QTE Blog: Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/16V5WO
ZuneHD: a 64GB Zune HD is listed on the Zune website, but the link goes to a non-existent page http://ow.ly/1s7mf
PS3: Chapter 14 in Uncharted 2 was originally going to be called "Drakes On A Train", but higher ups stopped it http://ow.ly/1s7yV
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/16V7KB
Vocal harmonies have been confirmed as coming to Rock Band 3 by accident. http://ow.ly/1s7B4
DSiXL: iFixit have disassembled a DSi XL to reveal all the parts in it. http://ow.ly/1s7Dh
PS3: David Jaffe has confirmed that the upcoming game from Eat, Sleep, Play will have DLC http://ow.ly/1s7G4
PC: Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment have gone bankrupt and called in receivers. Stargate Resistance sold off. http://ow.ly/1s7IW .
UK Game Charts, Just Cause 2, Pokemon SoulSilver, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Pokemon HeartGold, Just Dance top 4 http://ow.ly/1s7Ly
360: Major Nelsons gamercard was hacked briefly by LiGHTzz. Microsoft confirm they got the gamercard back promptly http://ow.ly/1s7Nl
360: GameStop reportedly have a page up detailing a Arcade bundle that comes with Viva Piñata and Banjo for $99.99 http://ow.ly/1s7UP
PC: analysts believe Amazon is working on a Steam/Stardock rival, job advertisements hint towards digital distribution http://ow.ly/1s7Xd
QTE Blog: Sony Announce Optional Firmware 3.21 Will Disable "Install Other OS" On Original Playstation 3's http://ow.ly/16VbyC
QTE Blog: Sony Detail Upcoming "PSP Favourites" PSP Game Sale On The PSN http://ow.ly/16VbyB
QTE Blog: Sony Online Entertainment Have Released New Concept Art For Jervis Tetch In DC Universe Online http://ow.ly/16Vdf1
QTE Blog: Nintendo Announce Super Mario Kart Is Coming To UK Wii's on 2nd April Via Wii Shop Channel http://ow.ly/16Vdf0
iPad: Apple have updated the iPad website with several guided tours of the product and software http://ow.ly/1sec2
THQ Have said they are looking at incorporating Natal and Move into UFN Undisputed 2011 http://ow.ly/1seeh
PS3: Ninja Theory have admitted that they made no money from Heavenly Sword, sold around 1.5 Million http://ow.ly/1segj
3DS: a developer comment on twitter hints that the 3DS will have Parallax Barrier Screen tech http://ow.ly/1seik
iPhone: a game based on the hit book, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, is set for a April release http://ow.ly/1slja
Mega Drive: DICE have revealed Hardcore, 1 of 13 games cancelled by Psygnosis for the Mega Drive in 1994 http://ow.ly/1slll
Square Enix have confirmed that there have been layoffs at IO Interactive, say its a "natural process" http://ow.ly/1slmw
PS3: George Hotz, the guy who has hacked some bits of the PS3, has criticised Sony for removing OtherOS support http://ow.ly/1sloz
PS3: George Hotz has also said that he'll start looking into custom firmware for those who want to keep Linux support http://ow.ly/1slqN
QTE Blog: EA Announce That Battlefield 1943 Has Sold Over 1 Million UnitsOn Xbox Live Arcade http://ow.ly/16VmGt
The Cassini spacecraft has done a temperature map of Mimas, a Saturn Moon, and discovered it looks like Pac-Man! http://ow.ly/1sls0
PS3: Zen Studios reveal Planet Mini Golf will be compatible with the Playstation Move http://ow.ly/1smtD
QTE Blog: This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases http://ow.ly/16VnWq