Friday, July 26, 2024

Mobile Friday - Bacon's Revenge - A Simple And Fun "Mergelike" With A Good Tutorial

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Bacon's Revenge, from CloudOcean Star, on my iPhone 14 Pro.

The screenshots on the app store looked nice but it was the description that really piqued my interest. It said Bacon's Revenge was a roguelike but one that also had merge gameplay mechanics. i was really curious how this would work together and after this hour, i think it worked really well.

Bacon's Revenge is a simple game, but it does get the basics right. there's a decent tutorial, too. But it could be a little better, there were some things on the home screen not tutorialised and maybe it could be a bit more aware of what the player is doing, or not doing, and offer some advice. But it is more than enough to get the basics across, and the first chapter we play through is simple enough so that the game isn't overwhelming.

The Roguelike elements of the game are generous so that helps lower the difficulty of the game. each time we fail, we still get gold, items to use when upgrading, and experience. It took me a couple of tries to get past the first chapter, but i learned something each time i failed and when i did succeed in finishing the 10 waves of chapter 1 there was a good sense of accomplishment. 

The Merge aspect of the game does give Bacon's Revenge a sense of luck and randomness. i thought that it wasn't too inconvenient because the Roguelike elements were so generous, so progress however slight was always being made. we can choose which weapons we want to take into a chapter, but we don't start with all of them. we get a choice of 3 at the start and then each time we finish a wave. we have to choose weapons and place them in our bag. each weapon has a space requirement. if we get two of the same weapon, at the same level, we can merge them together and the weapon's now more powerful. but space is limited, so there's a tactical element to not only the weapons we bring into a stage but which ones we have equipped. we can add more bag space and we can also merge items outside of the bag. but if we get nothing we can use, we're able to use the silver coin we've collected from the waves to refresh the selection.

If i had to pick some faults with the game, it'd be that it's too obvious when the music loops. the music itself is fine, but the end and start are different when they loop. i mentioned the tutorial could be better, but the text could also be improved as on occasion it's too small or outside the boundaries of the art it's on top off. but these are fairly small faults in comparison to what the game gets right.

I would prefer there be a speed up option that wasn't locked behind Chapter 5 or a paywall. but other than that, i'm happy with my time with Bacon's Revenge. i do recommend it, Bacon's Revenge is easy but there's a lot to unlock and progress. it's also possible to play the game one handed so it's also recommended for commuters. 

Version 1.1.1 Played.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road from Level-5.

Living in Japan, i have head of Inazuma Eleven and it used to be very popular, but there hasn't been a new anime or game for many years. i checked out the Wikipedia page and yeh, i was surprised that this game was originally set to come out in 2018! back then it was titled "Inazuma Eleven Ares" and was meant to tie into the Inazuma Eleven Ares anime series in 2018.

I doubt that the tech in Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road has much in common with Inazuma Eleven Ares. since it's first reveal it's had 3 more names and gained the PS5 as a release console. Honestly, for a PS4 game it did look really nice. many of the anime releases on PS4 have looked great. the animated cutscenes also looked high quality, but with their black borders i don't know if they're 1080p, scaled down to 1080p, or upscaled to it.

Whilst graphically Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road looks like a modern game, playing the game wasn't as impressive. i was bored playing it. Whilst i know of the Inazuma series, i've never watched nor played any of the games. what i played of Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road went against what i knew, in that Inazuma is a football/soccer series and yet our character hates it and moved to this school specifically to avoid it. after 50 minutes of the story mode, i felt like i knew more of other characters than my own.

The demo does have a second game mode, after story, called Competition Mode. But this felt unwelcoming to me, a new player, much like the story mode did. i had the choice of playing it online or against bots. i chose to play against bots but for some reason the game gave the bots more levels than me. so not only did i not know how to play it, i was up against much higher opposition. 

And wow, it doesn't play like any football/soccer game i've ever played. in some respects, it's more like a strategy game. but it should've had some sort of practice mode. it tried to teach me what was happening, there were videos showing it in action, but it tried to do it in a game with a much higher opposition. so i would try to do what it said, but the opposition was so much higher levelled than me it didn't matter what i did. 

So i didn't enjoy my time with Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road that much. sure it looks good and it was interesting trying out a game in a series i've heard so much about. it's just that it never felt like this game was for me. i didn't have the context for the story and i didn't know how to play it's style of football/soccer. thankfully, as it's a demo it does mean i can use this as practice for when the real game comes out. but as i didn't enjoy my time with the demo, i'm not really keen on getting the game. instead i'd rather try one of the other Inazuma games

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded - From Start To Finish On #PS4

I have stitched together all 10 parts of my gameplay of Tearaway: Unfolded into one video, from start to finish of the game. I tried to cut out all instances of when i accidentally used the Pause/Option button, but on my limited computer and how many hours it already took to make this video i wasn't able to cut out the many many times when i was sent back to a checkpoint or had to re-enter a fight.

Part 10 - The Final Part -

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Star Trek: Resurgence - Part 4 - Act 2 Part 9 to Act 3 Part 3

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Star Trek: Resurgence, from Dramatic Labs.

Part 3,, ended when i died trying to do a stealth section. so today's part continued from there. the story started to pick up pace and it started to become clear what was happening, not only to the #Hotari and #Alydian but also on our ship. questions still remain, with perhaps the biggest being what is the end goal of the Scions of the Flame.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Cloud Monday - Daxter - Part 2 - Trophies And Rewind Make This Great Game Easier To Recommend

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing the PSP version of Daxter on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

It quickly became clear in Part 1,, that the PlayStation Portable game #Daxter holds up today just like it did back in 2006. After that part and this, i can comfortably say that this is one of the best PS1/PS2/PSP games emulated on PS4 and PS5. Daxter was already well designed for a portable system, and things like great checkpoints, immediate respawns, and manual saves carry over into streaming this game from PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service.

It's not perfect, there are some issues due to it's age and original platform it was developed for. there were times when i felt i was moving the camera and doing button presses faster than the emulated game could keep up with. this meant i was walking of ledges and not hitting enemies as i thought. this wasn't a huge issue, but something i noticed. something else is that it felt hard to walk in a straight line with Daxter. whilst out and about it wasn't a big issue but many levels have narrow ledges and platforms and more than once i ended up walking off and falling. thankfully, the emulated software has a rewind feature so i was able to quickly get back and try again.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - July’s Eggstra Work – 116 Top Score!

Welcome to Switch Funday!

This weekend is July's Eggstra Work Event in Splatoon 3 on Switch. I haven't had much luck with the previous events so i came into this just wanting to get a decent score, one i felt satisfied with, a 1,000 points for the Gatchapon, and if possible finishing Wave 5.

There are a lot of factors that go into whether an Eggstra Work event is going to go well. i feel like this weekends went mostly ok and a big reason for that were the weapons. all 4, tho i only use 2 of them across the 8 matches i played, are weapons i like but also they help create a balanced team. as for the waves, Wave 2 was the biggest pain as it's a glowfly wave. but the others were much more manageable, with Wave 5 being obviously the most difficult. My team mates and I got to Wave 5 twice and came close to beating it each time.

So overall, i'm satisfied with my top score of 116. whilst i never finished Wave 5, i feel like i came close so i don't think i would've been able to get a much higher score.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Online Saturday - Pokémon Unite - Checking Out The 3rd Anniversary

It's Pokémon Unite's 3rd Anniversary and they are running some events. For today's Online Saturday video i checked out all the different events happening, including the return of Pokémon Parade, by playing Pokémon Unite on my Nintendo Switch.

