Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New Sonic and Sega's All Star Racing Screenshots
Sonic and Sega's All Star Racing
Nintendo DS Screenshots Of Planet 51
Planet 51
Planet 51 Screenshots and Trailer
Planet 51
Napoleon Total War Debuet Trailer And Screenshots
In the game, you can either play as Napoleon or as one of the opposing factions in the three biggest military campaigns of Napoleons life. the first two are in Italy and Egypt, whereas the final one focuses on the march to Moscow and the showdown with the Duke Of Wellington at Waterloo.
The game has a release date of February 2010.
Napoleon Total War
Press Release
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (August 19th, 2009) – SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA of America, Inc. today announced Napoleon: Total War, the first in an all-new story driven branch of The Creative Assembly’s multi award winning Total War RTS franchise. Napoleon: Total War will keep the franchise’s genre-leading 3D battles on land and sea. The turn-based campaign is split into three different story-driven campaigns, telling the story of the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte through his most famous battles.
In Napoleon: Total War, aspiring generals have the chance to play as the legendary French general Napoleon Bonaparte or as one of his opposing factions. Battling through his three biggest military campaigns, the game will take you through Italy and Egypt, narrating the early years of the fearsome commander, while the third campaign will tell the story of his fateful drive towards Moscow and, ultimately, his showdown with the Duke of Wellington at one of the most famous battles of all – The Battle of Waterloo.
“In Napoleon: Total War you get to actually be Napoleon - to face the problems he faced, to win the battles he won, and to build the Empire he built. Or better,” commented Mike Simpson, Creative Director at The Creative Assembly and father of the Total War franchise. “However, the game allows you to step in the shoes of his opposing generals as well, allowing the player to rewrite history as they see fit.”
Napoleon: Total War expands on the successful Total War series by taking all the features from previous games such as the full 3D land and naval battles, the detailed campaign map, and an in depth diplomacy system and taking them a step further.
Napoleon: Total War hits shelves in February 2010.
About SEGA® Europe:
SEGA Europe Ltd. is the European Distribution arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Corporation, and a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. SEGA Europe’s web site is located at
About SEGA of America
SEGA of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA of America’s Web site is located at
New Trailer For Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010 Showing BobSleighing
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Nintendo DS Screenshots
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Trailer And Screenshots
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. The trailer is mainly CGi, showing the various sporting activities in the game. the screenshots show in game many of the sporting events.
video fails at 1.11.
Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Alpha Protocol Screenshots And Boxart
Alpha Protocol
Sega Has Release New Screenshots For Aliens Vs Predator
Aliens Vs Predator
New Zero Punctuation - Silent Hill 2
Fable III Trailer And Artwork

Following today's announcement of Fable III, Microsoft have released the reveal trailer for the game and two pieces of artwork.

FIFA 10 Virtual Pro Screenshots
FIFA 10 Virtual Pro
New DC Universe Screenshots
DC Universe
New Mod Nation Racer Screenshots
Mod Nation Racers
New Heavy Rain Screenshots
Heavy Rain
New EyePet Screenshots For The Playstation 3
Vandal Hearts Character Artwork And Screenshots
Vandal Hearts Character Art
Vandal Hearts Character Screenshots
Full List Of Characters And Description.
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today unveiled character details from the upcoming tactical
role-playing game, Vandal Hearts: Flame of Judgment for Xbox LIVE® Arcade and the
PlayStation®Network. Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment is the first next-generation installment
of the classic strategic RPG series featuring a swift RPG pace, improved user mechanics, and a
rich, character-driven storyline.
The game takes place on the continent of Sostegaria, where a war is waging between two
opposing kingdoms. Driven to defend his homeland, young orphan Tobias Martin recruits his
gang of friends to join him in the fight for peace. While avenging loved ones however, the crew
faces a threat that is deadlier and closer than they could ever imagine. Using character
customization options, players will experience the cast evolving and adapting to various styles of
gameplay as the battles carry on. Vandal Hearts has always been known for its strong and
memorable characters, and Flames of Judgment is no exception.
Tobias Martin: Tobias is a war orphan, and a ward of the Church of Restoration. After losing his
parents, Tobias grew up on the streets, stealing and brawling to survive. When the Church offered
him an education, he jumped at the chance, leaving the street life behind. He isn’t sure of much in
life, but he thinks he knows right from wrong – a belief that will soon be put to the ultimate test.
