Friday, April 16, 2010
This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
Virtual Console
Rage of the Gladiator
Nintendo Announce The Nintendo DS Family Set A New Record For March

Nintendo have revealed that the Nintendo DS Family sold over 700,000 Units in the USA in March 2010. Nintendo have also revealed that this has set a new record for the amount of portable consoles sold in the month of March. Nintendo Wii sales were just under 560,000, meaning 59% of all hardware sold in the USA in March was Nintendo.
Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway said in response to this "We're glad so many people are able to get their hands on our systems as we prepare for the May launches of Super Mario Galaxy™ 2 for Wii and Picross 3D™ for our Nintendo DS systems." Nintendo have also announced that Nintendo Wii stock is improving.
Out of the top 10 selling games for March in the USA, 4 of them were on Nintendo Systems, Pokémon SoulSilver Version sold 1.01M, Pokémon HeartGold Version sold 761,000, New Super Mario Bros. Wii sold 457,000, And Wii Fit Plus with Wii Balance Board Sold 339,000.
Press Release
According to the independent NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States, the Nintendo DS™ family of hand-held systems – including the new Nintendo DSi XL™ – set an all-time record for portable system sales in the month of March, selling more than 700,000 units nationwide. Sales of Nintendo's Wii™ console reached nearly 560,000 in March as post-holiday inventory began to improve. Nintendo systems accounted for 59 percent of all video game hardware sold in March.
"Demand for Nintendo fun continues unabated," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "We're glad so many people are able to get their hands on our systems as we prepare for the May launches of Super Mario Galaxy™ 2 for Wii and Picross 3D™ for our Nintendo DS systems."
Four of the top 10 best-selling games in March play only on Nintendo systems. These includePokémon™ SoulSilver Version at No. 1 with more than 1.01 million units sold, Pokémon HeartGold Version at No. 5 with more than 761,000 units sold, New Super Mario Bros.™ Wii at No. 7 with more than 457,000 units sold, and Wii Fit Plus™ with Wii Balance Board™ accessory at No. 10 with more than 339,000 units sold.
Sony Have Released A New Playstation Move Developer Diary For Motion Fighter
the developer diary uses footage of someone using the Playstation Move, and in-game footage from The Fight: Lights Out of characters responding to the motion controls. The Diary is hosted by The Fight: Lights Out producer, John Mclaughlin, and he describes all Playstation Move's Advantages and how they are reflected in The Fight: Lights Out, whilst describing issues with other motion control devices and fighting games.
From USA Playstation Blog
Sony Announce Championship Manager 2010 Is Coming To Playstation Minis
Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
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Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
iPad: O2, Orange and Vodafone offering the iPad in the UK, Orange also Spain, France, And Switzerland + more
360: Natal has been shown off in Tel Aviv. Lag has been reduced, video shown of what Natal Sees, Avatar intergration
Nintendo is being sued by InterAction Laboratories for alleged patent infringement.
Its rumoured 2K is planning a MMO based on BioShock.
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update
QTE Blog: EA Have Released New Screenshots For Green Day Rock Band
PS3: Japan PSN is getting Battle Ace next week, the first SuperGrafix title to be released on the PSN
PS3: Namco Bandai will make an announcement tomorrow, expected to be them saying they're releasing Demon's Souls in EU
QTE Blog: UK PSN Update 15/04/10
QTE Blog: New Screenshots For Pokémon Black And Pokémon White Have Been Released
UK BluRay sales have grown 50% over last year, with 15.6M units sold so far. Hurt Locker BluRay Sales 24% of all sales
Super Street Fighter IV almost had Rolento as a playable character, he even had a stage, but Adon was picked over him
QTE Blog: Sony Online Entertainment Announce A Facebook Meetup For DC Universe Online Fans
A Copyright filling hints that the next game from Grasshopper Manufactures may be called closer.
Sony reveal UK 3D TV Plans. New TV comes with choice of 3D PS3 games, or 3D Movies. PS3 3D update in June
over 72K signatures have been collected by GAME in Australia in support of a R18+ rating
PSP: Sony has decided not to continue Playstation Room after its Japanese Beta finished.
2K Australia has been revealed as the studio behind XCOM
iPhone: Its reported that Cammy is coming to Street Fighter IV as free DLC
PC: Crytec have said that Crysis 2 will look the best on PC
Survey of 500K users reveals 42% of 360 owners had console repaired, 8% of PS3 owners and 1% of Wii had them fixed
Frank West and a Character from Monster Hunter are coming to Lost Planet 2, Monster Hunter character PS3 exclusive
Square Enix confirm that Lara Croft brand is for digital releases, Tomb Raider is for retail releases.
Xbox: its reported that Xbox Live support for Xbox games is still enabled and hasn't been shut down
Wii: The ESRB has rated Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack. they are Sega light gun shooters
Wii: The OFLC has rated PokePark Wii Pikachu’s Great Adventure and Jack The Ripper
QTE Blog: This Weeks USA PSP Digital Comic Store Update