Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Playstation Portable Minis Screenshots And Information
Playstation Portable Minis are games that are under 100MB in size and only avaliable through digital distribution, the PSN. the games will work with any Playstation Portable model.
The Minis go live when the PSPgo launches, October 1st, with up to 50 games currently set for release this year.
Developers from India, Gameshastra, London, Honey Slug, Developers who have made games before on the PSN, Creat, and even mobile phone developers like Subatomic Studios are working on Playstation Minis
Playstation Portable Minis
Playstation Digital Reader Screenshots For The Playstation Portable
The service has comics from Marvel Entertainment, IDW Publishing and iVerse Media, as well as Graphic Novels.
The reader has a Autoflow feature which moves the camera over each frame as you would when you read a comic naturally.
Playstation Digital Reader
Playstation 3 Slimmer Announcement, Screenshots And Technical Specifications
The internal architecture has been completely re-designed, and with the development of smaller chips, this has all resulted in the ability to create a smaller PS3. power consumption is down two thirds and the fans are also quieter.
The systems come with Firmware 3.0, which is released September 1st to non Slim PS3's, and also with Sony's Bravia Sync feature.
The PS3 Slimmer can not Install another OS, like the original PS3 could.
PS3 Slim
Sony Online Entertainment Announce That Free Realms Supports 5 New Languages
The Screenshots below show of the languages in the game.
Free Realms
Sega's Summer Sizzler GamesCom Trailer
GamesCom Trailer For Resonance Of Fate
3 New Screenshots of Vancouver Winter Olympics On The PS3 And 360
Vancouver Winter Olympics
New Wacky World Of Sports Screenshots and Boxart For Nintendo Wii
Wacky World Of Sports
EA Has Released The Sims 3 World Adventures GamesCom Trailer And Screenshots
The Sims 3 World Adventures
New Jambo! Safari Screenshots For The Nintendo DS
Jambo! Safari DS
New Screenshots For Jambo! Safari On The Nintendo Wii
Jambo! Safari Screenshots
UK GamesCom PSN Update 18/08/09
Buzz: Quiz World
Dead Nation
Gravity Crash
Hustle Kings
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival
PixleJunk Monsters Deluxe
PixleJunk Shooter
PlayStation Network Digital Comics Trailer
PlayStation Network Video Store Sizzle Trailer
White Knight Chronicles
This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
On WiiWare:
PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit
Pop Up Pursuit is a board game set in a pop up book. you use cards and coins to move around the board. it will cost 800 Wii Points.
New Screenshots For Hasbro Game Night Volume 2 On The Nintendo Wii
Hasbro Game Night Volume 2
Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15Lj04
360: 1 vs 100 has been downloaded 2.5M times. most players a night, USA 230K, EU 215K http://ow.ly/khAG
306: price of the Arcade unit increasing to £159.99 (it was £129.99) from September 1st. Accessories get small increase. http://ow.ly/khBa
Top 5 UK Games, Ashes Cricket, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Call Of Juarez, Tiger Woods. http://ow.ly/khC8
Lionhead has another famous person on their site. this time its Emma Goldman. http://ow.ly/khCw
PS3: Its rumoured that Sony is Changing PS3 Boxart to look more like PS2 games. New Eye Pet Boxart "leaked" http://ow.ly/khE9
Crytek UK has said there are no plans for Timesplitters 4, but they would do one. they want to do something original. http://ow.ly/khHg
360: Rare is looking at their classic IP to see which could work with Natal and be made. http://ow.ly/khHV
PS3: Dead Nations has been leaked. it's a previously unknown game. could be PSN or AAA Title. http://ow.ly/ki8X
QTE Blog: Randy Couture Joins EA's MMA Roster And Will Co-Headline The Game http://ow.ly/15Lk7c
PS3: Vidzone has the premiers of the New Placebo Videos called The Never Ending Why and Ashtray Heart on Wednesday. http://ow.ly/ki9P
Game Informer report, the 360 breaks 5x as it's closet competitor, the PS3. The Wii breaks 6.8%, PS3 10.6% http://ow.ly/kiUq
QTE Blog: NBA Live 10 Gameplay Enhancements Walkthrough Video http://ow.ly/15LkCh
QTE Blog: New Jambo! Safari Trailer For Nintendo Wii. http://ow.ly/15Ll2s
360: Alan Wake is "Done", they're just polishing it until it's release Spring 2010. http://ow.ly/kkba
Crytek believe the next console generation will start 2012. they will have their new engine built by then. http://ow.ly/kkuH
QTE Blog: Spore Hero And Spore Hero Arena Are Set For A UK Release Of October 9th. http://ow.ly/15Llqe
QTE Blog: New Spore Hero Screenshots and Trailer http://ow.ly/15Llqf
QTE Blog: New Nintendo DS Spore Hero Arena Screenshots and Trailer http://ow.ly/15Llqg
Earthworm Jim is coming to Wiiware, XBLA, and PSN. 360 version is out 1 month before the others http://ow.ly/kkRU
PS3: Vidzone is coming to Australia and more European countries. A update, with requested features, is coming in September http://ow.ly/kl92
QTE Blog: Lips Number One Hits Releasing October 20th In USA And October 23rd In Europe. http://ow.ly/15LlxZ
QTE Blog: New Nintendo Wii Screenshots Of Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter http://ow.ly/15Lly0
PS3: As well as the Red and Blue Dual Shock 3 Controllers, A Satin Silver One has also been released at GameStop. http://ow.ly/klvz
Bethesda Deny Saying there are no plans for Elder Scrolls. they say there's not one coming soon. http://ow.ly/kmq0
Wii: The Metroid Prime Trilogy only became a trilogy after the first game was done. http://ow.ly/kmqh
360: A Fable 2 Game Of The Year Edition listing has popped up on a couple of UK online retailers for £39.99, has All DLC http://ow.ly/kmNM
PS3:LBP Game Of The Year Edition Announced. out September 8th. has 18 user levels, 7 DLC Packs Mod Nation Racer Beta http://ow.ly/kmOH
QTE Blog: Shadow Complex Launch Trailer http://ow.ly/15Lnx8