Luce Valenci: Luce is a knight of the kingdom of Balastrade. Like many youth of her generation,
she grew up without her parents – in her case, trapped in a crooked orphanage. When she grew
old enough, she led her friends in an escape, and then followed her father’s footsteps in the army.
Now suffering a low point in her once-stellar military career, Luce tolerates no nonsense and
keeps few friends.
Altyria Jono: Altyria is a farm girl from the other side of Balastrade’s border. Despite being
blessed with a loving family, Altyria grew up apart from her peers, finding solace in reading and
self-education. But when conflict brews, and Altyria’s loved ones are scattered, she finds herself
truly alone for the first time, and must learn new ways to survive.
Connor Ganson: Conor is a career criminal at age sixteen, an unrepentant street thief and con
artist. He grew up alongside Tobias Martin, and the two were inseparable friends for years. When
Tobias joined the church, Connor declined to follow him, and the two have rarely seen each other
Calvin Atrias: Calvin is Tobias Martin’s younger friend. Timid and awkward, he rarely leaves the
sanctuary of the church, at least not alone. With danger closing in, Calvin must choose whether to
stay sheltered within the church walls or risk his life to help defend them.
Gren Silas: Gren is Luce’s right-hand man. Known as “Ten-Men Gren” for his enormous strength,
Gren is virtually silent, answers to no one but Luce, and obeys her every command without
question. No one has ever seen his face – or, if they have, they haven’t lived to tell about it.
Daldren Gray: Daldren is Balastrade’s greatest war hero, and one of the few surviving veterans
of the twenty-year war against the rival kingdom of Urdu. Respected across the land for his
legendary valor, Daldren still serves in the field to this day, stamping out threats to his land and its
Kelbrun Hale: Kelbrun is the chief of an infamous bandit gang known as the “Fist of Enkidu.” A
dishonored war veteran, Kelbrun was stripped of his rank and banished after brutally sacking a
defenseless town. His raids and robberies have grown bolder in recent months, and his bandits
are better equipped and deadlier than ever. How he came to be so successful so quickly is not
yet known.
Shance Aya: Shance is the leader of the Hellhounds, a relentless cabal of infallible bounty
hunters. She is known, among those few who know her, for her murderous bloodlust and
delightful sense of humor.
Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
PS3: FYE and KMart posters have appeared detailing price cuts and a new PS3 (no pics of it tho)
PS3: The PSN will be down during Sonys GamesCom conference today (12-2 EST, 5-7BST, 9-11 PST)
PC: Championship Manager 2010 is letting buyers choose the price they want for the game (there's a £2.50 transaction fee)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
The Final Tease on Lionheads site is Joan of Arc. tomorrow should see an announcement.
PS3: The Latest Famitsu has pictures of From Software's new game Dot Heroes. the characters are 2D then go 3D.
PSP: latest Famitsu has revealed that the PS2 game, Persona 3, will be ported to the PSP with new Female main character
PSP: Screenshots have emerged of what is believed to be Devil May Cry 4 on the PSP.
PS3: Suda-51 game now known as Kurayami. its an action adventure game. you have to find a way out of a town+castle.
360: Top Xbox Live, Call of Duty: WaW , Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 , Gears of War 2 ,GTA IV. Top Arcade, Trials HD
QTE Blog: New Screenshots For Hasbro Game Night Volume 2 On The Nintendo Wii
PC: Diablo 3 has been spotted at GamesCom.
EVE Online Devs, CCP, Announce Dust 514. its a console based MMO that's part of the EVE Universe. its FPS/RTS game.
PS3: Its rumoured that EA will announce SingStar The Beatles. its expected to be The Beatles Rockband without instruments
PS3: On the Sony US Blog, SCEA’s Mark Valledor commented that there'll be a big Little Big Planet announcement today.
PC: Sega is offering a free copy of Out Run 2006 to anyone who preorders Football Manager 2010 on Steam.
PS2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash Up Appears to no longer be a Wii exclusive. there's no official announcement.
PS3: A Lack of PS3 stock in Japan appears to be much more widespread than thought. its been 2 weeks since new stock.
PC: PopCap have announced Zuma's Revenge, a sequel to Zuma. The game will be out 15th September on PC and Mac soon after.
QTE Blog: This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
PS3: PS3 Slim has appeared on Kmarts site for pre-order. it costs $300. it has a 120gb HDD, and is out august 24th
PSP: Earlier reports of Devil May Cry 4 coming to PSP have been dismissed. the screens where from the PC version.