Mobile Friday - Royal Card Clash - A Fun Gameplay Mechanic, But It Needs Layout Changes And Less Ads

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Royal Card Clash from Gearhead Games. I was looking for card games with some interesting ideas, and not just for example Solitaire reskinned, and when i saw the video on the app store page i knew i wanted to give Royal Card Clash a try.

Version 1.0.4 Played.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Abathor On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Abathor, from Tesura Games and Jandusoft.

The look of the game is very nostalgic for me. i grew up playing the SEGA Master System and Mega Drive so i saw this and instantly thought of Golden Axe. The screenshots on the eShop did look interesting as the pixel art looked beyond what those systems could output.

Before we get to start, we're greeted with a bare bones home screen that mentions that this is a demo, has a very basic settings page, and allows us to view the credits. But there's no link to the eShop, not even a QR Code. there's a lot of wasted space that could've been filled with stuff that could help sell the game.

But when you do start the demo, there's a very cool character select screen. i wasn't expecting that screen to show you the moves of the character. you see, when you click on a character a gif/video starts playing showing what buttons on the controller do what in the game. it's a simple concept but it really works and i hope other games do something similar.

With our character selected we start at 1-1 and the first thing you notice is how animated the background is. the rolling waves look fantastic. our ship has a bear skin sail that also looks stunning. i appreciate that the devs didn't go all in on the 16 bit style, they've taken the best bits of style from it and modernised it so it doesn't feel dated and stilted. there's lots of little animations everywhere.

It's not just the look of the game, but the soundtrack too. each stage has it's own theme, as does the credit screen and the home menu. the music on 1-1 really made me think of music from the Mega Drive era. But i do have a complaint in that there's not enough of it! it was really noticeable when the music looped and i felt that it happened too quickly.

But my biggest complaint has to be how the controls interact with the game. it's not all bad, i found them to be very responsive. each character also controls a little different from each other. It's just that the critical part of the gameplay, the attacking, just didn't feel right. all the characters i played as had to get too close to the enemy so inevitably i ended up taking damage whether i was attacking, dodging, or parrying. i found it difficult to judge distance, occasionally this was a jump but more often than not i underestimated the reach of my attack. it was frustrating but, perhaps more importantly it wasn't satisfying to attack.

Another example of this was how many hits it took to defeat enemies. with our main weapon i could understand if it was only that that took numerous hits. but every item we picked up seemed to be underpowered to the point where i didn't really want to use them. they did provide range, but if they're no more powered than i am, they weren't special or cool. the same goes to the special attacks did. none of them felt any more powerful than a standard attack. this is probably why i felt more comfortable using the character which didn't have an attacking special, rather she employed a parry which slightly stunned an enemy long enough for me to get all the hits in to defeat it. I highly recommend #Sais as the character everyone should try first.

Abathor does a lot right and i really did have fun playing it. but I can't ignore that the combat just wasn't satisfying. Using Sais did help and maybe i would be able to endure a while longer using her. but that's not exactly a great endorsement of the game. So it's great there's a demo that allows us to try all the characters. hopefully there'll be one that'll make playing the game fine enough. So i do recommend you check out the demo, but maybe wait and see with the reviews if the combat is fixed, or at the very least modified.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Star Trek: Resurgence - Part 3 - Act 2 Part 5 to Act 2 Part 9

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Star Trek: Resurgence, from  Dramatic Labs.

In this video i play through Act 2's "The Scientific Method", "Suspicions", "Containment Protocol",  "Symbols and Legends",  and i die during the 9th part "Lost and Found".  Don't worry, i will continue from the 9th part in next week's Part 4.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Cloud Monday - Daxter - What Made It Great On PSP Makes It Great To Stream From The Cloud

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing the PSP version of Daxter on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

Daxter originally came out on PlayStation Portable back in 2006 and it's a game i have played and finished. but it's been such a long time, i was excited to play it again. I've been looking at the new PS1, PS2, and PSP games that have been added to PS4 and PS5 via emulation, trying to find one that still holds up and isn't a novelty or a nostalgia recommendation. Daxter maybe the first one of these games that i've played that i would recommend as a game that still holds up. 

Daxter is smartly designed for the PSP. it's level's aren't too sprawling that they take ages to complete. there's a decent amount of platforming and things to do, but it can take 15-25 minutes to complete it. this may sound like that there'd be a lot of loss progress if there's a disconnection from the cloud streaming service. Daxter also has a great check point system and auto save system which helps alleviate those worries. The service does give us a 20 second warning first and Daxter seems to let us save anywhere in the game and it saves quickly.

These features are similar to what the emulated games can do. via the Options button you can chose to save or load at any point in the game. what the emulation software adds is the ability to rewind. but this isn't as big of deal as in other games because the game checkpoint frequently and is very fast to put us back in to the game.

Other benefits are that the game looks great. it was already a great looking PSP game, but it still holds up well in 1080p on PS4. our character, Daxter, is quite big on screen, as is other characters and things like text boxes and enemies, which mean if there are issues with stream tearing or macro blocking it's still fairly easy to work out what's happening and continue playing like nothing's wrong.

Today's gameplay was a little rough with my connection. i imagine it was a bandwidth issue more than anything. i would say that the camera does take a little getting used to. the emulation software has done a great job of mapping the controls to the right analogue stick and i found them responsive. but maybe they're a bit too responsive for the game itself. it was made with different controls in mind and sometimes i found myself fighting the game. this meant that there were moments where i failed to land a jump as i couldn't work out the 3D space well. But with the rewind feature, i wasn't too concerned. it's just a little frustrating quirk of the game.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - July's Weekend Splatfest Tricolor - 15 Battles 6 Wins!

Welcome to Switch Funday.
It's day two of July's Splatfest weekend so today's video focuses on the Tricolor game mode in Splatoon 3. 

For the second Splatfest in a row all 15 games i played were with the other two teams. i chose teambeach and came into today with only 5 wins yesterday, yesterday we only played against teamthemepark but thankfully today we also played with teampalace.

For yesterday, i chose to use 3 different brellas weapons. today i had a similar idea and only used brush weapons. i started with the Painbrush, then went with the Inkbrush Nouveau, and finished with the regular Inkbrush. It's a type of weapon i've not really used much and only had 3 of that type to chose from so it was an interesting time using them.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Online Saturday - Splatoon 3 - July's Weekend Splatfest Battle - 15 Battles 5 Wins!

Welcome to Online Saturday!

This weekend is a Splatfest weekend in Splatoon 3 on Switch. the question being asked this Splatfest is "Which would you reserve for a day? A Palace, a Theme Park, or a Beach?"

I picked TeamBeach and played 15 matches for them. unfortunately, i only managed to win 5. Also, i only played against TeamThemePark. i never played against TeamPalace.

I was in the mood to use Brellas so i started with the Splat Brella, i changed to the Undercover Sorella Brella, and finished with the Sorella Brella.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Mobile Friday - Maze of Gods - A Good Looking And Playing Roguelike That Needs A Better Tutorial

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Maze of Gods from RSCube. From the app store page, it's art immediately grabbed my attention but i couldn't work out what type of RPG it was.

After playing for nearly an hour, it's clear that Maze of Gods is a Roguelike. It's a rather generous Roguelike in that when our run is over we get to keep all the loot we found, except for healing potions. the level of difficulty is also quite low. the game as a whole is a very approachable Roguelike.

but it could be much more approachable in general. for example, the tutorial it has is very basic. it switches from telling us how do to something to doing it for us without explaining what's happening. far too often in this video i have to work out what things do and explore menus myself. it feels like this tutorial needs to be expanded, or at the very least ask us if we want help or not and if we do then be more hands on.

