Monday, February 20, 2023

Cloud Monday - Split/Second - Using My Old Save And Playing For The First Time In Over A Decade!

Today's Cloud Monday is a little different. for today's video i wanted to try something i hadn't yet done. I've used the service to play games i hadn't played before, so i've never tried to use an old game save file. I saw Split/Second on the store and really wanted to play it again. i also knew i had a save file in the cloud. So today's video starts with me showing how to take a cloud save file and use it with the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service.

Once i got the save file copied over to the cloud and the game restarted, i was genuinely surprised that i had completed all the races. i hadn't won them all, but they were all finished. as i had shown it was working, i decided to have some fun and play it.

I never expected to win or to better any result i already had. it had been over a decade since i last played this game, but i instinctively knew how most the of the controls work and even the game mechanics.  a couple of the levels felt familiar. i tried out each of the game modes and near the end decided to try some levels that i hadn't got the win.

In one of those levels, i actually got the win! i hadn't practiced before today, it really had been over a decade since i last played. and yet, i got a win. i was so happy with myself. the final thing i tried out was the online multiplayer. there wasn't anyone online, but it looked like online races could possibly happen, it's possible that instead of the game connecting to a server my console becomes the thing that other players would connect to. But i don't know for sure, but if you do see or know of online games let us know in the comments.