Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Namco Bandai Have Released 2 New Naruto Gameplay Videos For Naruto Shipuden Kizuna Drive

Namco Bandai have released new gameplay videos for Naruto Shipuden Kizuna Drive. both these video's feature Naruto.

Watch Naruto Shipuden Kizuna Drive - Naruto Gameplay Video 1 in Tech & Gaming  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Naruto Shipuden Kizuna Drive - Naruto Gameplay Video 2 in Tech & Gaming  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Sony Announce Move.Me, Software That Can Be Used To Create New Types Of Applcaitions For The Playstation Move

Sony have announced Move.Me at this years GDC. Move.Me is a software application that academics, researchers, students, and hobbyists can use to create new types of software applications using the PlayStation Move motion controller as an input device on their own PCs, all via the PlayStation 3 system. The application is compatible with any Windows or Linux-based PC; other devices, such as tablets and smartphones, can also receive PlayStation Move's tracking data if they can connect to a PS3 system.

Sony have provided some examples on how it can be used. The Move.Me project could help medical researchers prototype, for example, rehabilitation applications for patients undergoing physical therapy. The Move.Me application could also lead game design students to develop new creative concepts for gaming within the areas of 3D modelling, motion capture, and augmented reality.

Move.Me will be available for download from the PSN this Spring.

Press Release

SAN FRANCISCO, March 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Today at the 2011 Game Developers Conference, Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (SCEA) unveiled Move.Me™ – a software application that academics, researchers, students, and hobbyists can use to create new types of software applications using the PlayStation®Move motion controller as an input device on their own PCs, all via the PlayStation®3 (PS3™) system.

Launched in fall 2010, PlayStation Move delivers the most precise and intuitive motion control gaming experience on PS3 with the PlayStation Move motion controller, which features internal motion sensors and utilizes additional tracking from the PlayStation®Eye camera. With the Move.Me application, the high-quality, high-level tracking data that PS3 game developers use can be exported to the PC, providing a powerful tool for creating innovative applications.

The Move.Me project could help medical researchers prototype, for example, rehabilitation applications for patients undergoing physical therapy. The Move.Me application could also lead game design students to develop new creative concepts for gaming within the areas of 3D modeling, motion capture, and augmented reality. The application is compatible with any Windows or Linux-based PC; other devices, such as tablets and smartphones, can also receive PlayStation Move's tracking data if they can connect to a PS3 system.

"PlayStation Move's camera-plus-controller combination allows for the most precise and immersive gaming experiences," said John McCutchan, senior engineer, SCEA Developer Support. "Now we're formally taking that advanced technology, which was almost ten years in the making, and offering it to innovators outside of our traditional game development community so they can create their own applications to impact the world in exciting new ways."

The Move.Me application will be available for download from PlayStation®Network this spring. As part of an early product seeding program in the United States, a handful of prestigious researchers and professionals in the medical, academic and human-computer interaction fields have already expressed interest in creating innovative applications that leverage the unique motion-sensing technology offered by PlayStation Move.

SCEA will support the Move.Me application with sample code, user documentation and corporate material from SCE Research and Development. The Move.Me application will not require the PS3 system SDK or a licensing agreement, which opens the door for wide-spread idea generation and prototyping. Additional details are available

About Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Recognized as the global leader and company responsible for the progression of consumer-based computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) manufactures, distributes and markets the PlayStation® game console, the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system and the PlayStation®3 (PS3™) system. PlayStation has revolutionized home entertainment by introducing advanced 3D graphic processing, and PlayStation 2 further enhances the PlayStation legacy as the core of home networked entertainment. PSP is a handheld entertainment system that allows users to enjoy 3D games with high-quality full-motion video and high-fidelity stereo audio. PS3 is an advanced computer system, incorporating the state-of-the-art Cell processor with super computer like power. SCEI, along with its subsidiary divisions Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea Inc. develops, publishes, markets and distributes software and manages the third party licensing programs for these platforms in the respective markets worldwide. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SCEI is an independent business unit of the Sony Group.

"PlayStation", and "PSP" are registered trademarks and "PS3", is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
SOURCE Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Capcom Have Released Screenshots For Marvel Vs Capcom 3 DLC, The Shadow Mode And Costume Pack

Capcom have released some new DLC for Marvel Vs Capcom 3. the screenshots below are from both modes. the first Shadow Mode Pack is free so if you have the game you should pick it up.