Overall, i really did have a good time playing Maze of Gods. but there are enough little things that need improving that keep it from being one of my top games of the year. i will keep it on my phone and check what updates come for it. as it is, i would still recommend it for anyone looking for an approachable Roguelike.

Version 1.1.12 Played.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - On Your Tail On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of On Your Tail, from Memorable Games and published by Humble Games .

This game knew it was a demo and i enjoyed how it leaned into it. where ever there were invisible walls, the game had something to say. even tho effort had gone into this demo version of the game, it was a little surprising that the title screen didn't have a link to the game's #eShop page to pre-order it.

There isn't too much to do in this demo. i don't think it starts from the beginning of the game, but it's fairly close to it. we're given a short list of things to do and let loose into the world to do them. there's no map and no markers pointing the way. but there's also no time pressure to get things done quick. some areas we couldn't explore because it's a demo, and it wasn't too difficult to find our way.

But the first thing i did was find a guy and talk to them. they offered to be my tour guide, and then preceded to never lead. we had to lead and the guy quipped in now and then with things not too useful or he talked about things we weren't looking at. if it was meant to be a way to introduce us to the town, it didn't work. but it's difficult to know if that's because it's a demo or because that's how it is.

The other thing we had to do was talk to a restaurant owner about a theft. this was far more interesting as it showed of the game's core mechanic. we have a timepiece that lets us look at items in the past. we had to find 3 that had been changed in the past. one we did, we had to put them onto a timeline and watch the crime take place. this may sound complicated but it was surprisingly simple. i failed a few times and there's no punishment for it. it would've been nice if it was clearer what had succeeded and what had failed. especially as this is a demo and i suspect the first time we've done this sorta thing. i expected a bit more of a hands on tutorial for this, or a tutorial via inner monologues. 

After we solved that mystery, that seemed to be the end of the demo. and yet it didn't end. so i explored the town and met as many of the people living there as i could. i was wondering how the demo expected us to end it. would it end the demo, treat us to a trailer or screenshots before putting us back at the title screen. or did it expect us to end it by quitting the game. unfortunately i never found out as it crashed and that's where i ended the video.

Overall i had a good time with the demo. it did feel a little rough in places with textures taking a long time to load, and some popping in and out once they did. it also felt a little bare bones at times. i feel much from the background noise and would've preferred a more calm, relaxed, maybe even lo-fi background music instead. there wasn't much life in the town. very few people out and about. whilst i enjoyed the core detective mechanic, i worry that the bits between that may not be as fun or exciting. with the demo being this short and this bereft of content, i just don't know.

So i do recommend people checking out the demo, it's not quite enough for me to say it's an instant whish list or pre-order. but it's well worth checking out reviews and then getting it and it does have some nice ideas and it was a nice time.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded On PS4 - Part 10 – The Final Part

I finally finished Tearaway Unfolded. i would argue i had seen at least 3 possible end game moments before i got to the actual end game moment. for that, that's the only blemish this game has. for me, the fun and story ended when the scraps were delt with. post that, the story lost me and i don't think i got what the developers were trying to say. it almost feels that the stuff after the scraps could've been DLC for the messenger in our controller.

I never really got that whole there's another messenger part of the game. the idea of being in our controller is cool, but it didn't look anything related to Sony or the games, it was generic. there was no talk about how the messenger got in there either. any why was it that i only became aware of the other messenger right before we met them. it would've made much more sense if my controller would play their song every now and then. like i said, it would've made a lot more sense if this last section was DLC to let us help get the other messenger out and to safety. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Star Trek: Resurgence - Part 2 - Act 1 Part 4 to Act 2 Part 5

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Star Trek: Resurgence, from  Dramatic Labs.

In this video i play through Act 1's "Storm Surge", "The Price of Duty", "All I Ask is a Tall Ship...",  and Act 2's "Cast Adrift",  "A Provocation to War", "Navigational Complexities", and "Seat of Power"

Monday, July 8, 2024

Cloud Monday - The Sly Collection - Part 2 - Not Perfect But The Best Version Of Sly Cooper To Play

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing the PS3 version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

In Part 1,, our time with the game was cut short by PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service terminating our session. but there was enough time to start to compare it to the PS2 version of the game that's recently come out via emulation on PS4 and PS5. visually, the main differences between them are that the PS3 version is widescreen with more muted colours whilst the PS2 is 4:3 and more vibrant. i found the controls more responsive on PS3 and more modernised. 

But in this video, Part 2, i finally got to see what would happen without the emulated version's rewind feature. i lost all my lives. i was genuinely concerned about what would happen. but thankfully i needed not worry. the game isn't too concerned that i lost my lives and was happy to give me 5 more and restart me back at the boss fight. With lives being nothing to worry about, it makes the advantages of the PS3 version really stand out.

Both versions have quick saving, and while the PlayStation 2's ability to save anywhere is a bonus, it's not that big of a bonus as the game has frequent checkpoints. The only big difference between the emulated PS2 version and this PS3 version is that you can download and play the emulated version on PS4 and PlayStation 5. the PS3 version is stuck on PS3 and on this cloud gaming service. 

Which ever one you play, it's a fun time and i do recommend you give either version a go. it's one of those games which can be played by many ages and skill levels, but there's something for those wanting to complete the game too.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Switch Funday - F-Zero 99 - Trying Out Patch 1.40's Team Battle Mode And Festival Events

For Switch Funday i'm back with F-Zero 99 as the game has been updated to 1.40. this brought some new additions, including the new Team Battle mode i tried out and the current Festival Event.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Online Saturday - The First Descendant - A Great First Hour!

For Online Saturday i tried out The First Descendant on #PS4. i had heard some good first impressions of  The First Descendant from Nexon , and i was keen on playing an online game similar to Destiny. but i knew next to nothing about The First Descendant so i was hoping for a good tutorial.

I can say that the tutorial in The First Descendant was fantastic. it smartly used gameplay and instructions to teach me the controls. for the more simple stuff, it was a text box on screen. but for more difficult stuff they'd stop gameplay and put up a bigger box with a video showing what you need to do. but with the gameplay stopped, i didn't feel a rush to read everything and could take the time to slowly read it and try to understand. for the most part, the tutorial was smartly implemented throughout this video whenever something new would happen either in-game or in menus. only once did it get in the way when it tried to teach me how to equip better items in the middle of a shootout and i had to dismiss it was gameplay didn't stop as this was during the online section.

I didn't know when the online section was going to come. in the beginning, the game was focused on telling it's story and world building. and then, we were online with everyone! after the story, we were dropped into a hub world full of other players. it wasn't clear which region i'm playing in. i didn't see anyone with Japanese or Asian names and the game didn't ask me what region i wanted to play in.

Whilst this section took me by surprise, the game was much more explicit when it came to the next mission. it used a quick tutorial to talk about public or private play, tho it i must've missed in the tutorial where that selection was. so for the second half, it's all online. the open world elements had enemies randomly attacking and i could engage with them with others in the world. then there were story sections where i could choose to play said section publicly or privately. i chose public each time and each time i either joined someone else playing or someone joined my game. each time was seamless with a simple addition of a player name to my screen.

the first thing i noticed about the gameplay was when i pressed L2 and zoomed into the enemy. it felt much quicker than i expected and there wasn't any lock-on to the enemy either. this isn't a bad thing, it's just one way shooters differentiate themselves. what i found odd was how my character was a big bulky guy and yet moved like someone much nimbler. i may not have fully got used to it during this video, but i was overall satisfied with my progress and the shooter in general.

i had a great time with The First Descendant. it does very well introducing the world, the story, the characters, and the gameplay mechanics. as a free to play game, it's easy to recommend to anyone looking for a shooter in a similar vain to Anthem and Destiny. I'm looking forward to playing more of this game in the future.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Mobile Friday - Dadish 3D - Controls And Adverts Get In The Way Of This Charming Game

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Dadish 3D, The latest Dadish game from Cat Cup Games  and Thomas K. Young. i hadn't played any of the other Dadish games, but it was a series i had heard about. i played this on my iPhone 14 Pro.

from the app store page, this game was overflowing with nostalgic charm so i was excited to play it. but after trying out the mobile version, i don't think i can recommend it. i'd imagine the PC version would be a better experience than what i played.

