Saturday, December 5, 2009
Nintendo Has Released A launch Trailer For The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks
EA Has Released Madden NFL Aracde Gameplay Videos For The Playstation3 And Xbox 360
Sega Has Announced That Super Monkey Ball 2 Is Now Out On The iPhone/iPod Touch App Store

Sega has announced that Super Monkey Ball 2 is out now on the iPhone/iPod Touch App Store for £5.99/€7.99/$9.99. this is a sequel to the original Super Monkey Ball and it has been built from the ground out to take advantage of the hardware. there are 115 stages in the game that can be played either as a single player game or over Wi-Fi in 4 player multiplayer.
Sega has also released screenshots for Super Monkey Ball 2. all these screenshots are in-game and show a few of the stages in the game. they show some of the hazards to watch out for and how the level designs differ from each stage.
Super Monkey Ball 2
EA Has Released New Screenshots For Dragons Lair On The iPhone/iPod Touch
Dragons Lair
Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
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Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
Aliens Vs Predator has been banned in Australia as it is not rated. no word if Sega will censor game to get MA15+ Rating
Mass Effect 2 will be on 2 discs on both the PC and Xbox 360. there will be a disc swap, but it'll happen only once.
Take Two say that the Borderlands Franchise is "important" and will be a "long term" one.
It appears that The Saboteurs game box has been censored after a Pre-order leaflet shows more lady bum than it.
PS3: Sony has said that inFamous has sold over 1.2 Million units worldwide.
Japan Hardware, DSi LL 67.243, Wii 46.673, PS3 46.558, PSP 38.839, DSi 37.021, DS 7.268, PSPgo 3.809, 360 3.685, PS2 2.057
DS: Its reported French Court have dismissed Nintendo's case against DS Flash cards. Owners right to create software
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK PSN Video Store Update
QTE Blog: Aardman Studios Have Released More Animations Done With Flipnote Studio On The Nintendo DSi
Joystiq have a trailer for No More Heroes on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
The USA and UK price for Fairytale Fights has been cut. there will be demoe's on PSN and XBLM
Rebellion will not release a "sanitized" version of aliens VS Predator for Australia.
PSP: Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker has a USA release date of May 25th.
QTE Blog: Level 5 And Sony America Have Announced That White Knight Chronicles International Edition Is Coming Out ...
PC: NC Soft has released a new trailer for Guild Wars 2. this trailer introduces some the of the races/areas in the game.
SunSoft is coming back to America, with help from Gajinworks. Blaster Master on Wii Virtual Console first release
Assassins Creed II Appears to have a glitch that traps players in their hideout after chapter 11.
PC: Aion is banning people in the game with Giant rabbits and fire breathing squirrels.
QTE Blog: This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
PS3: The PS3 has cut the global lead of the 360 in recent months, more so in Europe where approx 250k separates them
360: RT @majornelson: Fairytale Fights demo is now on the #XboxLIVE Marketplace: