QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15R2qm
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/15R2qn
360: Epic say that Japan sales of gears Of War were 1% of total sales. Epic stopped working on Japanese Gears Of War 2. http://ow.ly/r1PJ
Epic say the next Gears Of War game could will be on the next generation of consoles and use Unreal Engine 4. http://ow.ly/r1R1
PS3: Epic has updated the PS3 Unreal Tournament III "Cooking process" to allow for custom sounds. http://ow.ly/r1RI
PS3: the motion Control Resident Evil 5 is to be known as Alternative Edition. new content is also in the game. http://ow.ly/r1XH
PS3: The Red and Blue Dual Shock 3 controllers are coming to Japan on October 29th. http://ow.ly/r1Yi
PSP: Q Games Dylan Cuthbert, Tweets his disappointment over PixleJunk Monsters not being at Tokyo Game Show. http://ow.ly/r1Zn
PSpgo: Sony explain why they're not doing the PSP-PSPgo game conversion program. Legal+technical issues mainly http://ow.ly/r217
Wii: The Wii will get a EU price cut of €50, making it €199. A UK Price cut is not expected. http://ow.ly/r2j5
360: A Video has been found showing Natal being used with a Katamari game. http://ow.ly/r2kJ
PS3: Home update 1.3 is still going through the Q&A process. they expect it to come out in the near future. http://ow.ly/r2mL
Japanese Hardware Charts, DSi 66.073, PS3 51.055, PSP 21.073, Wii 16.698, DS 13.555, Xbox 360 4.965, PS2 2.723 http://ow.ly/r2nS
QTE Blog: Nintendo Announce A Limited Edition Wii Sports Resort With 2 Wii Motion Plus http://ow.ly/15R4uc
QTE Blog: EA Announce That Battlefield Heroes has 2 Million Registered Players And Heroes Of The Fall Update http://ow.ly/15R4ud
PS3: Video has emerged of Little Big Planet being played 2 player, one with motion controller, other with a Dual Shock3. http://ow.ly/r3ft
PS3: The 250GB PS3 Slim thats not in a bundle has been spotted for sale on Amazon.co.uk. its got a October 1st release. http://ow.ly/r3Xv
PS3: A Video has emerged of Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition motion controllers being used. (action starts 2:50) http://ow.ly/r47N
QTE Blog: Namco Announce That TheTrivia Series,Worst-Case Scenario, Is Out On The iTunes App Store For $0.99 http://ow.ly/15R55L
QTE Blog: Nintendo Have Revealed The Boxart For New Super Mario Bros. Wii http://ow.ly/15R55M
Wii: Nintendo have said their price drop is not influenced by PS3 and 360 Cuts, it was their own business decision. http://ow.ly/r4zF
360 Rock Band 2 update has gone live today, PS3 coming soon. it adds Audition mode to the games Extra Menu + more. http://ow.ly/r55L
QTE Blog: Sega Has Released 3 New Videos For Football Manager 2010 On The PC http://ow.ly/15R70H
360: Microsoft have said that a “simple update wouldn’t be enough” to patch Natal into older games. http://ow.ly/r4yP
PS3: the announcement of firmware 3.0/3.01 on the PS3 Blog has 700 comments. apparently many are comments on BluRay issues http://ow.ly/r6jw
QTE Blog: Microsoft Has Released 7 Videos Of Japanese Developers Discussing Their Thoughts On Natal http://ow.ly/15R8IF
Wii: Disney is holding a press even in October. its believed to be where they will announce Epic Mickey. http://ow.ly/r7MX
Wii: Activision have said that Call Of Duty Reflex will have WiiSpeak support. it was not originally going to support it. http://ow.ly/r7Nm