For me, what was the most frustrating thing were the adverts. i think i had 15 adverts in less than a hour. it was shocking and abrupt the first time it happened and every now and then i'd be blasted by adverts with their volume so high. it looks like the game is using Unity and Lunar and i'm concerned that these are going to eat through your mobile data. i played the game on Wi-fi, but imagine you're commuting 5 days a week, an hour to and from work. that's 150 adverts each week just playing the game. by cutting the adverts from this video, i cut out around 4 minutes. that's like 40 minutes a week of adverts.

Unfortunately, adverts weren't Dadish 3D's only problem. whether it was using the touch screen or Bluetooth controllers, i couldn't trust the controls. with the Bluetooth #Xbox controller the lag was so great that it got me killed. i show in the video it felt like nearly half a second between pressing the button and it happening in-game. the controller doesn't work with the adverts either so you'll need to pick up and play on your phone anyway. but i never really trusted the touch screen controls. there were many instances where it was like my character had momentum when landing and walked off an edge or into something. there were other times when it felt like we barely made a jump.

That's one of the weirdest things about playing this game, i found it really difficult to navigate the 3D environment. sure, my character had a shadow so i could see where i was, but it was really difficult to judge where in a 3D space everything else was. sometimes i would have to move the camera side-on to make it a 2D experience to judge it. other times i'd hope. and sometimes i'd just repeatedly fail until somehow i didn't.

I had other issues with Dadish 3D that got in the way of my enjoyment. mostly they're question i had whilst playing it. the game has one good tutorial moment and then stops it. so when i found a star and it had little to no fanfare, i had no idea what was happening. or when other foods appeared, i didn't know if they were out to get me, if i could defeat them, or what. i had no idea how many stages were in each area or how many kids i was to get. for some reason the game never sent me to the overworld menu screen. there, i got some of my answers. but i only discovered that screen right at the end. the game never communicated it to me.

There are some other small issues, but ultimately they all combine into a gaming experience that i cut short of my usual hour play time because i stopped having fun and was more frustrated than anything else. So i can't recommend the mobile version of Dadish 3D. i don't know how it plays on #Switch or PC, but after this experience i'm not that keen to find out.

Version 1.02 Played.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess On PS4

This week's DEMO is the PlayStation 4 version of Capcom's Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

This is one of the better demo's i've played this year. the video starts with it saying this isn't the final game, some things may not work, and there's no support. it's making it clear this is a demo. after some options, we're greeted with the main menu and it also says it's a demo. what's great is that there's an option to go to it's PSN store page. Capcom have made it clear that it's a demo and made it easy to pre-order the game. 

At the end of this video, there is the first ending to this demo and once again Capcom have given us a link to pre-order the game. the only way the end could've been better was if Capcom added screenshots and/or a trailer for the game. It knows it's a demo, we know it's a demo, so we can focus on the game itself.

i assume this is from the start of the game, maybe with the opening cutscene and story cut from the demo. the tutorial and initial stages are very well done and work well together. i never felt overwhelmed nor did i feel that things we too easy. there were a mix of tutorial methods, ranging from the basic box of text on screen, to a check list to help you try out different attacks. later in the video, we'll get access to new moves and a little gif plays showing what it does. overall, i was surprised how accessible the game is for new players.

My time with Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess was so positive it made me wishlist the game after playing. if you're unsure, playing this demo will be great for you. but i do think that Capcom has a good game here and for some they should simply pre-order. i would've liked more of the story, more of the why, but in terms of gameplay its good.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded On PS4 - Part 9 – A Second False End

For the second time, i thought i had finished Tearaway Unfolded. i didn't play the PSV version of it so i don't know if it's the same on there, but this PS4 version has tricked me twice now. the first time it wasn't too bad as i felt that they worked it into the narrative of the story very well. but this time, it feels cheap.

After beating the scraps, we ended up between stories in a section that looked cool but didn't offer much different in gameplay mechanics. but visually it was very different. the same is true when we reached the desert looking area. there were some cool visual and audio moments, but this feels like the first video we've done where nothing special was added to the gameplay.

This helps add to the thought that this third story feels a little unearned and cheap and that perhaps i would've been more satisfied with the game ending than what i have played so far.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Star Trek: Resurgence - Act 1 Part 1 to Part 4

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS4 version of Star Trek: Resurgence.

In this video i play through Change of Station, The Lower Decks, All Hands, and Storm Surge in Act 1.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Cloud Monday - The Sly Collection - Part 1 - Better Controls Than PS2 Version But No Rewind

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing the PS3 version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

The previous game i checked out for Cloud Monday was the recently released PS2 version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus on PS4, it's also out on PS5. That version of the game is running in an emulator. So the positives after Part 1,, and Part 2,, were that you're able to save anywhere which is great when you only have 20 seconds before the service kicks you off, and that you're able to rewind gameplay and retry. But i wondered if the PlayStation 3 HD Rerelease would be better.

So as well as the usual goals of seeing how the game plays as it's streamed to me, i was checking out a personal question of is this PS3 version than the emulated PS2 version. 

The first thing i noticed was that it was a 16:9 screen, tho the resolution wasn't 1080p, it was maybe 900p. then i noticed the camera controls were much more modern. and then i was able to get into the police building, something which took too long in Part 1 as i took time to adjust to the jump in the game. So immediately i felt more comfortable with the game. 

But then came the first instance where i would've liked to have had the rewind controls. i was hit by a missile and the respawn point was right at the start of the level. Thankfully this section is very short, but it was a tad frustrating.

Overall, i found this version much easier to play. with no rewind, i also found myself going a little slower too. but i know this section having played it previously so it will be interesting if i'm able to get to the boss fight or even a new area in part 2.

This part ended earlier than i wanted as i was kicked off the service. thankfully, not only is it easy to save in this game but it's also fast so i was able to save before the 20 second count down. when i checked my internet stats at the speed test it was clear to see why i was kicked off, these speeds were very abnormal for me and other games i've played.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Switch Funday - Tetris 99 - 41st Maximus Cup - F-ZERO 99

There is a Maximus Cup this weekend in Tetris 99 on Nintendo Switch. The 41st Maximus Cup is for the Switch game F-ZERO 99. By getting 100 points, you can unlock a F-ZERO 99 theme which includes sounds and a background.

The side quest, as ever, is to try and win. unfortunately, i didn't manage to make it to the top 10 at all during this cup. in the first couple of games i managed to get into the top 20, with the first game being especially difficult. but other than that, i wasn't able to score too highly.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Online Saturday - Splatoon 3 - It’s My Birthday And I Wanted To Play It

For this week's Online Saturday video i'm back on the Switch with Splatoon 3. It's my birthday and i wanted to play something fun and relaxing so here are 15 matches of Turf War, of which my team mates and I managed to win 10 of them.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Mobile Friday - Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game - It Does Most Things Good, But Nothing Great

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game,  from developers CLOVER-FI Games and Camilla Santiago.  i played this on my iPhone 14 pro.

