Sony have released new screenshots and a trailer for the upcoming PS3 game, echochrome ii. this game is coming from Sony Japan studios and it uses the Playstation Move in a previously unseen way. you use the move as a light source, the light hits a object and creates a shadow. you have to move the light and manipulate the shadow to get the echochrome ii guy to the exit and fully reveal the shape. the trailer shows examples of this and so do the screenshots.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sony Online Entertainment Have Released A New Trailer And Screenshots For Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures
Sony Online Entertainment have released new screenshots and a trailer for Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. the trailer starts of with footage from the TV series before moving to in-game gameplay, showing the beginning of your career, space battles, and light saber battles. the screenshots are also in-game and show off more battles in the game as well more indepth screens of the training.
EA Have Released 2 New Videos For Star Wars: The Old Republic
EA Have released 2 new videos for BioWares upcoming MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. the first video shows the newly announced player ships, these were announced at EA's Press Conference, showing both the Jedi and Sith ships. the video shows the exteriors and interiors of both vessels. The second video shows how players get better and better armor as they progress in the game, with the example being the Bounty Hunter.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
EA Have Released A E3 Trailer For MMA
EA Have released a new MMA trailer. this trailer was shown at EA's press conference, and it shows many of the rings in the game as well as many of the fighters in the game. The Rings show the many different countries that are in the game, whilst the fighters show off many of their signature moves and fighting styles.
Sony Online Entertainment Have Released New Screenshots For Slam Bolt Scrappers
Sony Online Entertainment have released new screenshots for the upcoming PSN PS3 game from Fire Hose Games, Slam Bolt Scrappers. these screenshots are in-game and show off 4 player games.
Microsoft Have Released New Screemnshots For Hydro Thunder Hurricane
Microsoft have released new screenshots for the upcoming XBLA game, Hydro Thunder Hurricane. these in game screenshots show off the games locations and speed as well as the variety of boats.
Hydro Thunder Hurricane
Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots For Comic Jumper
Microsoft have released new screenshots for Twisted Pixels upcoming XBLA game, Comic Jumper. these screenshots shows off the games different comic book inspired styles, for example the black and white are Anime inspired, and the different levels that have been created around this style. the game will also break the 4th wall and have references to their previous game, 'Splosion Man, both of which can also be seen in the screenshots.
Comic Jumper
Nintendo Have Released New Screenshots, A Trailer, And A Fact Sheet For Mario Vs Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem
Nintendo have released new screenshots, a fact sheet, and a trailer for the upcoming Nintendo DS game, Mario Vs Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem. The fact sheet reveals that the game comes with a help button, the games equivalent of a Super Guide, and you are able to create levels and share them with people with either locally or over the internet. The trailer for the game reveals it has gameplay very similar to Lemmings, in that the characters move in one direction and you have to manage the world to get them from a to b. the screenshots are also in-game and show gameplay and the build your own levels.
DS E32010,
Mario Vs Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem
Nintendo Have Released New Character Artwork, A Fact Sheet, And A Trailer For Fling Smash
Nintendo have released new character artwork, a trailer, and a fact Sheet for the upcoming Nintendo Wii game from Artoon, Fling Smash. the character art shows the main characters in the game, whilst the trailer focuses more on the different types of gameplay and levels from the game.
Character Art
Fling Smash,
Nintendo Wii,
Wii E32010
Nintendo Have Released New Samurai Warriors 3 Artwork, A Trailer, And A Fact Sheet
Nintendo have released new artwork, a trailer, and a fact sheet for the upcoming Tecmo Koei game, Samurai Warriors 3. The artwork focuses on the main characters in the game and a few of the locations in the game, whilst the trailer has a mix of in-game action and in-game cutscenes. the action shows a main character fighting hordes of enemies before using a special move.
Nintendo Wii,
Samurai Warriors3,
Wii E32010
Sony Have Released The Debut Trailer For The Sly Collection
At Sony's E3 press Conference they revealed the next PS2 collection coming to the PS3 is the Sly Collection, a collection of the 3 PS2 Sly Cooper games. Sony have also announced that these games have not just been HD Remastered and had trophies added, they now support 3D and they have new Playstation Move Mini Games. This trailer Sony has released mentions all these features whilst also comparing the PS2 versions to this new PS3 Collection. Sony announced during their press conference that the collection is coming out in November.
