Friday, January 22, 2010
Naughty Dog Detail Upcoming Single Player Uncharted 2 Demo And Heroes Skin Pack DLC
Also coming out on the January 28th PSN Store update is a Heroes Skin Pack DLC for Uncharted 2. this DLC brings new player skins to Uncharted 2 Multiplayer modes. The skins included in this pack are Sev and a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2, Nathan Hale and a Chimera from Resistance 2, and Cole (both good and evil variants) and Zeke from inFamous. this pack will be available for $4.99, €4.99, £3.99.
Uncharted 2 - Heroes Skin Pack DLC
EA Have Released Chapter 1 Of A Animated Short Movie For RISK Factions
Square Enix Europe Have Released A New Story Trailer For Front Mission Evolved
Square Enix Europe Have Released A New Trailer For Front Mission Evolved
This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
Fast Draw Showdown
Square Enix Europe Reveal Just Cause 2 Has A Video Capture Function And Youtube Video Sharing
Square Enix Europe have revealed that the Playstation 3 version of Just Cause 2 has a exclusive feature. Just Cause 2 as a built in video caption function where you can capture the last 30 seconds of gameplay. All that you need to do is hit pause and save the last 30 seconds to your HDD or upload it straight to Youtube. Just Cause 2 also has a option where once activated you can record up to 10 minutes of gameplay.
Square Enix Europe have said that they have plans to launch a dedicated section on the Just Cause 2 website where they will show off some of the best Clips. The best clips will get some prizes.
From EU Playstation Blog
Sony Detail The Playstation 3 Final Fantasy XIII EU Collectors Edition
As well as the game, this Limited Collectors Edition will also come with a Final Fantasy XIII "Original Sound Selection" soundtrack CD that will have a selection of tunes from the game. the slipcase will have artwork from Final Fantasy XIII as well as liner notes from the composer Masashi Hamauzu.
There will also be a "World Of Final Fantasy XIII" Hardback book that has character artwork and CG renderings of images and environments.
There will be 3 exclusive prints showing Eidolon artwork. and finally there will be a collectable decal featuring a iconic symbol from the game.
From EU Playstation Blog
Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
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Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
The UK PSN Store update is now live. head there quickly for a chance to get into the Mod Nation Racers Beta
360: December XBLA games saw slow sales, 91.000 bought the Trails HD DLC.Alien Breed Evolution sold 9.001 units
Since 2005, 100 Million people have paid for Tetris on their phones.
Kindle: Amazon has released the Kindle Development Kit. games can be made for the Kindle
iPhone: Square Enix are releasing Final Fantasy I + II. no details on release or price given.
PS3: Final Fantasy VIII Is coming out on the UK PSN on 4th February
OnLive: A Preview from PC Perspective says Lag issues make FPS unplayable. slower games were close to real thing
Criterion have come out and said that there will be no more DLC for Burnout Paradise.
PS3: A Heavy Rain Demo should be out on the UK PSN on 11th February
Wii: its rumoured the new Zelda game is a Majora's Mask Sequel. the sword is not the master sword but will develop +more
PS3: The Heavy Rain Chronicles DLC will let you play as the villain. other Chronicles are prequels to the game.
its reported Capcom will announce a new VS series this year if Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars sells in the USA
PS3: have revealed The God OF War III PS3 Bundle. it'll cost €350 and comes with a 250GB PS3
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that EA is working on games for the Apple Tablet
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update
QTE Blog: UK PSN Update 21/01/10
Wii: Nintendo is introducing the "Minna no Osusume Collection" in Japan. they are games rated high on the Nintendo Channel
PS3: Yakuza 3 is set for a UK release of 12th March
360: Darwinia + Devs Introversion say they became "incredibly frustrated" with all the game revisions Microsoft requested
WiiHD:Michael Pachter predicts Nintendo will release the Nintendo HD this year + New motion sensing DS coming 12-18 months
QTE Blog: Sega Officially Reveal The Western Boxart For Yakuza 3 And Release New Screenshots
PC: Braid has a USA retail release in January. it'll be published by MumboJumbo.
Wii: NPD have revealed that New Super Mario Bros. Wii has outsold Super Mario Galaxy.
360: Its rumoured that Rare is working on a Natal fitness game.
BioWare have said that the Mass Effect Trilogy will not be the end of the franchise.
QTE Blog: This Weeks USA PSP Digital Comic Store Update
Wii: Ubisoft are releasing Racket Sports Party on 26th March. there are 6 modes, multiplayer split screen + more
Michael Pachter suggests Epic regrets going 360 exclusive for Gears Of War Series. say it could sell 3-4Million on PS3
PC: The Star Trek Online Beta has been updated. the level cap has been removed. Cardassian+Romulan space is open
Wii: Zangeki no REGINLEIV will come in a Black Wii game case when its released in Japan
PS3: The SingStar Viewer is out today in the USA when the PSN Store gets updated.
PC: 2K have released the system specs for BioShock 2. it will have SecuROM as a disc check method.