Showing posts with label Wobbly Tooth Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wobbly Tooth Games. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Demo Play Thursday - Battleminer Giants on PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of Battleminer Giants from  Wobbly Tooth Games. 

I wanted to try this demo as i really liked the artwork of the solo giant enemy and the solo adventurer. a part of me hoped that this was going to be some sort of Shadow of Colossus kind of game, but the brief description on the PSN Store made it clear that it wasn't that. But i was still interested in trying it.

This is a short video because it is a short demo. there's only one thing to do, defeat the giant enemy. i failed in my first attempt, the enemy defeated me. but this broke the demo as i couldn't workout what to do when i respawned in town. i can't craft and there were no stores to purchase items at as my bow had broke. it was this point where we learned that the demo has skipped the earlier tutorials in the game and has put us at the first major activity. as i couldn't do anything, i had to quit and try again.

the second time i was much more successful, but in beating the giant enemy i triggered the demo to end. there appeared to be a save system but at no point did the demo say if saves would carry over to the final game. there were no trailers, screenshots, or artwork when we beat the demo either. i was surprised that there were no links to getting the game from the PSN either.

Even tho i like the "boxart" for this game, now i've played the demo for it i'm not interested in getting it. the defeating giant enemies part of it was nice and then taking parts from the bodies of said enemies was a fun challenge, too. I'm not big into crafting games and as this demo didn't showcase that aspect of it's gameplay i don't know how it'd work in the final game.