Konami have announced that in addition to the song "Silent Hill" from Jonathan Davis, the front-man to Korn, Daniel Licht has composed the score to Silent Hill: Downpour. Daniel reveals he has used a variety of instruments including Piano, Mandolin, and industrial sounds that help to augment and amplify the mood of Silent Hill: Downpour.
Cryptic have released a new trailer for Star Trek Online. this trailer introduces The 2800, a future set of episodes for Star Trek Online. the trailer reveals that this will see The Dominion and Jem'Hadar making a return as they try to conquer. the trailer shows in-game action and how both Starfleet, especially Deep Space Nine, and Klingon factions are involved.
CDPROJECK and Namco Bandai have released a new developer video for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition. this video focuses on the changes made to the game as it has moved from PC to the Xbox 360.
Atlus have released a new trailer for Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2. the trailer shows in-game action from this DS game, showing battling and monsters. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 is set to come out on 28th February in the USA on the DS.