Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sony Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Eat Them
Sony have released new screenshots and a trailer for the upcoming PS3 PSN game Eat Them. Eat Them is a game where you can customise your own monster before you take control and rampage a city, eating as many people as possible and destroying everything in sight.The screenshots and trailer show that the game has a comic book style to its graphics, you could call it cell shaded.
Eat Them,
GamesCom 2010,
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
Behemoth Announce Castle Crashers Is Coming To The USA On 31st August
Behemoth have announced that Castle Crashers is coming out in the USA, Canada, and Mexico on 31st August. Behemoth have also announced that the game should cost around $15.
From USA Playstation Blog
Castle Crashers,
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
Sony Have Released New SingStar Guitar Screenshots
Sony have released screenshots for SingStar Guitar. these in-game screenshots show who the game has kept the traditional SingStar look and added guitar tab similar to that used in Guitar Hero and Rock Band Games. the screenshots show how the game uses the Playstaton Eye and that you can have two players on Guitar.
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
SingStar Guitar
Sony Have Released New Screenshots For SingStar Dance
Sony have released new screenshots for The SingStar Dance. these screenshots are in-game and they show how Sony have kept the original SingStar Lyric look and added dance moves. the screenshots also show you can put yourself in the background and they give examples on how the game uses Playstation Move to track the dancing.
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
Playstation Move,
SingStar Dance
Sony Have Released New Screenshots For Jungle Party
Sony have released new screenshots for Jungle Party, a Party based PSP game. these screenshots are in-game and show a few of the mini-games in the game.
GamesCom 2010 PSP,
Jungle Party,
Sony Have Released New Screenshots For Heroes On The Move
Sony have released new screenshots for Heroes on The Move. these screenshots are in-game and show several of the games main characters. Several different locations are also shown, in the style of the game their from.
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
Heroes On The Move,
Playstation Move,
Sony Have Released New Screenshots For Buzz! The Ultimate Move Quiz
Sony Have Released New Screenshots For Buzz! Ultimate Move Quiz. This is A PS3 game and the screenshots are in-game and show off the familiar Buzz! Quiz style. Some of The screenshots also show what appears to be Playstation Move support.
Mubi Announce The Mubi Playstation App is Coming In October And Monthly Subscription Is €12.99/ £9.99
Mubi have announced that the Mubi Playstation 3 App is coming in October. they have also announced that a Monthly subscription to the service will cost €12.99 / £9.99. This monthly service lets you watch as many of the movies as you like. there will be an option to watch individual films for €3.59 / £2.99 each. Mubi have previously announced revealed that some movies may be free to watch.
The trailer below shows many of the features of the Mubi service, facebook integration, and some of the movies and types of movies you can find on the service.
From EU Playstation Blog
The trailer below shows many of the features of the Mubi service, facebook integration, and some of the movies and types of movies you can find on the service.
From EU Playstation Blog
GamesCom 2010 PS3,
Namco Bandai Have Released Gameplay Footage From All The Games Included In Time Crisis Razing Storm
Namco Bandai have released gameplay footage for Time Crisis Razing Storm. Time Crisis Razing Storm comes with 3 Playstation Move games, Time Crisis 4, Razing Storm, and DeadStorm Pirates. Namco Bandai have released gameplay videos for all the games included in Time Crisis Razing Storm.
Time Crisis 4
Razing Storm
DeadStorm Pirates
Time Crisis 4
Razing Storm
DeadStorm Pirates
Namco Bandai,
Playstation Move,
Time Crisis Razing Storm
Namco Bandai Have Released 3 Gameplay Videos For Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
Namco Bandai have released 3 gameplay videos for Enslaved: Odyssey To The West. the first video shows Monkey using his staff and how it can be used to disable robot shields and in combat.
The Second Video shows Monkey taking on a giant robot. Monkey uses a shield liek surf board to avoid it and to chase after it.
The third video shows how the robot dragonfly is used. The Dragonfly can scout ahead, pointing out enemies and places to jump to. it can also show weak points in objects that you can use.
The Second Video shows Monkey taking on a giant robot. Monkey uses a shield liek surf board to avoid it and to chase after it.
The third video shows how the robot dragonfly is used. The Dragonfly can scout ahead, pointing out enemies and places to jump to. it can also show weak points in objects that you can use.
GamesCom 2010,
Namco Bandai
Capcom Have Released A New Trailer And Screenshots For Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes
Capcom have released a new trailer and screenshots for Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes. both the trailer and screenshots appear to be from the Playstation 3 version of the game. the screenshots show some of the heroes in the game, whilst the trailer details aspects of the game, like Heroes Story Mode, and show battling. The trailer also reveals many of the heroes in the game and a bit of their back story.
GamesCom 2010,
Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes
This Weeks USA PSP Digital Comic Store Update
Sony's USA Playstation Blog has revealed the comics that were released on the PSP Digital Comic store yesterday in the USA. This weeks free comic is Street Code #1.
2000AD Prog #1693
A Question of Pride
The Authority #6
Beauty and the Beast
Captain America (2004) #37 – #42
Deadly #3
DMZ #18
Donald Duck and Bum Bum the Painter
DoubleDuck #7
Ducklings Go Adrift #1
Ex Machina #5
Fables #20
Gen13 #26
G.I. Joe #20
Green Lantern: No Fear #2
High Moon #7
Jonah Hex #18
The Lexian Chronicles #11
Planetary #7
Safe Inside #2
Scrooge McDuck and the Billionaires Go Camping
Sonic Universe #1
Sonic Universe #2
Stormwatch PHD #18
Street Code #1
Transformers: Ironhide #3
True Blood #2
Wildcats #6
Y: The Last Man #3
From USA Playstation Blog
Digital Comics,
Capcom Have Released A New Gameplay Video And Screenshots For Okamiden
Capcom have released a new Gameplay video and screenshots for Okamiden. the gameplay video shows many of the games features, from interacting with people, battling enemies, using the Celestial brush, and working co-op with Chibiterasu and Nushi.
GamesCom 2010,
EA Have Released A Trailer For MMA Showing Online Modes
EA Have released a new trailer for MMA Detailing online modes in the game. Quick Match matches you up with other players of similar skill, here you can earn XP to rank up from the white belt you start with to a title contender. you can also receive title challenges in this mode. Fight Card mode lets you be a promoter and put on a bunch of fights with your friends. up to 9 friends can join the night and when a match is on, all 8 other fighters can watch the matches. you can also provide live commentary for the match whilst you watch it. The trailer also shows what you can do with a replay of you match or highlights of an fight.
GamesCom 2010,
Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Namco Bandai have released new screenshots and a trailer for Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom. these screenshots are in-game and they mostly show you and Majin working together to kill enemies. The Trailer reveals some background history for the game and for Majin. the trailer shows this by using a cartoon. the trailer also has some in-game footage of Majin in action.
EA Have Released A New Trailer For Need For Speed Hot Pursuit
EA have released a new trailer for Need For Speed Shift. this trailer uses in-game footage to show a player deciding to beat a friends best time at a race. this race has not been shown in previous trailers and it also features new cars. the games HUD is also shown for the first time, as well as some elements similar to Burnout like the Crash Cam.
GamesCom 2010,
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit
Capcom Have Released A Gameplay Trailer For Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Capcom have released a gameplay Video for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. this video starts off showing the awards the game won at E3, from various sites and publications, before moving onto gameplay from early in the game. the gameplay provides some back story to the game and gives examples of what your character can do.
Capcom Have Released New Screenshots For Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
Capcom have released new screenshots for Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. these screenshots are in-game and they show a couple of levels from the game.
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2,
GamesCom 2010
Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Wednesday 18th August
This is all the news from Wednesday 18th August.
