Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Star Trek Online Competition
Think you can provide a description of the aliens above in 300 words or less?
If so, email with your description.
And see if you can get yourself a beta spot
Contest page at

UK PSN Update 05/03/09

Today's PSN Update was partially released yesterday, and the rest was out fairly early today.

PS3 Games
Naruto: Ninja Storm - Storm Pack 8 [Free]
High Velocity Bowling - Carmen Pack [£0.79]
High Velocity Bowling - Bruce Pack [£0.79]
Skate 2 - Throwback Pack [Free]
Lumines Supernova - Classics Pack [£3.19]
Street Fighter IV - Femme Fatale Pack [£3.19]
Prince Of Persia - Epilogue [£7.99]
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh [£12.99]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Carson GT Concept [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Carson Inferno Van [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Hunter Calvary [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Hunter Citizen [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Hunter Manhattan [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Hunter Takedown 4x4 [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Jansen P12 [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Krieger WTR [£1.59]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Nakamura Firehawk [£2.39]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Car Collection 1 [£3.99]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Car Collection 2 [£3.99]
Burnout Paradise - Toy Car Collection [£7.99]

Wanted: Weapons Of Fate
WWE Legends Of Wrestle Mania

Guitar Hero - World Tour
"Break Out" by Vanilla Sky [£1.59]
"C'est Comme ça" by Rita Mitsuko [£1.59]
"In The Shadows" by The Rasmus [£1.59]
European Track Pack 03 [£4.39]

Rock Band
Texas Flood Album [£7.49]
All tracks from Texas Flood album avlaible to buy singlely for £0.99
"New" by No Doubt [£0.99]

F.E.A.R.2: Project Origin Launch Trailer
Metal Gear Online - Scene Trailer

Loco Roco 2 - Colour Theme
Crash Commando - Maps Theme

Crash Commando - Airborne Assault Wallpaper


No Gravity: The Plague Of The Mind [£8.99]

A sizeable update this week. The update yesterday was for Watchman, both the Demo and the Paid Game. despite this, they are still top of the list despite being out later than the stuff under them.