Friday, March 26, 2010
Sega Have Released The Third Developer Diary For Yakuza 3
Funcom Have Released A New Trailer For The Secret World
Namco Bandai Have Released A New Trailer For Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom
Sega Have Released A Launch Trailer For Resonance Of Fate
Microsoft Confirms USB Memory Support For The Xbox 360 Is Coming In The 6th April Update
This update allows 2 USB Memory Sticks, from 1GB to 16GB, to be used. you can choose to setup a USB memory stick with the Xbox 360 by plugging 1 in and heading to the Memory section. from the storage devices list, you will be able to configure a USB Stick to be used with the 360. you will be able to choose how much of the stick can be used exclusively for the 360.
Flash Memory sticks are recommended over HDD based ones and people are advised to remove any files from the USB before setting it up for use on the 360 as the 360 will erase all files on it.
Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
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Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
Virtual Boy: a Site has claimed that they have the first footage of unreleased Mario Land and Starfox Virtual Boy games
PS3: Sony have denied that Little Big Planet 2 has been confirmed.
Sega has confirmed that they have shipped over 4 million games in the Yakuza series on the PS2 and PS3
Wii: Shigeru Miyamoto has said that Nintendo's software lineup in 2009 was poor due to a “fun” failure.
Robert Culp has died aged 79. he played Wallace Breen in the Half Life series.
QTE Blog: Sony Announce Fat Princess Patch1.05 Is Out Today And It Brings 2 New Maps
Wii: Netflix Streaming Discs for Wii have started being posted by Netflix.
360: Microsoft have confirmed that the 250 GB HDD will cost £64.99 when it is released in the UK
360: Microsoft thought to have 2 E3 Conferences, but they clarify that The second is a “Project Natal” experience
QTE Blog: Sega Announce The First Sonic & Sega All Star Racing DLC Will Be Avatar Items
QTE Blog: Funcom Have Released New Screenshots And Artwork For The Secret World
F1 2010 Senior Producer, Paul Jeal, is unsure about Natal, Thinks Wheels are better for racing games. likes idea of 3D
PS3: its strongly rumoured that Manhunt 3 is coming exclusively for the PS3 and will use the Playstation Move.
Wii: Shigeru Miyamoto says his first priority is to entertain people, online not a priority. Online comes in the future
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update
QTE Blog: EA Reveal The Boxart For The Sims 3 Ambitions
QTE Blog: Blizzard Announce This Years BlizzCon Convention Will Run From 22nd - 23rd October
QTE Blog: Sega Have Released New Screenshots For Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I
QTE Blog: 2K Games Announce Mafia II Is Coming Out 24th August In USA and Worldwide On 27th August
QTE Blog: TimeGate Announce Section 8 Is Coming Out Today In The USA For $29.99 On The PSN
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is going to be revealed at WonderCon on Saturday 3rd April.
QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots For Splatterhouse
QTE Blog: This Weeks USA PSP Digital Comic Store Update
iPad: An initial list of potential iPad games has been complied.
Game Freak's Shigeki Morimoto has said that the Pokemon RPG series will remain familiar. new ideas go into new series
QTE Blog: Nintendo Announce Grill-Off The Ultra Hand For Club Nintendo Members
QTE Blog: Nintendo Reveal The Boxart For Super Mario Galaxy 2