Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 8

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

It looked like Part 8 would start a little slower but it wasn't long before we're accused of assassinating someone controversial, but important. our retaliation was quick, decisive, but we ourselves fell into someone else's trap and it was costly, causing someone close to join the Furies. once again we're saved from being kidnapped, too!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Online Saturday - The Finals - My First Try - Online Multiplayer - PS4 Live Stream

The Finals is a game i've heard people talk about, but as i don't have a PC good enough to play it (not just in terms of specs, but also the fact that my Laptop likes to restart/crash) and i currently don't have a PS5 it's not a game that was on my radar. i was surprised to see that it got a PS4 release a year after it came out and i was keen to give it a go, but also keen to see if the PS4 version felt noticeably lesser.

I decided to Live Stream my first playing of the game, but i did start it before to do any sign ups and log ins that might be necessary. So this Live Stream is my thoughts of the game as it happens. it starts off well with a decent tutorial on the main game mode. it ran well, looked great, and the loading times weren't bad. so it makes a great first impression. But it's second impression is rough.

We went from a simple, tiny tutorial map that showed how the game mode worked, to an actual game on a, in comparison, ginormous map with other teams and players. the tutorial hadn't told me what all my buttons do and it wasn't with team mates. the enemies in the tutorial were also extremely easy. This was too much and safe to say not only did my team lose, i personally felt terrible because of my own performance. Playing that game did unlock a character type, but again there was no tutorial. the third match was just as intimidating as the second. it was on a different map, too. and once again we lost and i was having a bad time with The Finals.

The fourth game was on another map but this time it felt like i had been matched with players closer to my level/skill level or that having someone higher levelled on our team really did make a difference. i hadn't worked out tactics, something again the game hadn't talk about during the tutorials, so all i knew was i had to get a vault to a cash out point. that was my main focus and it started well. this was the first game i had played where i felt like had contributed something.

But after this i was finally able to try something else, i wasn't being forced/coerced into doing what the game wanted. whilst this was great as i had the chance to play Snowball Blitz, it again also felt like i was being dumped into the "deep end," so to speak. thankfully Snowball Blitz was fun and a very welcomed break from banging my head against the game's main mode.

I did play more Cash Grab modes and more Snowball Blitz games, but it felt like i was getting better in spite of the game rather than because of the game's tutorial and helpfulness. but it shouldn't take an hour or more to get the basics of a game and start to feel useful. especially when The Final's came out in 2023. there was more than enough time to create a tutorial that builds up the game, one that introduces the game mode, the character types, and the home screen. i did not appreciate going from tutorial to game. i was not ready and i only kept on playing because i was live streaming it and making a video. if this was my own free time, i would've bounced. i wonder how many people had that same experience as me and just said no and stopped playing.

The thing is, The Finals isn't bad. there is something to it's gameplay look. there's just enough destruction to the environment to make things a little unpredictable and useful. one i enjoyed was using a rocket launcher to break a roof so the player from the opposing team running on it fell to the the floor and had to take a different route to an objective. momentum isn't quite as good as Titanfall or Mirror's Edge, but it's ok. i would've liked a little more aim assist/lock on with the guns but it often looked like i wasn't the only one having trouble. i also liked how, at the end of a game, i was able to see the game stats of my team mates and it was easy to not only compare my stats but also get a look at their customisations. 

The PS4 version of The Finals is a great version of the game. in 2 hours of playing, the only issues i noticed were stuttering/buffering videos and one noticeable freeze. other than that, it worked great. But is The Finals a great game, that i don't think so. i would go so far as to say it's good, but that tutorial start to it is soo very rough it leaves a lasting negative impression that'll take time to get over.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Mobile Friday - Wizardry Variants Daphne - Good Music, Controls, Graphics, And Extra Data Download!

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried Wizardry Variants Daphne from Studio 2Pro and Drecom on my iPhone 14 Pro.

This is the final Mobile Friday game of 2024 and this year ends with a good one. i'm not familiar with the Wizardry series, only really hearing about it earlier this year when Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord came to consoles. So going in, i didn't know what sort of RPG it was or what to expect, but the screenshots on the app store did help as i realized that it might be a first person camera style game were you navigate an area step by step.

It starts off with a tutorial that's simple but it gets the basic controls across and it gives us a little time of using the them before the twist happens and we start the game proper! Then, around 8 minutes into the game we're greeted with an extra data download scenario. i'm not a fan of these and Wizardry Variants Daphne has good and bad points about this. the bad point is that for those who download the game, start it to check for a download and find there isn't one, they're going to find out that there's extra download once they've left Wi-fi. most games with extra data do it before the game starts, having it around 8 minutes into gameplay is different and maybe not something mobile players will be used to. on the other hand, the way it's incorporated into the story is brilliantly done and not only that they have smartly covered up the extra download with a questionnaire that helps with creating your character. my character creation was done just moments before the download finished so i got to see some of the trailer that runs afterwards. it's a risky move having such a different extra data download section and i commend the devs for trying it. but i can't help but thing that letting players download it from the start, before the game starts, would also be an option.

Another one of these is seemingly the inability to change the game from right handedness to left hand. i played most of this video with just my right hand and it feels like the game's been cleverly designed around mobile play with a single hand. so not having an option to switch things up from right to left does seem a little weird. Another odd choice is how the text and speech are done. i was surprised by how much of the game is voiced, but when you start the text appears in the bubbles far slower than how it's spoken. it's so much slower i started to get frustrated by it and it really slowed down the gameplay. i think this needs to be clearer in the options or even something that we can choose before it starts, like the handedness i mentioned earlier.

