Sunday, June 23, 2024

Switch Funday - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - My First Time

Welcome to Switch Funday!

Back in April i tried out The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages,, and i had hoped to try out The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons soon afterwards but i never got round to it until now.

So even tho it's my first time playing this game, i have a basic understanding of how it might work because of Oracle of Ages. but what i really didn't know was the story and i quite liked this story. it's simple, but i think it was effective but most importantly it was clear what we needed to do.

The graphics are great, the music is great, which meant i was the only downside as it took far to long for me to realise what i needed to do with the bombs. Perhaps the game could've given a hint, but this is from a time when game manuals would also be the tutorials and give hints. in the end i did work it out so it's not all bad.

Both games are good and with the emulation software, being able to rewind and save anywhere is fantastic. it's a shame i can't play either from the Switch Online App as i think the games and emulation software would be great as a phone game.