On the 4 Guys 1up podcast from 25/12/2009, in a discussion between the host, David Ellis, and guest, John Davison, Microsoft's Natal was brought up. The conversation starts at 1:17:05 into the podcast.
David Ellis spoke about a rumour he had heard regarding Natal and how Microsoft may neuter/remove the processor in Natal to reach a cheap price point.
“Microsoft is paring back natal to reach that price point that has been kinda announced out there. Trying to launch it sub 100, sub 70, sub 60 trying to hit 49.99 with it, and as part of that they are having to pair it down”
And that the Xbox 360 Main Processor will have to be used instead. however, he pointed out that this move is not welcomed by some of the Natal developers as it will impact the games they are working on.
"my understanding, this is rumour cause its not 100% sourced, but my understanding is the processor is either being neutered or completely taken out of it and those CPU cycles are going to have to come out of the processor of the 360 now.
Some of the people that were saying similar things to it were saying that it made them less interested in making things for natal as that would mean sacrificing CPU cycles from the the main processor in the system."
David Ellis goes even further to suggest that the games we'll see come out for Natal won't be the big budget Xbox 360 games like Halo or Burnout or even small titles like Katamari. it'll be the smaller games like the Breakout thing they showed.
“they showed some kinda shareware kinda throwaway games. Like the break out thing,. I think that's were they are going, that's the direction. Its not the burnout title, is not a new Halo, its not even Katamari”
When John Davidson asked about Halo Reach Using Natal, David Ellis says its not.
“Reach is supposed to use it?”
“no its not”
“Reach is not using it”
There is no official word from Microsoft and this is just rumour at this point.