Many recent idle games i've played have had a lot of action and/or story. so seeing Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game and what it's app store page said got me curious about a different style of idle game. so going in i knew it was more casual, more laid back, and had a lo-fi feel to it.

And yet, i don't think it does great at expressing that to the player itself. if someone decided to play this game because of the lo-fi element, they maybe expecting a modern idle game. Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game starts with a brief introduction from another character and this would've been the perfect place for that character to say we can come back once or twice a day, that plants are hardy and will be ok, and that the game has a vacation mode. the game is a bit too keen to start.

But when it does it's good to see that it asks us if we want a tutorial. as Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game is out on other platforms, it's possible that we might've played it else where. it's not clear if the cloud save is just from this device or if we have a personal account. i wanted to see the tutorial so i don't know if the game asks to link to an account and get our save or start anew. 

The tutorial looks great, until it abruptly stops right as we get to the main menu. i wanted a tutorial, i asked for it, so like modern mobile games i expected some, if not all, of the icons to be explained or at least pointed to. thankfully it's not difficult to work out what these buttons do when you press them. 

I liked the pixel art and the art in general. but some elements of it weren't designed for my phone. my phone's screen has rounded corners, so the big text box at the bottom looks weird as the bottom corners are missing. the same with the pause button and frenzy bar. the Dynamic Island never got in the way but it was a  little strange we could put items over it. i feel like something more bespoke for the phone would've worked better. maybe taking the icons and putting them to the side with the Dynamic Island and leaving the rest of the screen for the game.

Something like that might've helped with the mini games. the game with a bucket was the most awkward to play as it uses the full length of the screen. but none of my fingers could cover the entire bottom of the screen so i had to try and switch thumbs as i played. but so much is coming down so quickly, i was not effective at playing it. if the screen was smaller, like my example above or if we played on a fake handheld, so we would see the front of the handheld and played on that screen, it would've been easier. (I've tried to think of a fun name for such a portable but can't do better than "Skylight" or "Wardian")

It is good to have some mini games, but the controls just hold them back. the flower idea is good, too. but i was surprised that the game doesn't lean into it more. they do look good on the window, taking care of them is also simple enough. But that's kinda it. we have a book showing which flowers we have, but this just shows the same information. i genuinely thought we were going to get like a wikipedia article about the flowers (or a copy of the Simple English page) but there's nothing extra. i thought there was going to be a zoomed in pixel art of each flower, but again it's the same image we already see.

The lo-fi aspect of the game also has the same limitations. it's good that it says what each song is when it starts, but then it disappears. surely we could choose to have the current song permanently displayed or not. and then there's the record player, there's no play or pause of stop option. The game does have a sleep mode that i don't think i fully understood how to work or why it's there in the first place. if the lo-fi music is so important it's in the name, why not give us a music player mode. i called it a commute mode where the game fades into the background and we get to enjoy the music. maybe our plants could be on screen as a screen saver.

There's nothing wrong with Window Garden - Lo-fi Idle Game, but on the other hand there's nothing great. it's good at a lot of things but also doesn't excel at anything. I would still recommend it tho. there is a lot to like and a lot of potential with this idea. it's being regularly updated so it's also a game i'd recommend keeping on your phone and checking out what each update brings. but as it is, it's fine to check in once or twice a day, maybe before and after work on the commute home, and spend a relaxing time with it with the sound on.

Version 1.3.15 Played.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Frogun Encore On PS4

There's no commentary with this video as my computer locked up during recording and i lost it all. Frogun Encore itself also crashed on PlayStation 4 and i kept that in the video. i've had demos be buggy, but this demo was the first one to actually crash and take me back to the PS4 XMB. Thankfully it was saving my progress, tho i don't remember the game actually telling me it was, so i could continue the demo and finish it.

I haven't played the original Frogun game from Molegato, but it's one i knew off and did want to try. going into Frogun Encore i wasn't sure whether it was a sequel to the original or a re-release of it. I think it's a sequel from what was said in-game. but this demo itself does little to promote itself. there's no link to the PSN from the home screen, no trailer or screenshots when you finish it.

Even tho things were going wrong whilst playing it, i actually had a good time with Frogun Encore. i feel like the initial level and tutorial aren't a great match. the tutorial is great, but the start of the level is a little full on whereas we've not had time to adjust to the jumping or getting around the level not just by walking but by our frog's tongue. 

But it doesn't take long to get up to speed. thankfully the game isn't too demanding when it comes to lives. we get 6 hits on us and if we do die, we're sent back to the checkpoint quickly with little to no punishment for it. it felt like #Tearaway #Unfolded, as i've been playing that as part of Backlog Conquering, in that the levels had little puzzles that were easy to understand and complete. the levels weren't expansive, but are well designed. and the overall design is full of charm and it very clear what it what.

One surprise was the soundtrack! just from this demo i know it's one i wouldn't mind owning. i hope they make it easy to get or at the very least stream. This demo is one i would recommend as it's just a fun platformer. since i played the demo, i've gone on to #Wishlist the game and i think for some people, they could just go ahead and do that 'cause it's just that good and fun.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded On PS4 - Part 8 – Reuniting With Our Companion

We finished Part 7,, in The Caverns and that's where we spend most of our time in this video. Visually, The Caverns was kinda cool, but the gameplay wasn't as inspired as other sections of the game. 

there were no new gimmicks and the new uses of the controller were quite short lived. the Minecart section was fun and it was interesting pressing buttons to move the track, but it was far too short. it was used once and not again.

There didn't seem to be much progression in the story. the only highlight being when we finally reunited with our companion. but this to was short lived as the freed Wendigo either looked after it as a pet or maybe it's a baby Wendigo. unfortunately, we won't know happens to them because we finished Part 8 reaching the Liar of the Scraps and they couldn't follow me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - When the Past Was Around - From Start to Finish

I have stitched together all 4 parts of my gameplay of  When the Past Was Around into one video, from start to finish of the game.

Part 4 - The End -

Monday, June 24, 2024

Cloud Monday - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus - Pt2 - Let Down By Controls And Camera

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing the PS2 version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

In Part 1,, the charm of the game was very evident. it was also nice how each section we had to clear was nice and short and different from each other. that continued in this section with the boss also being different and unique but importantly only needing 4 hits to be defeated. The level design is mostly solid as well. the gameplay doesn't feel like a chore, nor does it feel like it's dragging on.

But it's really hampered by the controls and camera. the controls are just too sluggish. i don't think that this is a result of the game being streamed to me via PlayStation Plus either. I wonder if it's because PS2 games used a cable to connect to the console and had a different polling rate than Bluetooth controllers. basically, does the game check on what's being inputted fast enough. it's a frustrating experience pressing a button and often not seeing it happen on screen fast enough and then occasionally seeing it happen on time. it makes the jumping difficult. 

An example of this is the boss at the end of the video. for a while i couldn't jump up and down and press the button fast enough to start the next up jump before i was hit. the boss was moving faster than i could. so i had to try and start a little ahead of the boss so by the time he had caught up with me he got tired and i could hit him. i doubt this was the actual strategy, tho if it was please say so in the comments, and instead it's a result of the weird controller lag.

I'm not saying it's impossible for it to be caused from streaming the game. but i've played enough of these games to know that it's only ever been an issue in one other game. 

The camera was also another frustration. i felt like i was fighting it too often and it kept getting caught in the level. I had to make some jumps based on guess work. what really didn't help was that i couldn't change the camera to inverted. back in the day, it was a somewhat normal camera scheme, but nowadays inverted is the norm. 