Shadow Mode screenshots

Costume pack screenshots

DICE Have Released A Gameplay Video For Battlefield 3 Titled "Faultline"

DICE have released a new gameplay video for Battlefield 3. this video is titled "Faultline" and shows a few different elements of gameplay.

Watch Battlefield 3 - "Faultline" Gameplay Video in Tech & Gaming  |  View More Free Videos Online at


Sucker Punch Announce Gamers Can Create Their Own Missions In inFamous 2

Sucker Punch have announced gamers can create their own missions in inFamous 2 and play levels from other players. in the game, you will walk through the world and circles with symbols on them will appear. when you walk to one of these, you see the PSN tag of the mission creator, plus extra information like the mission’s current rating. Missions regularly played will get promoted by Sucker Punch into a "Featured Missions" list. Sucker Punch have released this video showing some of the many missions you can create and how it looks like in the world.

Source: USA Playstation Blog

Zero Punctuation - Two Worlds II

This Weeks Zero Punctuation is on Two Worlds II. will Yahtzee be able to look beyond the obvious jokes with the name and find out if its a good game? watch and find out.

Paradox Interactive Unveil Magicka: Vietnam, The First Expansion For Magicka

Paradox Interactive have revealed the first Expansion for Magicka. Magicka Vietnam is set to come soon. Paradox Interactive have released a trailer for this expansion showing in-game action in the jungle setting.

Press Release

The wizards of Arrowhead Studios have whipped up something special for all the Magicka fans out there, today revealing the first expansion for the definitive “blow-up-your-friend” simulator that has taken the fantasy world by meteor storm. Magicka: Vietnam (yes, you read that right) will soon be available on all major digital distribution channels.

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if wizards were allowed to roam the jungles of war-torn Vietnam, attempting to bring peace and stability to the region by casting spells on all opponents? Wait, you haven’t ever wondered that? Ever? Okay, so we’re probably the only ones who have but in our defense: here’s your chance to stop being so closed-minded. Magicka: Vietnam delivers over-the-top action as players take on the role of four meek and physically inept wizards as they try to do what so many 80’s action stars have done in the past: blow stuff up.

View the Magicka: Vietnam Announcement Trailer here:

Accidentally blow yourself to bits by playing the Magicka demo on Steam:

For the latest news on Magicka:

Web page:

About Arrowhead Game Studios
Based out of Skellefteå, Sweden, Arrowhead Game Studios is an award winning game development company focusing on making games that are intuitive and innovative for creative gamers. The company philosophy is based on these simple guiding principles - entertainment, innovation and quality. Magicka, the action/adventure game developed by the company has won the title "Game of the Year" at the Swedish Game Awards 2008, Sweden’s largest game development competition. For more information, visit

About Paradox Interactive
Since 1999, Paradox Interactive has been a leading global developer and publisher of PC-based strategy games. World-renowned for its strategy catalog, the company holds a particularly strong presence in the United States and Europe. Its steadily-growing portfolio includes originally developed titles such as the critically acclaimed Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Victoria and the Hearts of Iron franchises, as well as publishing titles such as the Mount&Blade series, The Kings' Crusade, Majesty 2, Cities in Motion and Magicka. Paradox made an explosive entry onto consoles during 2010 with the release of Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West. For more information, please visit and follow and

Zoo Entertainment Have Released A New Trailer For Firebusrt

Yesterday, Zoo Entertainment announced Fireburst for the PSN, XBLA And PC. today they have released a trailer for the game showing several different courses and vehicles and of course, fire.

Watch Fireburst - Teaser Trailer in Tech & Gaming  |  View More Free Videos Online at

This Weeks UK PSP Digital Comic Store Update

Sony's EU Playstation Blog has detailed the comics coming out today on the PSP Digital Comics Store. in all there are 55 new comics released.

