Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sony Detail Playstation Plus And Reveal Retail PS3 Games Are Also Coming To The PSN From 29th June
Sony has clarified and simplified details of Playstation Plus. It goes live on 29th June and on the 29th June the benefits of Playstation Plus will be 4 free games to download, Discounts, Exclusive PSN items, Full Game Trials, and Automatic Downloads. as the service evolves, more things will be added. You can Purchase Playstation Plus membership from the PSN, either 90 days or a whole year. those who sign up for Playstation Plus between 29th June and 3rd August get the PS3 version of Little Big Planet for free, and it will still be yours after your subscription ends.
Each month, there will be 4 games you can download for no extra charge. these will be 1x PSN game, 2x minis and 1x PS One classics. you can play these games as long as your a Playstation Plus Subscriber, when your subscription ends so does your ability to play the games. but, if you don't delete the games, when you renew your subscription, these games will be playable once more. There will also be 2x Dynamic Themes, 2x Premium Avatars, and game add ons for you to download, but unlike the games, these are yours to keep forever. There will also be exclusive discounts on the PSN, ranging from 20%-50%, and anything bought from these offers are yours to keep for ever.
Sony have revealed that full retail Playstation 3 games are going to be available for purchase on the PSN from 29th June. anyone can buy them, but only players with a Playstation Plus subscription will be able to download for free and play them for around 1 hour. once this time is up, you then have a choice whether to buy the game or not. all information from your demo time will be carried onto the full game, which itself will carry on from the demo.
The Automatic download feature has also been explained in more depth. you set a time for the Playstation 3 to turn on. it then checks your recently played games for any updates. whilst its on, it will also download any new game demos and Firmware updates, but you'll need to manually install the Firmware once its downloaded.
Sony have clarified that Cross-Game chat is not currently included in Playstation Plus. You will also need to be the master account holder and over 18 to subscribe to Playstation Plus. PSP content you buy whilst being a Playstation Plus subscriber can be downloaded via the PSP PSN store.
From EU Playstation Blog
Playstation Plus,
EA Have Released A New Trailer For RISK: Factions
EA have released a new trailer for RISK: Factions. this is not an animated short like previous trailers, this trailer shows many of the games features, cartoon art style, factions, and gameplay modes.
EA Announce Kevin Durant Is The Cover Athlete For NBA Elite 11
EA have announced that Kevin Durant is the cover athlete for NBA Elite 11. Kevin is a Oklahoma City Thunder Forward, a 2010 NBA All Star Player, and the youngest player in NBA history to lead the league in scoring.
NBA Elite 11,
Press Release
This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update
Sony's EU Playstation Blog have detailed the comics coming out today on the Digital Comic Store. It has already been announced that DC Comics have joined the Digital Comic store line-up and the following comics from DC are free:
Fringe #0
Resistance #0
Mirror’s Edge #0
Bayou #1
Superman #700
All The Comics Out This Week:
2000AD Prog #1685 2000AD 18+
Astonishing Tales (2009) #2 Marvel 12+
Batman: Hush #1-#6 DC Comics 12+
Bayou #1 DC Comics 15+
Cancertown: An Inconvenient Tooth: Chapter 5 of 6 Insomnia 18+
Cinderella Disney 3+
Criminal (2008) #4 & #5 Icon 18+
Dante’s Inferno #1-#3 DC Comics 18+
Devi #5 Liquid Comics 12+
Don Quixote: Parts 1 & 2 Disney 3+
Eleventh Hour #2 Markosia 17+
Fables #1-#5 DC Comics 18+
Free Realms #1 & #2 DC Comics 9+
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2005) #24: One More Day Marvel 3+
Fringe #0-#3 DC Comics 15+
God Of War #1 DC Comics 18+
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-#6 DC Comics 12+
Green Lantern: Secret Origin #1 DC Comics 12+
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War: Prologue Parts 1 & 2 DC Comics 12+
Jonah Hex #1-#6 DC Comics 12+
Justice League: Generation Lost #1-#4 DC Comics 17+
Mirror’s Edge #0-#3 DC Comics 15+
Planetary #1-#3 DC Comics 15+
Powers (2000) #13-#14 Icon 18+
Project Eon #1 Markosia 12+
Ramayan 3392 AD #5 Liquid Comics 12+
Ratatouille Disney 3+
Resistance #0-#2 DC Comics 18+
Snakewoman #5 Liquid Comics 18+
Superman #700 DC Comics 12+
Superman/Batman #1-#25 DC Comics 12+
The Lexian Chronicles #7 Markosia 12+
The Sadhu #5 Liquid Comics 17+
The Unwritten #1 DC Comics 18+
Victorian Undead #1 DC Comics 15+
Wallace & Gromit Comic #10 Titan Comics 3+
From EU Playstation Blog
Digital Comics,
New Zero Punctuation - Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
This weeks Zero punctuation is on Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. the original Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time is Yahtzee's favourite game but could this return to the series be just as good or does it not quite make it?
