Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have released a new trailer for the Nintendo 3DS version of Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters. Coming 7th June with the Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and DS versions. the trailer shows in-game footage as well as the Comic Book style in-game cutscenes.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Atlus Announce Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin Is Coming To N.America This Fall
Atlus have announced they are bringing Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin to the USA This Fall on the PSP. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin is a remastered version of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2, a game that had previously never been released outside of Japan. This remaster includes 16:9 aspect ratio, higher resolution graphics, superior audio, and makes use of the PSP's increased horsepower. The remaster also features the original soundtrack as well as a Remix, New Sidequests, a new interface, and more.
Watch Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Opening Cinematic in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin takes place in the Japanese city of Sumaru. the protagonists attend a school called Seven Sisters High School, whose emblem is considered a status symbol. however, rumours start that the emblem is cursed and disfiguring students faces. the protagonists discover the ability to summon the other side of them, their persona, to help discover what's happening whilst they try to deal with their personal demons.
Sony Announce PSP Firmware Update 6.39, I've checked And Its Out Now
Sony have announced PSP Firmware Update 6.39. this firmware update brings system software stability and also the update will help guide PSP users through the process of updating their PSN Password. The update is out now but as i'm in the UK, our PSN is currently down so i'm unable to check how the Password change process works. I personally feel that the Download was faster than normal.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Warner Bros. Have Released A New F.E.A.R.3 Multiplayer Trailer Showing Soul King Mode
Warner Bros. have released a new trailer for F.E.A.R.3. this trailer focuses on the games Soul King Multiplayer mode and uses in-game action to explain what the mode is and what happens.
Watch F.E.A.R.3 - Soul King Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch F.E.A.R.3 - Soul King Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Warner Brothers
Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots For Ridge Racer Unbounded
Namco Bandai have released new screenshots for Ridge Racer Unbounded. these screenshots show the cars racing in a city environment, drifting, and there's a screenshot that shows a car taking out an opponent.
Namco Bandai,
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Konami Have Released Pt 1 Of A PES 2012 Developer Interview With Shingo Takatsuka (AKA Seabass)
Konami have released a new video for PES 2012. this video is an interview with the games producer Shingo Takatsuka (AKA Seabass). this is Pt 1 and this video mostly talks about what didn't work with PES 2011, or how the game was played different to expectations. he talks about the changes he's made to fix the issues found in 2011 and the additions he's adding to make the game feel more natural to play. the video is over 7 minutes long but it's very indepth and has alot of information, gameplay, and a behind the tech look at the game.
Watch PES 2012 - Interview With "Seabass" Pt1 in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch PES 2012 - Interview With "Seabass" Pt1 in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Sony Announce The UK PSN Will Be Down For Maintenance From 4pm Today Till 00.00 Tomorrow [Update]
Sony have announced the UK PSN will be coming offline for scheduled maintenance. from now, 4PM, until 00.00 Wednesday, in 12 hours time, PlayStation Store on PS3 and PSP, PlayStation Network Account Management, and PlayStation Network Account Registration will not be accessible.
I suspect that this period of Maintenance is getting the PSN ready for the launch of the PSN Store. [Update] Sony have said that the store will not be going live tomorrow. they're aiming for end of March.
Source: UK Playstation.com
Activision Have Released The Debut Trailer For Modern Warfare 3
Activision have released the debut trailer for Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 3 comes out on 8th November and this trailer shows in-game action and scenarios from it. the game takes place across the USA, UK, France, And Germany and the trailer shows air combat, under water combat, and on water combat.
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Modern Warfare 3
Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Monday 23rd May
This is all the news From Monday 23rd May.
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The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Monday 23rd May
- QTE Blog: Old Posts Lost When Blogger Was Down Are Set To Re-Appear Throughout This Week http://ht.ly/1cOQUz
- JP Consoles, PSP 34.665, 3DS 18.324, PS3 13.789, Wii 6.336, DSiLL 5.358, DSi 5.292, 360 2.763, PS2 1.319 DS 208 PSPgo 171 http://ht.ly/50LCr
- UK Game Charts top 7, L.A. Noire, Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean, Brink, Zumba Fitness, The Witcher 2, Crysis 2, Portal 2 http://ht.ly/50M66
- Sony predicts a ¥260B ($3.14B) loss for their fiscal year, estimate PSN hack cost them ¥14B ($172M) http://ht.ly/50NxD
- QTE Blog: Temco Koei Announce Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 Is Coming To Europe On PS3 And 360 On 1st July http://ht.ly/1cP1th
- 360: Its strongly rumoured Microsoft will announce Full stereoscopic 3D is coming to existing HDMI Xbox 360's at E3 http://ht.ly/50NCg
- Listings appear for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition. comes with coupon for Elder Scrolls 5 + more http://ht.ly/50NFa
- Square Enix recently held a demonstration for Final Fantasy Type-0. someone recorded it and its on Youtube http://ht.ly/50STJ
- PS3: leaflet in Battle: Los Angeles announces Resistance 1 + 2 will be bundled as a Greatest hits Game for $39.99 http://ht.ly/50TPz
- 3DS: Capcom announce Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version has been delayed, will not make eShop Opening http://ht.ly/50Wt7
- 360: The Australian Ratings Board lists Kinect Me, Crimson Alliance, Fusion: Genesis. E3 reveal speculated http://ht.ly/50X66
- Rumoured picture of Penguin from Batman Arkham City Released. he's horrible, poor taste in clothes, delusion of grandeur http://ht.ly/50Xfo
- 3DS: Cave Story 3D will have 2D Sprite mode where original sprites can be used in 3D Environments. http://ht.ly/50Y0x
- Neverrealm have updated Mortal Kombat using their patch-less method. a game patch is coming later when DLC comes out http://ht.ly/50Y8q
- QTE Blog: Sony Japan Announce The "PSP Remaster" Title Series Of Games, Sony Europe Confirm Its Coming To The EU http://ht.ly/1cPd6H
- QTE Blog: Insomniac Announce Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Comes Out 18th October In USA, 19th October Across The EU http://ht.ly/1cPd6G
- Square Enix say the Carmageddon reboot is from an independent studio and not them. reveal coming 1st June http://ht.ly/50YbO
- Online Square Enix survey hints they could revive the Legacy of Kain series. http://ht.ly/50Ygv
- Dengeki DS magazine reveals new Pokemon game. Pokémon Battrio V is an exclusive arcade game, uses collectable tokens http://ht.ly/511AQ
- Capcom's Christian Svensson says its unlikely a sequel to Tatsunoko vs. Capcom will come to the Wii, coy on sequel coming http://ht.ly/512M1
- Wii: High Voltage apologise, suggested staff write negative reviews on an authors Amazon page after poor Conduit 2 review http://ht.ly/512QI
- Its rumoured Modern Warfare 3 will also be coming to the DS and Wii, after cached images were found from its website http://ht.ly/514lf
- QTE Blog: Nintendo Announce They Are Streaming Their E3 Press Conference Live http://ht.ly/1cPjY2
- QTE Blog: Sega Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Sega Rally Online Arcade http://ht.ly/1cPjY1
- PC: Naoki Yoshida has detailed the extensive changes coming to Final Fantasy XIV. character rebalancing, UI tweeks + more http://ht.ly/514qS
- Japanese Director Takashi Miike has hinted that his next movie is an adaptation of Ace Attorney http://ht.ly/514sQ
- QTE Blog: Zoo Entertainment Announce Storm For XBLA, PC, And PS3 PSN http://ht.ly/1cPmUq
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