You can subscribe to the Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast on iTunes and if you do or are already a subscriber, it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
A podcast is available on iTunes from:
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And on Re-Cap
You can subscribe to the Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast on iTunes and if you do or are already a subscriber, it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
A podcast is available on iTunes from:
A RSS Feed from Podbean:
And on Re-Cap
Audio Re-Cap
The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Wednesday 18th August
- QTE Blog: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 17th August
- QTE Blog: Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 17th August
- PS3: There will be a Gran Turismo 5 PS3 Bundle in Japan, ¥35,980 you get the game, Blue PS3+160GB
- Its reported Portal is coming out on 9th February 2011
- PSP: The 3rd"What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?" game is coming out as No Heroes Allowed in Europe
- Blizzard say there are currently no plans to bring Diablo 3 to Consoles, only PC and Mac.
- The British Advertising Standards Authority has reprimanded a 360 Final Fantasy XIII Commercial for using PS3 footage
- QTE Blog: THQ Announce Homefront Is Coming To PC's In Ealry 2011
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots For Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New God Eater Burst Screenshots
- QTE Blog: Nintendo Have Released A Metroid Restrospective For The First 3 Metroid Games
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New Knights Contract Screenshots
- QTE Blog: THQ Announce Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution For PC's
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots For Despicable Me: The Videogame
- QTE Blog: Capcom Reveal Dormammu And Viewtiful Joe Are Fighters In Marvel vs. Capcom 3
- QTE Blog: EA Have Released A New Trailer For Dragon Age 2
- QTE Blog: New Zero Punctuation - Split Second: Velocity
- QTE Blog: EA Have Released A New Trailer For FIFA 11
- QTE Blog: Capcom Have Released New Screenshots For Dead Rising 2 And Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released New Screenshots For Inversion
- QTE Blog: Sony Have Released A New Trailer For Patapon 3
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released A New Trailer For Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team
- QTE Blog: Ubisoft Reveal The 44 Tracks In Just Dance 2 On The Nintendo Wii
- QTE Blog: This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots For Bejeweled Live On Windows Phone 7
- QTE Blog: Sony Have Released A New Trailer For DC Universe Online
- PS3: Mass Effect 2 has pre-game content, introducing Mass Effect universe, PS3 customised access to Cerberus + more
- 360: Square say Final Fantasy XIV is not cancelled, its on pause, still negotiating with Microsoft, Live still the issue
- PS3: Konami announce they're brining No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise to the PS3 with Playstation Move Support to the EU
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Have Released Screenshots For The Upcoming Windows Phone 7 Game IloMilo
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Have Released Screenshots For Harvest on Windows Phone 7
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Have Released Screenshots Of Halo Waypoint On Windows Phone 7
- Administrator Begbies Traynor says 53 jobs have been retained at Realtime Worlds, company owes creditors £3M
- PS3: Resident Evil 5 Gold Playstation move patch comes out 19th September. Move version comes to countries with no Gold
- PS3: Zipper announce MAG's getting a Playstation Move Patch. there'll be a new Beta next week for people to try the game
- Konami announce Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is coming out in the EU on 7th October
- Suda 51 has announced Sine Mora for the PS3 PSN and XBLA. its a horizontal space shmup. supports 3D on PS3.
- QTE Blog: Activision Reveal The 93 Track Set List For Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock
- QTE Blog: Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots For The Windows Phone 7 Game Max & The Magic Marker
- QTE Blog: Namco Bandai Have Released A New Trailer And Screenshots For Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
- Atlus announce Catherine for the 360 and PS3. its developed by the Persona team. a Horror game for adults, JP Winter 2010
Audio Re-Cap
Microsoft Have Released New Screenshots For The Windows Phone 7 Game Max & The Magic Marker
Microsoft have released new screenshots for Max & The Magic Marker, a Windows Phone 7 game. Max & The Magic Marker is a 2D puzzle platformer where you control both the boy and his magic maker. the marker allows you to draw in the game, a feature needed to overcome challenges and get past obstacles. These screenshots are in-game and show off the magic marker mechanic.
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