Friday, July 10, 2009
Hudson - Horror Game Calling Announced For The Nintendo Wii - Press Release
The game starts with a website, it has a counter which is the number of people who have died after visiting the site. they witness an event and are drawn into a mysterious world called Calling.
EA - Two more Command and Conquer Screenshots Released

EA - Screenshots for Need For Speed Nitro On Wii and DS
Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
QTE Blog: EA - FIFA Manager 10 Features Online/LAN Play Against Other Managers - Press Release
The Kingdom Hearts Keychain was originally a chainsaw.Square wanted a Mickey Mouse Game, Disney wanted Donal Duck
QTE Blog: EA - Command And Conquer 4 Announced - Press Release
Wii: unconfirmed Japanese release dates, Wii fit plus October 1st, Forever blue 2 September 17th, + more
THQ will support 360 and PS3 motion controllers when they are released. the titles will be friendly for families
PSp: A Action orientated FullMetal Alchemist game is coming tot he PSP on October 15th, in japan.
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on XBLA on July 29th. PSN date to be announced soon.
Wii: Resident Evil 5 may come using Resident Evil 4 engine for gameplay with shooting like Darkside Chronicles.
Team 17 is brining their classic Amiga game Alien Breed to current gen Consoles as Alien Breed Evolution.
Wii: Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 is coming out on the Wii in 2009.
Final Fantasy XIII is rumored to be coming out in Europe and USA at the same time.
QTE Blog: Koei - Warriors Orochi 2 Coming Out On PSP August 25th 2009 - Press Release
360: Xbox Live at one point had a listed Battlefield 1943 for 90000MS Points ($1,124.55).
Splinter Cell Conviction gets a Gamestop pre-order bonus of a exclusive semi automatic shot gun.
360: Forza 3 does not have weather, night racing or rallying in the game. does have over 400 cars.
360:XBLA summer of arcade 2009, TMNT Turltes in time July 22nd,Marvel Vs Capcom 2 July 29th,Splosion Man August 5
QTE Blog: UK PSN Update 09/07/09
Japanese Console Charts. DSi 46.855, PSP 32.849, Wii 24.971, PS3 11.196, DS 7.507, Xbox 360 5.876, PS2 3.734.
CAGcast mentions a rumor that Fight Night Round 4 took soo long to come out because the source code from Fight Night Round 3 went missing
QTE Blog: Sony Online Entertainment - Legends Of Norrath Ethernauts Saga is Ending - Press Release
Lego Rock band features character customization, for example skeletons/pirates and such can be rock stars.
Infinity Ward have showed of Modern Warfare 2 boxart. it uses the name Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. .
PC: Funcom have said that there isn't plans for Anarchy Online present. Anarchy Online still makes money.
PS3: Natsume is saying that Afrika will cost between $39.99 - $49.99 for it's USA release.
Wii: Wii Sports Resort has sold over 510.000 games since launch.
Activision says Modern Warfare 2 has Call Of Duty On it because the game is aprt of the Call Of Duty universe.
360:EA Say they're working to get Servers online to cope with battlefield 1943 demand, should catch up very soon.
QTE Blog: Konami - Walk It Out Video And Screenshots For Nintendo Wii
Konami - Walk It Out Video And Screenshots For Nintendo Wii
The game uses either the Wiimote+Nunchuck, Wii Fit Board, or Dance Dance Revolution Mat to play the game, and mini games. there is over 100 music tracks in which the players can walk to, townscape's the player creates and multiplayer action.