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus very much feels like the first game. it has great ideas and some not so great. what i'm curous about, and may check out in the next video, is whether the PS3 HD version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus controls any differently. if it does, would i prefer to have better controls and camera or the ability to save and rewind. i'm very curious to try the PlayStation 3 version.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Switch Funday - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - My First Time

Welcome to Switch Funday!

Back in April i tried out The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages,, and i had hoped to try out The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons soon afterwards but i never got round to it until now.

So even tho it's my first time playing this game, i have a basic understanding of how it might work because of Oracle of Ages. but what i really didn't know was the story and i quite liked this story. it's simple, but i think it was effective but most importantly it was clear what we needed to do.

The graphics are great, the music is great, which meant i was the only downside as it took far to long for me to realise what i needed to do with the bombs. Perhaps the game could've given a hint, but this is from a time when game manuals would also be the tutorials and give hints. in the end i did work it out so it's not all bad.

Both games are good and with the emulation software, being able to rewind and save anywhere is fantastic. it's a shame i can't play either from the Switch Online App as i think the games and emulation software would be great as a phone game.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Online Saturday - Rocket Racing - Not Very Welcoming For New Players

*Apologies for the microphone issues. i'd understand if you don't want to listen to me in this video. So i have uploaded another video which is just the racing and no commentary. you can watch it here:

For Online Saturday i played the PS4 version of Rocket Racing from developers Psyonix. it's an online racing game built on Fortnite tech. It was my first time playing it. i was surprised that the install for it was over 60GB! it must've downloaded the whole Fortnite game. however, i don't know for sure as there's a lack of information on the PSN Store page.

This lack of information from the game to me was frustrating throughout this video. it's a shame because the actual gameplay was fun and the tutorial was great. but there's no tutorial outside of the game. and for me, who's never played this before and never used this lobby before, it just wasn't intuitive enough. this happened early when i ended up doing the tutorial twice as i thought pressing up meant doing the tutorial instead of it meaning choosing game mode.

I also had an issue with my first try of the Metalica stage as there was no audio and no sound effects! i quit the game to change settings on my PlayStation 4 so i don't know if it was quitting the game that fixed it or the settings. but this, combined with no tutorial for the lobby screen just gave a bad first impression.

These  lobby screens on console are often poor, my first video on Trackmania, and Pokémon Unite, are examples of this. even the recent Star Wars: Hunter game has a busy lobby screen but at least that game tried to explain it all. Rocket Racing made no attempt.

There were also issues when trying to play some levels made by other people. none of them would load and i don't know why. i could only get the Metallica stage and the Ranked Mode stages to load. Again, Ranked mode wasn't really explained. i don't know what stages are on it, i doubt i played against real people in a couple of stages, and progression wasn't explained nor do i know where any of that stuff is.

Gameplay is good, tho i would have liked the game to explain how to do boost starts, is just that everything else about Rocket Racing was a frustrating mess and just not welcoming to new players. all it needed to do was, when the game takes me back to the lobby after the tutorial, ask if i wanted a lobby tutorial or not. it's hard to recommend Rocket Racing for new players. but if you have time to figure it all out, the gameplay is fun. but there aren't many people playing it so waits could be long.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mobile Friday - Tokyo Debunker - Fully Voiced Characters, Good Design, And A Story I Want To Read

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Tokyo Debunker, from developers ZigZaGame. i played this on my iPhone 14 Pro.

Tokyo Debunker is a game that hasn't really topped the mobile charts, but it has stuck around since it was released. it's one of those games who's App Store page doesn't really reveal what the game actually is. So i was very curious about it and was excited to give it a go.

In the hour i played of Tokyo Debunker, it comes across as a story focused game. but it's told in a manga/comic book style. the characters 3D on a 2D background, or that's how it seems because they have a subtle black outline to them that adds depth to them. I haven't met that many characters, but each i have met were very different from each other. what really helps is that each of them is fully voiced, too.

There is gameplay here, but in the hour i played there wasn't much. from the first hour it's a little difficult to work out how the story and the gameplay segments fit. i can speculate that we're going to go to areas and in the story there'll be enemies which we'll then have to defeat via gameplay before we're able to continue the story.

as well as fighting, we also tried out a rhythm based mode and a school building mode. i didn't do well with the rhythm mode, but thankfully we're able to replay them and get the rewards we missed. the school building mode is fairly typical for a idle game. you spend money to build a classroom. you add a character to the room and now it earns money. you can upgrade the classroom and earn more money. whilst it seems separate, it does tie into the fighting. you need items to upgrade characters and these are eared from the classrooms.

Another highlight is that this game didn't install extra game data when i started it. nor did it force the shop upon as at the earliest opportunity. the tutorial is decent, too. overall, Tokyo Debunker's first hour makes a great first impression. if you're looking for a story focused game, i'd recommend giving it a go.

Version 1.3.1 Played.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Morkull Ragast's Rage On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Morkull Ragast's Rage, from Disaster Games and SelectaPlay.

Unfortunately, i can't recommend this version of the demo. as you'll see in this video, it has a few bugs that affect gameplay, some iffy English, visual and maybe audio issues, and ultimately i wasn't even able to even end the demo.

Even from the start of the demo, there's nothing on the screen saying it's a demo nor is there a link to the #eShop. i assume that this is from the start of the game, but there's no mention if there's a save. so it's possible that you'll have to do the start in the demo and then again when it's released.

It's a shame that little effort has been put into the demo. as the game isn't out, it's our first introduction to it and it's a bad first impression. i say it's a shame because the art is great, when there's music it's good, and i quite liked the humour and 4th wall breaking. but after playing the demo, i personally wouldn't pre-order the game. i'd wait and see if the released version is just as buggy.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded On #PS4 - Part 7 – The Powerful Accordion

We continue Part 7 at The Lab. In Part 6,, we had ended it at The Lab leaving Part 7 for us to explore it, and we do for most of this Part.

What i'm excited for when playing Tearaway: Unfolded is that in each part we're introduced into some new mechanics. It's very interesting to see what they will come up with next. what's equally as impressive is how well it works with the game. and in Part 7, it doesn't disappoint. 

But instead of a new ability, we get a weapon! it really shakes up the game. we loose the ability to control the wind, but we gain a weapon that's amazing for battling the Scraps and for solving the puzzles. whilst we have it, it's a lot of fun. But by the end of this part, we seemingly loose it!

This Part ends with us falling into caves that look fantastic and i'm excited to explore in the next part.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - When the Past Was Around - Part 4 - The End

Hello and welcome to Stories on Tuesday. It's part 4, the final part, of playing When the Past Was Around from developers Mojiken Studio.

After getting stuck in Part 3,, i looked online before playing this part to find the solution to opening the safe. turns out, what i assumed to be instructions on the blanket was kinda true but what i actually had to do was count each of them in that scene.

From then on, things went quite smooth. i still had my notes from the week before so i was able to quickly solve some puzzles that required the music notes and the shapes. i found the end of the game and the start of the game to be a more pleasant experience than the middle. the puzzle difficulty really swung from easy to hard. i would argue that this did have an impact on the story. At the end, when things were getting serious, it did feel thematically weird that we were having to do puzzles when all i wanted to do was progress the story.

I don't think the story is bad, i just feel like the choice of puzzles weren't always the best, or that the game didn't do well enough to telegraph what it expected of the player. But in a game with nothing to read and nothing is spoken, there's always an element of doubt as to whether or not the story i took away from this was the intended story. Either way, i am satisfied with the story, but because the puzzles in the middle were frustrating the overall experience could've been better.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Cloud Monday - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus - Controls Take Time To Adjust To, Go Slow

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing the PS2 version of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

PlayStation 2 games have recently come to the service as games you can download or stream from the cloud. so far, whilst the emulation software has been a good match-up for the service allowing us to save when ever we want, perfect for a service that only gives us a 20 second warning before disconnection, one of the main issues has been whether or not the gameplay is worth it.

