Namco Bandai have announced Namco Museum Megamix is coming out In November Exclusively on the Nintendo Wii. Namco Museum Megamix comes with 18 ports of Namco arcade games as well as 6 remixed version of Namco Arcade titles. 7 of the games you can expect to see in this collection include:
Nintendo have released new screenshots and a trailer for their upcoming WiiWare game, Fluidity. the screenshots and trailer are both in-game and reveal Fluidity to be a game where you control water with the WiiMote. the controls are similar to Loco Roco, in that your moving the world and not the water itself, but the game mechanics make use of the properties of water, like being able to turn it into Ice.
Nintendo have revealed the boxart for Kirby's Epic Yarn and also released a new gameplay trailer and character art for the game. the trailer shows new in-game footage of Kirby working with a friend to get across levels and defeat enemies.
QTE Blog: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Thursday 2nd September
QTE Blog: Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Thursday 2nd September
360: Ruffian admit there are issues with Crackdown 2 Toy Box DLC. there's no patch, but a work around has been found
QTE Blog: Konami Announce A PES 2011 Demo Is Coming Out On 15th September On The PlayStation 3 And PS + Subscribers Get It 8th September
360: Rare say Kinect will be usable in most UK living rooms, dismisses concerns over space needed
The BBFC has rated Blood Drive from Activision. Acitivison have not announced when its coming out
QTE Blog: Just Add Water Announce They Are Bringing A Remake Of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath To The Playstation 3
PS3: Sony has won an injunction against the sale of PS3Jailbreak. the hackers tho have released the code on the internet
American McGee reveals Alice: Madness Returns favours adult and mature topics, not after blood/gore M rating
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
N64: Rare reveal they weren't keen on making GoldenEye 64, thought delays would make game a disaster, little faith in it
3DS: Poll in Japan reveal anticipated 3DS games are Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater top 3
QTE Blog: Rising Star Games Have Released New Screenshots And Revealed The Boxart For Eldar Saga
Telltale Games announce Pokernight: At The Inventory, a poker game that features The Heavy, Strong Bad, Tycho and Max
Concept art has been released from 1983 of Concept Atari consoles and computers
QTE Blog: Guerrilla Games Announce Killzone 3 Is Coming Out In The USA On 22nd February
2K Games and Gearbox announce Duke Nukem Forever is coming to 360, PC, PS3 in 2011. Gearbox working on it since 2009
PS2: Team Ico's Fumito Ueda Showed Ico at CESA Developers Conference. it looked sharper, better textures. HD PS3 version?
QTE Blog: Sega Have Released A New Valkyria Chronicles II Trailer