Nintendo have revealed this weeks USA WiiWare, DSiWare, and Virtual Console releases. there are 7 new games in total, 1 on Virtual Console, 2 on WiiWare, and 4 on DSiWare. Nintendo have also revealed that this release of Ironclad marks the first time that this NeoGeo game has been released in the USA. Finally, Nintendo announces that new WarioWare D.I.Y. Levels have also been released for free, including SuckGoo from the World Of Goo Team and Ikachan! from the Cave Story Team. Virtual ConsoleIRONCLADThis is a 1-2 player game that costs 1,000 Wii Points. this is the NeoGeo version of the game. this is a sidescrolling shoot-em-up that has plenty of different weapons and power ups to use against your enemies.