Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 was released on the PSN for the PSP yesterday. it Costs £29.99 and requires 982 MB.
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://tinyurl.com/ngkvoc
Japan Hardware Sales. DSi 39.885, PSP 26.789, Wii 21.790, PS3 11.310, Xbox 360 5.766, DS 5.595, PS2 3.578. http://tinyurl.com/nhbzaf
PS3:Summer UK PSN Games. Shatter, TV Show King, Zombie Apocalypse, Bomberman Ultra, Fallout 3, Battlefield 1943. http://tinyurl.com/ns2od4
iPhone: Sega is Selling Columns Deluxe for Free from July 3rd till July 6th. http://tinyurl.com/m2jnyr
QTE Blog: NIS - A Witch's Tale DS Trailer http://tinyurl.com/mvdg57
PSP: Final Fantasy Dissidia is coming out 4th September in PAL territories. http://tinyurl.com/ktn9zr
PSP:Final Fantasy Dissidia limited Edition. Game, Mini CD best of soundtrack, Art book, Mini guide, and 2 Prints. http://tinyurl.com/nejzpr
Activision defends the price of Dj Hero saying it offer tremendous value, a new interactive music experience. http://tinyurl.com/n8vdns
QTE Blog: EA - Trailer and Screenshots for FIFA Manager 10 On The PC http://tinyurl.com/lsugeh
PS3: Temco/Koei have been asking, kindly...not like Activision, for a PS3 price cut. http://tinyurl.com/lqd7cf
It is rumored that EA is already working on Skate 3. Chet Childress rumored to be joining the game. http://tinyurl.com/m6mqlt
PS3: Media Molecule has teased future Little Big Planet DLC. Their Clue...Who Ya Gonna Call? http://tinyurl.com/l3xd4l
360: Gears Of War 2 Title Update 4 is now live. http://tinyurl.com/n54vyu
Wii: Konami has announced that Contra ReBirth will hit Eu WiiWare in August. http://tinyurl.com/lvdazy
PS3: Telltale games have said their engine doesn't work on the PS3...Yet. http://tinyurl.com/nlcqzq
QTE Blog: Sega - Infinite Space Anime 1 Video http://tinyurl.com/kmelpo
Gearbox have said they want to do a demo for Borderlands, but they can't guarantee that one will be made. http://tinyurl.com/lmmg76
Wii: Motion Plus has sold over 600.000 units in Japan. 350.000 with Wii Sports Resort, 290.000 standalone. http://tinyurl.com/lxm568
QTE Blog: Namco Bandai - God Eater, For The PSP, Trailer http://tinyurl.com/ko93lh
DSi: New Pokemon trailer, shows battles, levels, interaction with pokemon outside of battles, pokedex and more. http://tinyurl.com/nryb2u
Wii: The Wii In Japan has a Firmware Update. Fixes Wii Sports Resort bug. http://tinyurl.com/lwlkfh
Ps3: new Bundle Found with 80gb PS3, Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4. costs $400, out next sunday at best buy. http://tinyurl.com/ncgap8
PSP: PS2 game, Shadow Of Destiny, is coming to the PSP as Shadow Of Memories. out in japan on October 1st. http://tinyurl.com/m46rq9