Konami have released new screenshots from GamesCom for their upcoming Multiplatform game, Puzzle Chronicles. they show battles, similar to Puzzle Quest, and these are for the Xbox Live Arcade version.
Puzzle Chronicles
PS3:Its rumoured the new Cell processor in the PS3 Slim is faster than PS3 versions, its unclear if the player will notice http://ow.ly/kH42
DSi: Scribblenauts devs, 5TH Cell, are looking to make games for consoles. Scribblenauts their last DSi game. http://ow.ly/kH5p
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15LJRQ
PC: Guild Wars 2 Trailer has been released. http://ow.ly/kH5E
PS3: Many Final Fantasy XIV of screen videos from GamesCom. http://ow.ly/kH68
Grin were working on a Final Fantasy Game, codenamed Fortress, which looked Final Fantasy XII Related. http://ow.ly/kH6M
Final Fantasy XIII will get a simultaneous 360 and PS3 release in EU in Spring 2010 http://ow.ly/kH7k
360: Sqaure Enix are trying to get Final Fantasy XIII on just 3 discs. http://ow.ly/kH7F
PS3: Its rumoured that God Of War and God Of War 2 are coming to Bluray with a demo for God Of War 3 this winter. http://ow.ly/kH87
PS3: The trophy list for Fl0w has been released, but no release date for the trophy patch has been given. http://ow.ly/kH8l
PS3: A New Home client has been released. it requires firmware 2.80 to be installed. it is not 1.3 http://ow.ly/kHbe
There will not be a Borderlands demo before the game is released. http://ow.ly/kI2g
PC: a R.U.S.E Beta is coming later this year. its a limited beta. http://ow.ly/kI3O
Wii: GTI Club is coming out in Spring. theres 16 cars, and online. http://ow.ly/kI4l
Final Fantasy XIV is coming out on PC and PS3 at the same time when it launches. http://ow.ly/kI57
Final Fantasy XIII main story is around 50 hours, not including side quests. the english dubbing is finished. http://ow.ly/kI5T
DSi: Ragnarok is set for a Winter 2009 USA release. http://ow.ly/kI6t
Ubisoft are pleased with the announced PS3 Slim and price drop. http://ow.ly/kIzE
PSP: Little Big Planet will have a similar amount of DLC to the PS3 version. expect soemthing similar to MGS levels. http://ow.ly/kIAB
PS3: Amazon.com is warning that high demand for the PS3 Slim is leading to shortages. 1 per house now. http://ow.ly/kIBS
QTE Blog: Sony Online Entertainment Announce Free Realms Trading Cards With A Users Own Characters http://ow.ly/15LLkX
QTE Blog: Just Cause 2 Boxart And Trailer http://ow.ly/15LLkY
QTE Blog: New Championship Manager Screenshots http://ow.ly/15LLkZ
QTE Blog: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tagforce 4 Screenshots And Fact Sheet http://ow.ly/15LLGs
Monster Hunter 3 Could be coming to the PS3 and 360 if its worthwhile. they enjoy working with Wiimote+Nunchuk http://ow.ly/kJLt
QTE Blog: UK PSN Update 20/08/09 http://ow.ly/15LM4o
PS3: GameStop is taking PS3 Slim pre-orders now, with a shipping date of August 24th. http://ow.ly/kKqk
QTE Blog: New Sponge Bob Truth or Square Screenshots http://ow.ly/15LMdn
Wii: EA Sports More Workouts is set for a November 17th release. it features 35 new workouts. http://ow.ly/kKsy
Dark Void's delay was to give the game more polish and add a new feature, called Hover Up. http://ow.ly/kKsV
PSPgo: GameStop pre-orders have been rising. Expect Used UMD sales to increase and PSN cards. http://ow.ly/kKuF
More Voice Actors confirmed for Modern Warfare 2, Kevin McKidd,Craig Fairbrass,Barry Pepper,Keith David,Glenn Morshower http://ow.ly/kKvS
QTE Blog: New Trailer For South Park Lets Go Tower Defence Play! Game On Xbox Live Arcade http://ow.ly/15LMWQ
DSi: Amazon.co.uk has The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks gown for a December release. http://ow.ly/kLr2
Wii: When Monster Hunter 3 comes out in USA, Capcom may bring Wii Speak Functionality to the game. http://ow.ly/kLrH
PS3: The Boxart for Little Big Planet Game Of The Year Edition mentions Home. could it be a space or game launching? http://ow.ly/kLu8
PS3: Todays Home update appears to lock Home save data to a PSN Account. Personal Spaces now have their own save file. http://ow.ly/kLuW
QTE Blog: New Uncharted 2 Screenshots http://ow.ly/15LNH9
If there is a Final Fantasy XIII Demo, it will be downloadable, english, and new. thats if they do a demo. http://ow.ly/kMhM
PS3: its rumoured GTAIV: The Lost And Dammed was playable At GamesCom. EB have a Ballad Of Gay Tony Guide Listing. http://ow.ly/kMi9
QTE Blog: Screenshots of Home V.1.3 http://ow.ly/15LO4o
Wii: Ubisoft have released a trailer for YourShape. it focuses mainly on the camera which comes with the fitness game. http://ow.ly/kMix
Fat Princess Devs tease another image on their site...this time its chefs who have a rolling pin and frying pans. http://ow.ly/kMoJ
QTE Blog: New Pop'N Music Screenshots And Gameplay Trailer http://ow.ly/15LOll
QTE Blog: Age Of Conan: Rise Of The Godslayer Screenshots, Art And Trailer http://ow.ly/15LOQJ