360: The 1 VS 100 beta is being extended by 2 weeks.
360: Microsoft announces that Saints Row and Rockstar Table Tennis are now out on Games on Demand.
PS3: Gran Turismo 5 is at GamesCom. there are plenty of demo booths.
Head to for a re-cap of the EA GamesCom Press Conference.
PSP: Phantasy Star Portable 2 has been revealed in Famistu. Sega's Countdown site still counting down.
PS3: New Little Big Planet Trailer reveals's part of a new kit coming.
QTE Blog: Sony's GamesCom Press Conference Live Blogged
PS3: Sony has released a walkthrough with the new Firmware 3.0.
PS3: Video released of Jack Tretton talking about the PS3 and showing it.
QTE Blog: EA Has Released The Sims 3 World Adventures GamesCom Trailer And Screenshots
QTE Blog: New Jambo! Safari Screenshots For The Nintendo DS
QTE Blog: New Screenshots For Jambo! Safari On The Nintendo Wii
QTE Blog: UK GamesCom PSN Update 18/08/09
QTE Blog: 3 New Screenshots of Vancouver Winter Olympics On The PS3 And 360
QTE Blog: New Wacky World Of Sports Screenshots and Boxart For Nintendo Wii
PS3: This Mornings leak of Dead Nation turns out to be the new game by Super Stardust HD Dev's. Its PSN Exclusive.
A number of devs from The Team, Endrant Studios, behind Wolfenstein's multiplayer has been axed.
PSPgo: The PSPgo has a recommended retail price of £224.99
QTE Blog: Playstation 3 Slimmer Announcement, Screenshots And Technical Specifications
QTE Blog: Sony Online Entertainment Announce That Free Realms Supports 5 New Languages
QTE Blog: Sega's Summer Sizzler GamesCom Trailer
QTE Blog: GamesCom Trailer For Resonance Of Fate
PS3: has the PS3 Slim on pre-order for £249.99. set for September 4th release. only 5 per household.
PS3:Engadget has a hands on and more pictures with the PS3 Slim. the HDD is swappable. The PS logo does not rotate.
PS3: Gran Turismo 5 site updated. says they'll be over 1.000 vehicles. youtube support, 80 courses.
PS3: The PS3 Slim has passed though FCC checks under a pseudonym, to hide it. a 250GB version was rated.
PS3: Kotaku have also got pictures of the PS3 Slim being unboxed.
360: Sega has removed Earthworm Jim from the Genesis/Mega drive game poll. the polls been reset.
QTE Blog: Playstation Portable Minis Screenshots And Information
QTE Blog: Playstation Digital Reader Screenshots For The Playstation Portable
360: 'Spolsion Man Avatar awards detailed, t-shirt and hoodie. unlocks after breaking a pane of glass, complete game
PS3: Gran Turismo 5 Website announces the game will feature vehicle deformation. cars can flip + land upside down
PS3: PS3 Slim has no on/off button, just stand by. launch units don't have firmware 3.0. old PS3 models not being made.
QTE Blog: Details Of Upcoming PSP 3000 Colours And Bundles
Details Of Upcoming PSP 3000 Colours And Bundles
Other upcoming PSP bundles include Final Fantasy Dissidia, with a Pearl White PSP, FIFA 10, with a Piano Black PSP, Gran Turismo, which will come with a Piano Black PSP which has a Gran Turismo leather pouch, Hannah Montana: Rock Out The Show, with a Lilac Purple PSP, Assassins Creed Bloodlines, with a Piano Black PSP, And InviZimals with a Piano Black PSP.
PSP 3000 Colours
Press Release
gamescom, Cologne, 18th August 2009: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced two new colours for the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system for Europe and the PAL territories. This November, Turquoise Green and Blossom Pink will be joining the ever-growing line-up of coloured PSP-3000 models on offer, providing a lighter touch of colour for PSP owners to express their own style and personality as they play the best games, watch movies on the move, take pictures, talk with Skype, listen to music and enjoy a whole world of entertainment in their hands.
The new colours will be available either on their own or packed with a game for enjoyment straight out of the box: Turquoise Green will be bundled with LittleBigPlanet™ along with more packs due to out later this year – allowing players to join the PSP handheld revolution straight out of the box. Here’s the list in full:
The heroes and villains of the FINAL FANTASY series collide in an epic war that threatens to tear the whole universe apart, in this magical, action-packed fighting blockbuster.