PS3 E32010,
Sly Collection,
Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Monday Night Combat
Microsoft have released new screenshots for the upcoming XBLA game, Monday Night Combat. the screenshots and trailer feature alot of in-game footage of the two teams fighting, the arenas, and the upgrades you can get.
Monday Night Combat
Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Hydrophobia
Microsoft have released new screenshots and a trailer for the upcoming XBLA game, Hydrophobia. the trailer for the game is in-game and shows alot of in-game action with the main character and enemies, but it also shows off the games water physics and effects. the screenshots are also in-game and mainly show the water effects and main character.
Nintendo Have Released New Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Screenshots, Trailer, And A Fact Sheet
Nintendo have released new screenshots, A trailer, and a fact, for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the upcoming Nintendo DS Game from Camelot that's set for a Holiday 2010 release. The Trailer Nintendo have released is the same as the one they showed during their E3 press conference, whilst the screenshots also show some areas seen the in the trailer, but they also show the characters moving around the world and in battles.
DS E32010,
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn,
Nintendo Have Released New Screenshots, A Fact Sheet, And A Trailer For Professor Layton And The Unwound Future
Nintendo have released new screenshots, a fact sheet, and a trailer for Professor Layton And The Unwound Future, the upcoming Nintendo DS Game from Level-5 that it is currently set for a 20th September release. The trailer introduces a bit of the games plot and setting, before moving on to show traditional Professor Layton gameplay and in-game movies. the trailer does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. the screenshots are also in-game and focus mainly on dialogue between characters and puzzles in the game.
Nintendo Have Released New Screenshots, A Fact Sheet. And A Trailer For Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Nintendo have released new screenshots, A fact sheet, and a trailer for the upcoming Nintendo DS game Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, the game was once known as Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light. the trailer for the game provides some information about where the game takes place and the games main protagonists. the trailer introduces the Ukele Pichu, as well as new pokemon calling features. the games multiplayer features are also highlighted in the trailer as well as the screenshots. the screenshots also are in-game and show many features of the game. Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs is currently set to come out this fall.
DS E32010,
Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Microsoft Have Released New Limbo Screenshots And Trailer
Microsoft have released new screenshots and a trailer for the upcoming XBLA game, Limbo. Both are from in-game and show action and various levels in the game.
Sony Online Entertainment Have Released New Screenshots And Artwork For The Agency
Sony Online Entertainment have released new screenshots and artwork for the upcoming PC and PS3 game, The Agency. The majority of the screenshots show off firefights in the game, whilst the artwork shows mainly different locations.
Sony Online Entertainment.,
The Agency: Covert Ops
Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots For Super Meat Boy
Microsoft have released new screenshots for Super Meat Boy, a Upcoming XBLA game. these screenshots are in-game and show gameplay from several levels. the last few screenshots are from the beginning of the game and show bits of the games intro and world map.
Super Meat Boy
New Zero Punctuation - Alpha Protocol
Yahtzee has played through a game that has managed to divide reviewers, but what will he think of it. will the shooting annoying him, or is it something that gives the game a edge...and what of the highly praised conversation system in the and find out.
Zero Punctuation
This Weeks USA PSP Digital Comic Store Update
Sonys USA Playstation Blog has detailed the digital comics coming out today on the PSP Digital Comic Store.
2000AD Prog # 1684
Alice in Wonderland
Astonishing Tales (2009) # 1
Beyond # 4
Criminal (2008) # 2
Criminal (2008) # 3
Devi # 4
G.I. Joe # 18
Hope Falls # 2
Ms Marvel (2006) # 5
Ms Marvel (2006) # 6
Ms Marvel (2006) # 7
Ms Marvel (2006) # 8
Powers (2000) # 11
Powers (2000) 12
Ramayan 3392 AD # 4
The Sadhu # 4
Scrooge McDuck and the Ghost’s Treasure or Vice Versa
Scrooge McDuck and the Spring Money Bin
Serpent Wars # 5
Snakewoman # 4
Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers # 4
Wizards of Mickey # 8
From USA Playstation Blog
Digital Comics,
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