Capcom have released new screenshots for the Playstation Vita version of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Capcom had recently confirmed Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is coming to the PSV and these screenshots show that visually, its close graphically to the console versions.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Rockstar Have Released The Debut Trailer For Max Payne 3
Rockstar have released the debut trailer for Max Payne 3. The trailer is made entirely of in-game stuff and shows a mix of action and cutscenes. the trailer also shows that bullet time is returning, Max Payne 1 and 2 were some of the first videogames to successfully use Bullet Time.
Max Payne 3,
Q-Games Announce PixelJunk Lifelike Is Now Called PixelJunk 4am
Q-Games have announced their upcoming Playstation Move has had a name change. PixelJunk Lifelike will now be called PixelJunk 4am. Q-Games have also released a new trailer for PixelJunk 4am.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
PixelJunk Lifelike,
Playstation Move,
Zero Punctuation - Driver: San Francisco, Deus Ex, And Deus Ex: Human Revolution
As i was away for a bit, i've decided to include 3 Zero Punctuations in this weeks update. the first video is Driver: San Francisco and its the most recent review from Yahtzee, that may surprise people. the second video is a review of the original Deus Ex, and the final video is a review of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Zero Punctuation
Nintendo Announce Kid Icarus: Uprising On The 3DS Has Been Delayed Until 2012
Nintendo have announced that the upcoming Nintendo 3DS Game Kid Icarus: Uprising has been delayed until 2012, no specific release date was given. Nintendo say the reason for the delay was that they felt they needed more time to complete the game. Nintendo have also announced 3D Kid Icarus animations are being developed by Japanese anime production houses. no specific houses were named, but Nintendo did say that these animations would be available for free via the Nintendo Video service on the 3DS.
Press Release
Kid Icarus Uprising,
Nintendo Have Released A New The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gameplay Video Showing How To Upgrade Weapons
Nintendo have released a new gameplay video for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. this video shows how to upgrade weapons and shields in the game. basically, there are items in the game you collect as you play. some will be dropped by enemies when you defeat them whilst others will be around the world. when you collect enough of these items you can go to a special shop and use those items to upgrade your weapons.
Watch The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Upgrade System in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at
Watch The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Upgrade System in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Nintendo Reveal The Boxart for Kirby's Return To Dreamland And Release New Game Trailer
Nintendo have revealed the boxart for their upcoming Kirby Wii Game. Nintendo have previously been showing the game as Kirby Wii. the new trailer shows gameplay action and shows the new super powers Kirby can suck from glowing enemies. the gameplay video also shows action from both the single player and up to 4 player co-op game.
Watch Kirby's Return To Dreamland - Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at
Nintendo Announce Super Mario 3D Land Comes Out 13th November, Reveals The Boxart, And Releases A New Trailer
Nintendo have announced Super Mario 3D Land is coming out on the 3DS in the USA on 13th November. they have also revealed the games boxart and released a new gameplay trailer revealing many suits, levels, and how 3D is used in the game.
3D Super Mario,
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