Resistance: Retribution,, was interesting as it's the only game i've played that had in-game tweaks to the analogue sticks. for G-Police,, not being able to tweak them made the game near impossible to play. so i was very curious how a more recent title would handle.

There are two things i noticed right away, the camera and the jumping. both took time to adjust to. there were no in-game options to change how the camera works. but i've played games like this so it go easier. the jumping and character movement in general took a little more time. it felt like, and i tried to show in-game this, that there was a little lag between what i pressed on the controller and what happened in-game. 

This is such a rare thing with games being played from the cloud that i can't say for sure if it is a cloud streaming issue, or if it's an issue with the original PS2 game or an issue with the emulation software. it wasn't game breaking, but it did take me a few minutes before i was able to jump out of the initial starting area. it can't be denied that when i tried to test the lag, i could press the button and there was a short delay before Sly jumped.

There was only a second or two of video artefacts during this, so like many of the PS1 and PSP games emulated they seem to stream well as video. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus looks great upscaled to 1080p on PS4. the one thing i thought that didn't upscale as well was the audio. out of everything i played, it came across as the weakest part of this release.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Switch Funday - Pokémon Unite - Battling Cynthia's Team In Solo Mode

For this Pokémon Unite video i wanted to try out the Solo Mode. at present, it's against Cynthia, from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. there are a set of challenges you're tasked with completing and in doing so you earn points. these points earn you in-game items. i show off these challenges after the first match and then again after the fifth match.  

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Online Saturday - Star Wars: Hunters - My Second Hour

For this weekend's Online Saturday video i wanted to continue playing the recently released StarWars: Hunters on Switch, from developers NaturalMotion Games and Zynga Network , as at the end of the previous video,, we started actually playing against real people.

In this video i start with a couple of Casual Games, but once Ranked Games were unlocked i played 3 of them, even tho i said i played 5 in the video!. before having a break with another Casual Game and ending by checking out the Matchup Mixup Game Mode than i unlocked. i intially thought that was going to be similar to Killzone Zone 2/3 in that the game modes would switch during gameplay. ultimately it meant that we played a random game mode with a random character for a single match, there were no changes during gameplay.

Waiting times between games weren't a problem and it continued to run smoothly. the only issues that emerged were AFK players and in the Matchup Mixup  Trophy Chase games the respawns seemed to always be in the same place and the teams all seemed to do the same play, hide in the corner and defend. so that mode wasn't that fun.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Scars of Mars On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Scars of Mars, from Acquire Games.

At the time of recording, this demo had recently come out on the Switch and the game itself is coming out next week, June 20th on the UK eShop. before seeing the game on the eShop, i had never heard of or seen this game before. but i was interested after reading that it's a real time RPG.

Unfortunately, other than having a small "Demo" logo, there's nothing else highlighting the fact. so, for example, even tho it appears to have an auto save whilst i was playing i never got a message saying if that save will carry over to the final game. there's no link to the eShop either. When there's this little effort put into the demo, it's difficult to know if this demo is from the final game, an earlier version of the game, or if it's bespoke.

Which is a shame because i don't think it's a good demo and i have to assume it's representative of gameplay, meaning i don't think it's a good game. other than the music, there was very little praise-worthy from my time with the demo. 

The tutorial is more bare bones than some mobile phone games i play, with wasted space, and no call back to anything previously mentioned. i had a lot of trouble making sense of the upgrade menus. then we had the game changing the rules on inventory out of the blue. did this mean the tutorial was wrong? 

So with the tutorial being as bad as it was, it meant my first introduction to actual gameplay was a nightmare. it's a real time RPG, this meant there's little to no time to think before either an enemy attacks you or the timer at the top of the screen counts down. this was at Normal difficulty and it was overwhelming. One of the stranger control decisions was that "B" wasn't cancel. i had to press "A" to select and then "A" again to deselect.

But the controls are compounded by the fact every interaction i do in combat is slow. i couldn't move my cursor fast enough to manage my team mates and keep them out of harms way or to get them to attack. as soon as we got 2 or more enemies on screen, i couldn't keep on top of it until i was down to one or two characters and with the slow speed i was able to barely manage the situation. 

There's more i could say, but ultimately this demo paints such a negative picture of this game that i get the feeling it's nothing more than shovelware. I also suspect that there's been a heavy use of A.I throughout as the English was a little off, the pictures were a little off, and the backgrounds very repetitive. I don't think you should play this demo, nor do i think from this experience that you should buy Scars of Mars.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Tearaway: Unfolded On #PS4 - Part 6 – Chased By Wendigos

At the end of Part 5,, we had arrived at Coggage Cove so for the beginning of this video we explore the town a little before heading to the Tavern to continue the quest of looking for our companion friend.

Things got interesting once we left the town as the area between the town and where we needed to get to was full of Wendigos. This section was fun as it combine several controller gameplay mechanics with the action on screen in a way that felt natural as we had already done many of the techniques separately else where in the game. we were never on the attack so it was a mix of different styles of platforming and running away. 

This part ends at The Lab and before we meet with The Head Scientist. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - When the Past Was Around - Part 3

Hello and welcome to Stories on Tuesday. It's part 3 of playing When the Past Was Around from developers Mojiken Studio.

After getting stuck in Part 2,, i looked online before playing this part to find the solution to making the Pinwheel. i'm a little salty about it, it felt like a jump up in difficulty and that the game did a poor job of signalling what we were meant to do.

One question i had was where would the auto save put me. turns out, right at the start of the whole section. so i spent the first 10 minutes re-doing everything and then i got to solve the Pinwheel puzzle. i managed to get to the next story section and once again i have gotten stuck. so for Part 4, i will have looked up the solution. i can only hope i don't have to redo everything in that section again.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Cloud Monday - G-Police - Part 2 - Emulation Software Needs Analogue Stick Settings

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing the #PS1 version of G-Police on #PS4 via the #PlayStationPlus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model #PlayStation4.

After Part 1,, it was clear that the controls were terrible. in the week since playing the game, no update came to fix them. so going into today, it was always just a case of doing my best with what i've got.

It feels like the emulation software being used needs the ability to adjust analogue stick stuff. i played Resistance: Retribution,, and the game itself had options to change the sticks, but so far it's the only one of these emulated games i've come across that has such options. it needs to be a fundamental part of the software, like being able to save at any point by pressing "Options" is. i wonder if it's something like the polling rate on the PS1 controller was different to the PS4 controller.

As for today's gameplay, i managed to beat the stage i got stuck on at the end of Part 1. Stage 3 was tricky as i had to tail someone, defend the police, and defeat enemy craft. it was a lot to do and there was a moment i kept failing towards the end of the mission. But overall, it's hard to say i actually enjoyed playing G-Police today. from a nostalgia point of view, sure it was nice. but i didn't get much enjoyment from the experience. 

These emulated games on PS4 and PS5 are great games to stream from the cloud. but i don't recommend G-Police for anyone whilst it's controls are as bad as they are. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - Big Big Run – 20 Matches!

This is a special weekend in Splatoon 3, it's the Big Big Run event. Unlike previous Big Run events which took place on one Turf War map, all maps could be played on and weapons are randomised. The goal is to get as many golden eggs as possible, with Bronze Rewards starting at 82 collected. However, there's a second twist. instead of the possibility of fighting against one King Salmonid, you could face off against three of them fighting together as a Triumvirate. 