· October: EA SPORTS, FIFA 10 with Piano Black PSP
Gaming’s most famous and acclaimed football franchise is back for the new season with more players, more refined gameplay and more realism. Take your team all the way to the championships - wherever in the world you are - with FIFA 10 on PSP.
· October: Polyphony Digital, Gran Turismo® with PSP Gran Turismo Edition
Buckle up, take a deep breath and drive on amazing tracks around the globe in style with your very own GT branded PSP and leather pouch. With over 800 realistic dream cars to choose from, why not have one more and download an exclusive vehicle, the Corvette ZR1 in white using your free PlayStation®Network voucher also a part of this fantastic pack.
· October: Disney, Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show with Lilac Purple PSP
In the first ever Hannah Montana game for PSP, fans can not only star in the show, they can also design a custom concert in each city they visit and rock the stage as they star as Hannah Montana performing 11 hit songs, including three new tracks. Players will also be able to style the band members and the back-up dancers with amazing fashions, hair-styles and accessories – and the whole pack also comes with a Memory Stick™ for players to save their designs and settings onto.
· Winter: Namco Bandai, TEKKEN®6 with Piano Black PSP
The King of Iron Fist Tournament returns in portable form with the largest line-up of fighters the Tekken series has ever seen. Each is equipped with deadly techniques, moves and combinations – who will you choose to fight your way to glory?
· November: Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines with Piano Black PSP
As Crusaders wage battle across the Holy Land, you must wage your own, covert war as an assassin named Altair. Your targets are the leaders of the Knights Templar; you must climb walls and move by stealth in order to find them, hunt them down and take them out.
· November: Sony Computer Entertainment, LittleBigPlanet with Turquoise Green PSP
Now, you can get creative with Sackboy everywhere you go. Explore the immersive world of LittleBigPlanet at home or on the move, running, swinging and leaping through a universe where you can move everything you touch and build whatever you like.
· November: Sony Computer Entertainment, InviZimals with Piano Black PSP
See where they are hiding - InviZimals invites you on a weird and wonderful hunt for the amazing creatures only visible through your PSP – hunt them with the game’s built-in sensor, creep up on them – and trap as many as possible!
Want to take your whole entertainment world with you - wherever you go? Look no further than PSP for handheld gaming, movies, music, photos, Skype and more. And – if you pick up one of this year’s new packs, the fun starts straight out of the box. To find out more, visit
About Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), based in London, is responsible for the distribution, marketing and sales of PlayStation®3, PlayStation®2, PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®Network software and hardware in 99 territories across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Oceania. SCEE also develops, publishes, markets and distributes entertainment software for these formats, and manages the third party licensing programs for the formats in these territories. Since the launch of PlayStation 3 in November 2006, over 23.7 million units have been sold globally and continue to be sold at a record level. Maintaining its position as one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history, PlayStation 2 has sold over 138.8 million systems worldwide. Since its launch at the end of 2004, over 52.9 million PSPs have been sold globally, highlighting the importance of the portable entertainment market. With the huge increase in interest and accessibility of network applications and network gaming, over 27 million accounts have registered to PlayStation Network, the free-to-access interactive environment, and over 560 million items have been downloaded.
PlayStation, PLAYSTATION and the PlayStation logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PS3 and PSP are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY © 2008, 2009 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURADISSIDIA is a registered trademark or trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
About Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), based in London, is responsible for the distribution, marketing and sales of PLAYSTATION®3, PlayStation®2, PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®Network software and hardware in 99 territories across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Oceania. SCEE also develops, publishes, markets and distributes entertainment software for these formats, and manages the third party licensing programs for the formats in these territories. Since the launch of PLAYSTATION 3 in November 2006, over 16.8 million units have been sold globally and continue to be sold at a record level. Maintaining its position as one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history, PlayStation 2 has sold over 137.7 million systems worldwide. Since its launch at the end of 2004, over 44.5 million PSPs have been sold globally, highlighting the importance of the portable entertainment market. With the huge increase in interest and accessibility of network applications and network gaming, over 13 million people have registered to PlayStation Network, the free-to-access interactive environment, and over 236 million items have been downloaded.
More information about PlayStation products can be found at or visit the Virtual Press Office at
PlayStation, PLAYSTATION, the PlayStation logo and EyeToy are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PS3 and PSP are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.