Zero Punctuation
Sony Announce DC Comics Are Now Available On The Digital Comic Store
Sony have announced that DC Comics are now available to buy on the Digital Comic Store. an initial line-up of 80 comics have been released today, including Batman: Hush, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Fables: Legends in Exile and Planetary: All Over the World and Other Stories. In Addition, there are new Free comics from DC to download, including: Bayou, Fringe, Mirror’s Edge, Resistance Fall Of Man, and a 10 page story of Superman 700.
Don't forget the Digital Comic reader on the PSP has been updated recently to 2.01, so download it also.
From USA Playstation Blog
Digital Comics,
Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast For Tuesday 22nd June
This is all the news from Tuesday 22nd June.
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And on Re-Cap
You can subscribe to the Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast on iTunes and if you do or are already a subscriber, it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
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And on Re-Cap
Audio Re-Cap
Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
- QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
- QTE Blog: Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast For Monday 21st June
- Wii: System update 4.3 is out now, Wii checks for illegal channels/firmware and removes them, Existing channels updated
- iPhone: there are reports that some USA stores, like Wallmart, have received the iPhone 4 and maybe selling it now
- 360: Kinect was shown on Jimmy Fallon last night but was more laggy and "Twitchy" than last years showing
- 360: Microsoft's own store has listed Kinect as $149.99
- 3DS: Reggie Fils-Aime confirms 3DS will be out in all major markets by March 2011. 3DS design still being tweaked
- 360: The new 360 Slim is coming out in Japan on 24th June for ¥29,800. current elite models dropping to ¥24,800
- PS3: Sony's Shuhei Yoshida says Gran Turismo 5 does have a track editor, tracks can be shared, go-Kart racing + more
- PS3: BBC iPlayer is getting updated later in year when PS3 gets firmware update. PSN+iPlayer sign in may be integrated
- FIFA 11 supports custom audio settings, users can upload their own sound clips, like chants and vuvuzelas
- David Jaffe says Eat, Sleep Play can develop games for other systems, they're not exclusively a Sony developer
- QTE Blog: The Digital Comics Reader On The PSP Has Been Updated
- Wii: its reported there is no support for left handed gamers in Zelda and the Skyward Sword.
- Activision's Bobby Kotick says only 30% of their profits from console games, not too concerned in game sales slow down
- QTE Blog: EA Have Released New Medal of Honor Screenshots
- UK Government scraps the Games Industry tax break. the ELSPA and TIGA are disappointed
- Digi-Guys announce WarDevil is still coming, it runs at 1080p at 60fps. the games direction has changed a bit
- QTE Blog: THQ Have Released A New UFC Undisputed 2010 Trailer
- DC Universe Online will cost $60 on PS3 and $50 on PC. both versions have a $15 monthly subscription fee
- Satoru Iwata say Nintendo's not happy with their efforts with online and are working on it but Not every product needs it
- QTE Blog: EA Have Released A New Trailer For Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- 3DS: there will be digital distribution on the 3DS, it'll go beyond whats on DSi. focus on device being sent content
- iPad: Apple have announced that they have sold over 3 Million iPads in just 80 days
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Reveal The Xbox Live Gold Family Pack And Future Family Settings
- John Carpenter Reveals that he gave Hideo Kojima his blessing for the use of Snake Plissken as Solid Snakes inspiration
- LucasArts reveal that 85-90% of the staff that made Star Wars: The Force Unleashed have returned for Force Unleashed 2
- QTE Blog: Sony Announce Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip Is Coming Out On The 29th June Via UMD And PSN
- iPhone: You won't be able to buy a iPhone 4 from an AT&T store without a pre-order until 29th June
- PC: Microsoft tease big PC news is coming, a rumoured Fable III announcement expected plus more.
- QTE Blog: Capcom Have Released The Debut Trailer For Resident Evil: Revelations On The Nintendo 3DS
- 3DS: Satoru Iwata says the 3DS could do Video Voice Chat and that the release date and price could be announced soon
- 3DS: A Source in the UK says the 3DS will come out in early December, marketing to start in October, stock to be small
- iPhone: Gizmodo has a round up of iPhone 4 reviews that are live. Phone reviews extremely well, its weakest part is AT&T
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