1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad #0-1 Zenescope
2000AD Prog #1715 – Christmas Mega Special 2011 2000AD
Azure #5 DC Comics
Batman Beyond Vol.2 #3 DC Comics
Batman Beyond Vol.4 #3 DC Comics
The Boy Who Made Silence #4 Markosia
Celadore #2 DC Comics
DC Universe Online Legends #3 DC Comics
The Dreaming #17 DC Comics
Ex Machina #32 DC Comics
Fables #48 DC Comics
Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #11 DC Comics
Grimm Fairy Tales #4-5 Zenescope
I Luv Halloween #16 TOKYOPOP
Infestation: Transformers #1 IDW Publishing
Invincible Iron Man (2008) #11-13 Marvel
JLA #40 DC Comics
Legends of the Dark Crystal #10 TOKYOPOP
Legends of the DC Universe #6 DC Comics
Life with Archie #1-4 Archie Comics
Lily of the Valley #1 DC Comics
Mercy Sparx #0-2 Devil’s Due Digital
Promethea #4 DC Comics
Return to Labyrinth #6 TOKYOPOP
Return to Wonderland #0-1 Zenescope
Sandman #24 DC Comics
Slaughterman’s Creed #1 Markosia
Star Trek: The Manga #16 TOKYOPOP
Superman/Batman #51 DC Comics
Supernatural: Beginning’s End #3 DC Comics
Tom Strong #4 DC Comics
Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) #8-12 IDW Publishing
Undertown #8-9 TOKYOPOP
Van Von Hunter #7 TOKYOPOP
Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #23 DC Comics
World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen #4 DC Comics
Y: The Last Man #30 DC Comics
Young Avengers (2005) #9-10 Marvel

Source: EU Playstation Blog

Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 1st March

This is all the news From Tuesday 1st March.

You can subscribe to the Hit X Podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below, and if you do or are already a subscriber it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.

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The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 1st March

  • QTE Blog: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Monday 28th February
  • QTE Blog: Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Monday 28th February
  • Jungle: Its reported Panasonic has discontinued development of the Jungle, changes in the market and things cited as why
  • The ESRB has rated Burger Time HD for WiiWare, PSN, PC, And XBLA.
  • Update 7 is out now for Call of Duty Black Ops on 360, PS3 is out Thursday.
  • Codemasters announces news regarding F1 2011 will come before the season starts at Melbourne
  • 360: The Australian Classification Board has rated Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax for XBLA
  • Team Meat reveal Super Meat Boy Sales are near 400k, confirm there's no WiiWare version, reveal they're working with 3DS
  • Harmonix reveal Dance Central has outsold Rock Band 3 at retail, now has a larger development team on it
  • PSP2: Q Games have nothing to say right now on Lumines, but tease they're at it and seeing what they can do with it
  • PS3: Last Guardian Details, Can't initially communicate with Torico + can't eat everything, "real that exceeds real".
  • QTE Blog: Konami Have Released New Screenshots For Rush'n Attack Ex Patriot
  • QTE Blog: Croteam Release New Serious Sam 3: BFE Screenshots And Game Details
  • PSP2: Nintendo's Satoru Iwata says monthly 3G subscription for PSP2 will limit the number of consumers who buy it
  • UKIE wants more publishers to come toegther to create a PC Download Chart. its gathering pace but needs wider supprt
  • QTE Blog: Zoo Entertainment Announce Fireburst For PC, PS3 PSN, And XBLA
  • QTE Blog: Hudson Announce Sports Island 3D Is Coming June To The Nintendo 3DS
  • 3DS: Famitsu have a round up of 3DS launch titles and what aspects of the 3DS they use
  • PS3: Sony announce a Blue Dual Shock 3 is coming for ¥5,500, a 2 controller charging stand also announced for ¥2,480
  • QTE Blog: Revenge Labs Announce Skullgirls, A 2D Fighting Game Coming To Consoles
  • QTE Blog: Hudson Announce Sudoku: The Puzzle Game Collection For The Nintendo 3DS
  • QTE Blog: Sony Have Detailed "Pure Throwing" In MLB 11 The Show
  • QTE Blog: Sony Announce There Are Over 2 Million Creations In ModNation Racers
  • 3DS: Its rumoured F1 2011 is coming to the 3DS
  • iPhone: Chair announce a update for Infinity Blade is coming out soon. it will add new content and expand some things
  • QTE Blog: Sony Detail Home Update 1.5 And Release New Sodium Two Trailer
  • PS3: Sony reveal Playstation Home has been downloaded 19 million times, the average Home session is 70 minutes + more
  • Its reported Screen Gems have acquired the film rights to Devil May Cry
  • Satoru Iwata, Nintendo aims to sell more 3DS than DS. Also doesn't think Wii has reached its limit, still more to come