Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Playerthree Announce Chronovolt, An Upcoming Marble Puzzle Platformer For The PS Vita
Playerthree have revealed their first Playstation Vita title. coming in Q2 2012, Chronovolt is a Marble puzzle platformer where players have to guide their Chrono Sphere through arenas. there are 30 of these arenas and in each are Chronovolts, powers that let players control time. the front and back touch panels are used to control these powerups. you can control the Chrono Sphere either by using the sixaxis controls or with twin stick controls.
Press Release
EA Announce Playfish Is Bringing The Sims Social To China's Tencent Open Platform As Mo Ni Shi Guang
EA have announced Playfish, an EA studio, is bringing The Sims Social to China. the game will be called Mo Ni Shi Guang and will be coming to the Tencent Open Platform. the game is currently in closed beta, but a public beta for Mo Ni Shi Guang is expected soon. Mo Ni Shi Guang will be available via the Tencent QZone.
Press Release
The Sims Social
Artist Olly Moss Has Done A Shadow Of The Colossus Themed Valentines Story
Olly Moss, an artist who did the Resistance 3 boxart, has released a picture of a Valentines Story. This Shadow Of The Colossus themed story is as big as i can make it on this site, if you head to the link you can see it bigger.
Source: Official Playstation Magazine
Source: Official Playstation Magazine
Resistance 3,
Shadow Of The Colossus
It's Estimated The Nintendo eShop On The 3DS In 2011 Generated Sales Of $11.1M, Excitebike Top Selling
The Research & Analysis division of analyst firm Forecasting & Analyzing Digital Entertainment, LLC (FADE), estimates the Nintendo 3DS generated approximately $11.1M from 3DS and Virtual Console sales on the eShop in 2011. The top 3rd party developer was Gameloft with Lets Golf 3D. Lets Golf 3D was the only title in the top 10 that wasn't developed by Nintendo. Nintendo dominated the Top 10 and its estimated they generated 81% of the gross revenues from the downloadable titles.
Estimated Top Selling Titles, by units sold:
1. Excitebike - 481,100 Units
2. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - 338,700 Units
3. Super Mario Land - 230,500 Unit
4. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! - 112,700 Unit
5. Pushmo - 93,300 Units
6. Kirby's Dream Land - 84,500 Units
7. Donkey Kong - 82,800 Units
8. Hyu Stone - 50,300 Units
9. Xevious - 47,900 Units
10. Let's Golf 3D - 43,200 Units
Estimated Top Selling Titles, by Gross Revenues:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - 338,700 Units / $2.3 Million USD
2. Excitebike - 481,100 Units / $1.3 Million USD
3. Super Mario Land - 230,500 Units / $1.1 Million USD
4. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! - 112,700 Units / $969,000 USD
5. Pushmo - 93,300 Units / $634,000 USD
6. Kirby's Dream Land - 84,500 Units / $384,000 USD
7. Let's Golf 3D - 43,200 Units / $356,000 USD
8. Donkey Kong - 82,800 Units / $348,000 USD
9. Xevious - 47,900 Units / $301,000 USD
10. Hyu Stone - 50,300 Units / $293,000 USD
Press Release
Sony Reveal "Never Stop Playing", The USA PS Vita Advert Tag Line
Sony have revealed the USA tag line for the PS Vita launch, "Never Stop Playing". this tag line will be used on PS Vita adverts across the USA, from billboards to TV. an example of a TV advert can be seen below.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Drinkbox Announce Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Will Make The PS Vita Launch On The PSN And A New Low Price For Tales From Space: About A Blob On The PS3
Drinkbox announce Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack has passed final testing and will make the launch of the PS Vita. the game will be available from the USA PSN store for $7.99 on 21st February and from the 22nd February across the EU PSN Store. Drinkbox have also announced they will be reducing the price of Tales From Space: About A Blob, on the PS3, to $7.99. there will also be a $9.99 bundle where you get the game and DLC.
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack - Official Launch Trailer from Ryan MacLean on Vimeo.
Press Release
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack - Official Launch Trailer from Ryan MacLean on Vimeo.
Press Release
Nintendo Announces Pandora's Tower Comes Out Across Europe On Wii From 13th April
Nintendo have announced Pandora's Tower is set to come out across Europe on the Wii from 13th April. The press release best describes the games' story:
"In Pandora’s
Tower you take on the role of Aeron, a soldier, as he battles to
save his beloved friend Elena from a mysterious curse that is
gradually transforming her into a demonic creature. Only by battling
through the towers of a nearby fortress can Aeron save her from her
gruesome fate. Using his sword and the magical Oraclos Chain, Aeron
must defeat the creatures that lurk there and harvest their meat to
feed to Elena. Only by eating all of the “master flesh”,
harvested from the largest monsters within each tower, will Elena be
fully cured of the curse and free from its monstrous grip."
"By returning to Elena to feed her meat from the smaller monsters, you can slow down the transformation - but only temporarily. You will need to carefully judge when it is best to return to her, as not coming back in time could lead to Elena’s permanent transformation into a demonic beast."
"By returning to Elena to feed her meat from the smaller monsters, you can slow down the transformation - but only temporarily. You will need to carefully judge when it is best to return to her, as not coming back in time could lead to Elena’s permanent transformation into a demonic beast."
The game has multiple endings and even a New Game+ Mode, but this dosen't mean the game will get easier. as you get to know more about her, if may actually make your quest even more difficult.
Pandora's Tower,
Sony Announce Resistane: Burning Skies Comes Out On 29th May And Reveal The Boxart
Sony have announced Resistance: Burning Skies is set to come out on 29th May. this date was announced on the USA Playstation Blog, so it's not clear if the EU/UK release will be within a few days of the 29th May. Sony have also revealed the boxart for Resistance: Burning Skies, but the boxart dosen't reveal how many MB's the game will need on the memory card.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Resistance Burning Skies,
Sony Have Revealed The First Advert For The Playstation Vita
Sony have revealed the first advert for the Playstation Vita. little gameplay is shown, instead the actors talk about possibilities, communities, and experiences. the advert is not too dissimilar to recent Playstation 3 adverts.
Source: EU Playstation Blog
Source: EU Playstation Blog
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