers, my main concern was how clear the world would be if Sonic was moving fast. unfortunately, it never really was an issue in this first part of trying out Sonic Frontiers. the open world segments don't really open up enough to go full speed and the more traditional stages i've done so far are short. in terms of gameplay, it's probably a negative but with how empty the open world has been it's actually a good thing for a game being played in the cloud. if the bitrate of the video stream decreases, or the resolution drops, or if there's lag in the controls, having an open world full of enemies would be really tricky. but here i'm not concerned about it.

In this Part, the stream held up well. i noticed no lag in the controls nor did i notice any drops in the video stream. i am concerned with the controls as even with how good things were i was having some issues controlling Sonic. there was a situation where i was trying to make a jump but my character's shadow wasn't below me indicating where i would be landing. there were also a couple of instances where the camera wasn't helping and pointing in the direction i needed to go. i was trying to make some jumps or trying to reach jump pads and i was unable to lock on or work out where to go. if i'm having this much trouble when things are going well, i imagine this would be a big negative playing Sonic Frontiers in worse conditions.

This biggest issue i had was with the game's save system. there is an auto save, but it never seemed as frequent as i would like. there is a manual save system but the game never told me about it and when i found it was seemingly unable to manual save for nearly the whole of this video. with the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming service, there's a 20 second warning before disconnection and after this first part i would not feel good trusting Sonic Frontiers' save system. the game does make it clear when it won't allow manual saves, but that didn't seem to match a lot of my first hour with the game. i couldn't work out why it didn't work.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 14 – The Final Part

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Here it is, the final Part of my playthrough of Poison Control. in this video we have the final battle against a familiar foe and not who we thought it would be after the end of Part 13. the ending is nice and feels like it went how it should. there is an after credit scene that adds another happy ending to this game.

I had a great time playing Poison Control. it's not the oldest game in my backlog, but it's one of those games that came and went without much fanfare. for me, it was a good time and i had fun. it has some lows with it's bugs, but overall it's a game i'd recommend playing if it's in your backlog.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Online Saturday - The Finals - My First Try - Online Multiplayer - PS4 Live Stream

The Finals is a game i've heard people talk about, but as i don't have a PC good enough to play it (not just in terms of specs, but also the fact that my Laptop likes to restart/crash) and i currently don't have a PS5 it's not a game that was on my radar. i was surprised to see that it got a PS4 release a year after it came out and i was keen to give it a go, but also keen to see if the PS4 version felt noticeably lesser.

I decided to Live Stream my first playing of the game, but i did start it before to do any sign ups and log ins that might be necessary. So this Live Stream is my thoughts of the game as it happens. it starts off well with a decent tutorial on the main game mode. it ran well, looked great, and the loading times weren't bad. so it makes a great first impression. But it's second impression is rough.

We went from a simple, tiny tutorial map that showed how the game mode worked, to an actual game on a, in comparison, ginormous map with other teams and players. the tutorial hadn't told me what all my buttons do and it wasn't with team mates. the enemies in the tutorial were also extremely easy. This was too much and safe to say not only did my team lose, i personally felt terrible because of my own performance. Playing that game did unlock a character type, but again there was no tutorial. the third match was just as intimidating as the second. it was on a different map, too. and once again we lost and i was having a bad time with The Finals.

The fourth game was on another map but this time it felt like i had been matched with players closer to my level/skill level or that having someone higher levelled on our team really did make a difference. i hadn't worked out tactics, something again the game hadn't talk about during the tutorials, so all i knew was i had to get a vault to a cash out point. that was my main focus and it started well. this was the first game i had played where i felt like had contributed something.

But after this i was finally able to try something else, i wasn't being forced/coerced into doing what the game wanted. whilst this was great as i had the chance to play Snowball Blitz, it again also felt like i was being dumped into the "deep end," so to speak. thankfully Snowball Blitz was fun and a very welcomed break from banging my head against the game's main mode.

I did play more Cash Grab modes and more Snowball Blitz games, but it felt like i was getting better in spite of the game rather than because of the game's tutorial and helpfulness. but it shouldn't take an hour or more to get the basics of a game and start to feel useful. especially when The Final's came out in 2023. there was more than enough time to create a tutorial that builds up the game, one that introduces the game mode, the character types, and the home screen. i did not appreciate going from tutorial to game. i was not ready and i only kept on playing because i was live streaming it and making a video. if this was my own free time, i would've bounced. i wonder how many people had that same experience as me and just said no and stopped playing.

The thing is, The Finals isn't bad. there is something to it's gameplay look. there's just enough destruction to the environment to make things a little unpredictable and useful. one i enjoyed was using a rocket launcher to break a roof so the player from the opposing team running on it fell to the the floor and had to take a different route to an objective. momentum isn't quite as good as Titanfall or Mirror's Edge, but it's ok. i would've liked a little more aim assist/lock on with the guns but it often looked like i wasn't the only one having trouble. i also liked how, at the end of a game, i was able to see the game stats of my team mates and it was easy to not only compare my stats but also get a look at their customisations. 

The PS4 version of The Finals is a great version of the game. in 2 hours of playing, the only issues i noticed were stuttering/buffering videos and one noticeable freeze. other than that, it worked great. But is The Finals a great game, that i don't think so. i would go so far as to say it's good, but that tutorial start to it is soo very rough it leaves a lasting negative impression that'll take time to get over.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 13 – The Fifth Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Part 13 feels like the beginning of the end. the animosity i felt from the White Poisonette at the end of 12 carried over and developed into a full on fight. but then it took a turn that i didn't see coming, a character appeared we all thought was long dead. the story of White and their Partner tugged hard on the heart strings, but with this new character there wasn't time to mourn as we had to try and survive. this is a much longer video than normal as the story kept on coming.