I got very competitive trying to get a high score in Big Big Run, hence why this video is much longer than my typical Splatoon 3 videos. my high score was 72, 10 shy of getting the bronze reward. but my team mates and I also had a poor win record. only 7 times, out of 20, did we manage to defeat all 3 waves. we typically failed at the Griller wave of the Fireflies. they're both waves where enemies have a singular goal of attacking and defeating you.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Online Saturday - Star Wars: Hunters - The First Hour

For this weekend's Online Saturday video i wanted to try out the recently released Star Wars: Hunters on #Switch from developers NaturalMotion Games and Zynga.

It's a game i've been interested in since it was announced. But i was always a bit unsure about it. with it having a foot in mobile games, there's a concern that it's just been ported over from mobile, or that it's going to push the shop at us, or that it'll be very grindy. i don't have answers to all these after my first hour with the Nintendo Switch version, but i can say it was a very good first hour and i'm much less concerned.

As we've seen with Pokémon Unite, there's always a concern that the tutorial won't cover enough, with the game especially needing one for the home screen. But with Star Wars: Hunters, i feel like they did a great job. not the best, but good enough that i felt comfortable with the game. it took about an hour before i knew i was playing against other people, but when i did i didn't feel overwhelmed. the tutorial does a good job in going over the controls and basic ideas of combat. But the game also doesn't put you up against other people right away. each game you play seems to get a little more difficult and then when you play against people it jumps up again but not in a huge or scary way. i felt well prepared.

But the home screen wasn't fully explained and there were icons we weren't taught about. The game could've also done a better job at pointing us to go to the shop and get the free stuff, or showing us how to customise our avatar, or even just saying which is the options. so yes, the gameplay is well taught but outside of gameplay is a little patchy in places. Whilst i appreciate that i was ready for proper online gaming, the game could've told me what was happening as i was always second guessing if my opponents were real or not.

The in-game combat is where Star Wars: Hunters shines. the controls are simple and effective. i immediately found the controls to be as responsive as expected. I didn't use all the characters available to me as i was having a good time with Imara Vex. i really enjoyed her rocket attack and blaster ultimate moves. her grapple ability not only gave me traversal options but also added a way for her to escape when up against multiple enemies. it's easy to see why she's the first character we use and train with.

We have to unlock game modes types by playing, hence why there's a point in the video where it switches to the Capture game mode as i had to unlock it first. this also applies to the Ranked mode. personally, i don't mind this approach. when i first realized what was happening, there's the worry that it'll be a grind. but thankfully that wasn't the case. it felt like a natural progression towards each game mode.

It'll take a few more games to get a greater sense of Star Wars: Hunters, but after my first hour with it i'm comfortable recommending it not only to Star Wars fans but to many others. there's depth and strategy to it's gameplay, but it's also accessible. when Ranked mode gets unlocked, i feel that's were more "hardcore" players may play leaving the other modes more accessible to more "casual" players. it's not clear if there's crossplay, unlock Trackmania which has an icon showing where each player is playing from, but the waits today were very short. I hope it can come to more platforms as i think Zynga may have a hit with Star Wars: Hunters.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Mobile Friday - EigenGauge - A Recommended Arcade Racer With Good Graphics And Music

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out EigenGauge, from developers BLASTODISK LABS. i played this on my iPhone 14 pro.

I haven't done many racing games as part of this playlist as quite frankly i haven't come across many new ones. there are several popular games in this genre, but most are many years old. so it was refreshing when the app store recommended this game to me. when you start EigenGauge, there are no extra downloads or things you need to sign up to. it takes you straight to the game.

I do appreciate that it get straight to the game, what was a little surprising, especially in comparison to many games we play in this playlist, is there is no tutorial outside of telling you to touch the screen to steer. i would've liked a little bit of information about the two buttons on the right. the orange button, when pressed, is clearly a short turbo. but i thought the blue button was going to be some sort of energy projectile attack as the logo is similar to such an attack in Wipeout games.

There's a lack of information throughout this game. one that i couldn't work out was how the levels are scored. another is that none of the abilities have a description to say what they do. But i will argue that in a game designed like EigenGauge is, it's not a big issue. it's an arcade style racer with some aspects feeling play a PlayStation or N64 game. there are unlockables and you need crystals to unlock them. so playing the game, trying out the weapons, learning what it all means doesn't stop you progressing as you'll be picking up the crystals from the racers.

Graphically i really enjoyed it. at first look, F-Zero is the logical comparison. but there's more going on. the crystals, for example, seem to be 2D but then they rotate and have a 3D look to them. the vehicles in the game look simple and yet they also look unique and impressive from each other. it's what f-zero on GameCube could've looked like if the SNES style graphics were kept but adapted to 3D.

I really liked the music  they've paired with it. there weren't many tracks in this video, but i enjoyed what i heard. each planet has a soundtrack, as do the menu options. it felt cohesive and i hope they'll make it purchasable somehow maybe on Bandcamp. it's a soundtrack where i want to know how the other planets sound and adds to the drive to progress through the game.

Overall, EigenGauge maybe a basic arcade racer but it's done well. i feel the controls may need a little work as i think i noticed moments when they weren't responding as i'd like, but the game wasn't going so fast that this became a problem. it's not a checkpoint racer. there is time to worry about but it's generous. it's the same with health. there's just enough challenge so it's satisfying when you finish. i easily recommend EigenGauge to anyone looking for a arcade racer on their phone.

Version 1.0.1 Played.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak, from developers Nihon Falcom. This is the most recent update of the DEMO. i don't know when it was updated, but it did update before i played it.

I have a couple of "The Legends Of..." games in my backlog that i haven't played and i know that the series has been going for a long time. So when a new game comes out, there's always the question if the new game can stand alone like a Final Fantasy game or if some knowledge is needed of previous entries.

I came away from this demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak not any clearer. the is nothing saying it's a demo, nothing saying how long it is or if any changes were made, nor does it say at any point in this video if our save data will carry over. on the #PlayStation Store page it does say that save data will carry over to the final game, but i couldn't find a pre-order page for it or any release date for it on the page. There is a possibility that at the end of the demo we'll get this information, but i don't understand why it's not available from the start of the demo.

It felt like this really was the start of The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak. it's an interesting start that's full of story. it's about 18 minutes before we take control of a character. But after the hour i had with the demo, i don't feel like the story has done enough to get it's hooks in me. so far, most of the focus has been on a stolen item.

What i did find interesting about The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak was it's combat mechanics. tho it was poorly introduced to us via a dense sheet on the screen, at a basic level it's manageable. The tutorials in the game are lazy and suck. there characters have phones and one of them has a school background. there were much better ways to teach the combat, but instead we get a memo on screen and that's it. there are a few things about this demo that feel cheap or that it's not a big budget title, the most glaring was that the voices don't match the lip movements or that it's not fully voiced.

It's possible the combat is something the series has done and not new. but for me i found it interesting. we're introduced to two different styles. the first style is the most complicated but also the most familiar to RPG players. there's a time line and actions we can do to attack enemies. some of them can be hit physically, whilst others need "magic" esque attacks. The second style is more akin to Devil May Cry or God of War in that you can just attack enemies on the map. this attack style is best suited for weaker enemies as whilst it's faster, it deals less damage. but what was truly interesting was how you can combine them both. a simple example i did was taking out the weaker enemies with the second style and then going into the first style to defeat the more dangerous ones. but there's another the game introduces us to where you can stun enemies in the second style, activate the first style and that'll do damage to them but as they're stunned you also get first attack.

so the demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak is good and bad. i would still recommend checking it out, but with it's slow pace i'd suggest playing longer than an hour and maybe up to the end of the demo before deciding if it's something you want to continue when the game comes out.