QTE Blog: Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15Q67q
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15Q67r
Square Enix Head believes a new Wii is coming in 2011 and the motion controllers for 360/PS3 will have little impact. http://ow.ly/qhN9
PSP: Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker appears to have two control schemes, action and shooter types. http://ow.ly/qhNJ
Rare say, about Goldeneye, "I suspect we're long past the stage where an agreement was on the cards" http://ow.ly/qhOI
PC: Battlefield Heroes is getting an update. the Gunnar class is getting revamped and ranking players change are coming. http://ow.ly/qhPJ
Activision have announced that Blur has been delayed until 2010. http://ow.ly/qhQ4
PSP: Mini's won't have DLC or Multiplayer but The games can be patched with new features later. http://ow.ly/qiDN
UK Games Charts, Need For Speed Shift, Guitar Hero 5, Colin McRae Dirt 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Wii Sports Resort. http://ow.ly/qiEn
its rumoured that the Final fantasy game in development by Grin has now been given to another studio. http://ow.ly/qiKz
a 5 minute look at Halo Legends has been published online. http://ow.ly/qiLK
PS3: The rumoured Grief Reporting system which,didn't appear in firmware 3.0, may be there as Uncharted 2 Beta mentions it http://ow.ly/qjs1
QTE Blog: Mad Catz Announce They Have A License To Publish Videogame Accessories Based On Sonic The Hedgehog http://ow.ly/15Q8cA
QTE Blog: THQ Announce Chaos Rising Is The New Warhammer 40,000TM: Dawn of War II Expansion http://ow.ly/15Q8JS
QTE Blog: EA Announces That The Dutch National Team Is In FIFA 10 http://ow.ly/15Q8JT
Infinity War have said that there is no Modern Warfare 3 currently being worked on. http://ow.ly/qkkn
360: Red Octane president says its likely that Guitar Hero will incorporate Natal in the future. http://ow.ly/qm2Z
PS3: PixleJunk Shooter is set to come out in Japan in December. http://ow.ly/qm6j
QTE Blog: Sega Has Released New Screenshots For Jambo! Safari On The Nintendo Wii http://ow.ly/15Qa0k
PS3: European MAG Beta codes appear to now being sent out. http://ow.ly/qnNr
QTE Blog: Sega Announces Empire Total War Update And Warpath Expansion http://ow.ly/15QbuD
Suda 51 says No More Heroes will be on the next Nintendo platform, but Travis Won't be. No More Heroes 2 is his last game http://ow.ly/qnOr
360: Microsoft has confirmed that a 802.11N Wireless adaptor is coming, but didn't say when its coming or its cost. http://ow.ly/qoAU
PSP: Capcom have filed a USA Trademark for the Last Ranker. it currently is only out in Japan. http://ow.ly/qoCn
QTE Blog: EA Has Released Screenshots, Artwork, And A Trailer Showing The Belle De Nuit "Club" In The Saboteur http://ow.ly/15QcxE
QTE Blog: This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases http://ow.ly/15QcUg