Other than those mostly small things, the game is great. in a way for me, surprisingly so. for how good i thought this game was, i'm surprised that i've heard no one talking about it. i thought the music was great, from the background stuff to the fighting music, it was all nice to listen to. the controls are simple and accessible, to the point where the game's basic tutorial was actually all i needed. gameplay is also simple to understand and graphically it was great. there's some fantastic art, in game graphics, and i actually thought some of the character art was the best looking stuff in the game.

This video is longer than most Mobile Friday videos because the story grabbed me. it's a fantastic first hour with an very early twist to keep our attention and we were in two different areas. i wanted to see what happened next and something kept happening. there's our first story, our second story, what ever happened to our companion, what happened to the king, and the overarching story of what happens every 100 years. 

One nice thing i didn't know was in the game was it's Gacha mechanic. like most good mobile games, they found a way to have one if Wizardry Variants Daphne that fits into the game's story. our character has an ability and we pick up bones early on. by the end of the video we find a place where we can use both and there we have new party members. in a way it's a little strange, but the video we get to watch as it happens is unlike any other gacha i've seen and yet it all fits into the game we've been playing perfectly.

I highly recommend Wizardry Variants Daphne. i think it's an approachable RPG for newcomers, it's well designed for mobile gamers, and for someone like myself who's never played a Wizardry game i never felt like i was missing something. you'll need to play to get the extra data download out of the way, but after that it makes a fantastic commuting game.

Version 1.2.0 Played.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Fantasian: Neo Dimension On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Fantasian: Neo Dimension, from Mistwalker and Square Enix.

In January 2023 i played the Apple Arcades version of Fantasian, https://youtu.be/RV_P04gnnKI, and i had two main issues with that version that have been fixed with this new console version. i found the touch controls to be too restrictive on my iPhone screen and with the screen being so small i found the text bubbles to be in the way. thankfully, neither are an issue at all. Fantasian: Neo Dimension does retain the save crystal mechanic and whilst it feels appropriate for the era of RPG the game seems to be aiming for it still feels old. the does appear to be a decent checkpoint system that i hope is also some sort of autosave, but i didn't get to try that out in this video.

As a demo, the save system has another frustration in that at no point does the demo say if the save file will carry over to the final retail version. the home screen clearly says that this is a demo and there's a link to get the game from the #eshop. but we, the player, don't know how long this demo is, if it's the full start of the game or an edited experience, nor do we know if our save will carry over to the final game. 

And that will probably be important as like the time when i played it on Apple Arcade, the first hour of Fantasian: Neo Dimension is quite decent. i know after playing it i'm interested in continuing the story. i didn't get to the end of the demo in this video but i do feel like i got to experience quite a lot, enough to make a judgement call on whether i want to get the game or not.

Graphically, this Switch version doesn't feel like a downgrade. at no point playing this version did it feel like i was playing a lesser version of Fantasian: Neo Dimension. one great way this comes across is the quality of the video in the cut scenes. another way is how crisp and clear the text is on the screen. it feels like effort was made to make sure things were clear on Switch, and not small due to the resolution difference the PS5 version might have.

Saves were quick, loading was acceptable, and i found the controls to be simple and decently enough explained. the tutorial aspect of the demo does have text on screen but at least this time there are a couple of pictures to go along with the text. This way of doing a tutorial is starting to feel old as more and more games either use videos or gifs to show what the game is trying to teach. there were only two instances where more tutorial would've been nice and that's when there was a down arrow on the text box in the tutorial when it actually wanted an "A" button press and when the hand symbol appears on screen, again pressing "A" is required.

I think this demo for Fantasian: Neo Dimension is successful, not because it's a bespoke demo made for the game but because the start of the game is quite accessible and offers enough story and tutorials to keep the player going back for more.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 13 – The Fifth Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Part 13 feels like the beginning of the end. the animosity i felt from the White Poisonette at the end of 12 carried over and developed into a full on fight. but then it took a turn that i didn't see coming, a character appeared we all thought was long dead. the story of White and their Partner tugged hard on the heart strings, but with this new character there wasn't time to mourn as we had to try and survive. this is a much longer video than normal as the story kept on coming.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 7

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

Part 7 was just as busy as Parts 5 and 6. it starts with the repercussions from Part 6 and the Shinsengumi suffering from it. next a surprise guest comes to visit and just tells everyone the secret we've been suspecting. they do offer to keep us safe but we disagree, and that might've been a mistake as once again our life ends up being in danger!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Mobile Friday - Age of Empires Mobile - It Tells You, Lets You Do Soo Little It's Like Playing A QTE

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried Age of Empires Mobile from TiMi Studio Group on my #iPhone 14 Pro.

I’ve known of the Age of Empires series for a long time, it’s always been a game I’ve been curious about but I’ve never really had a PC/Laptop that could tackle it. When I saw there was a mobile version, I was really curious as to what they were going to do. Would it be a straight up PC port, would be a bespoke version of the game. Well, after trying out this mobile version, what ever it is I’m no longer interested in trying out other games in the series. 

I say it in the video, but this must be one of the best looking bad games I’ve played all year. Bugs aside, the game has issues throughout. However, it starts really strong setting up what I expected to be an interesting story and that’s essentially the last time I saw the story in this one hour video.

Age of Empires Mobile has this issue where it introduces something and then never brings it up again or never explains it. I’ve mentioned the story, but there are gameplay elements. There was a need for a scout, and it never happened again. There are bodies strewn about that we talk about but never acknowledge. We start in someone’s abandoned house but only spend a few minutes there as suddenly a whole town, with castle has been built, but not by us. Tho later we are able to put down things to be built, but it’s once everything has been built. 

Another issue is the game failing to answer the question “why”. This happens throughout this video so I’ll keep it to two. The first gameplay mechanic is our boat. I never built it. It was never introduced. It was just there and were tasked to go to an island and beat the bad guys there. Once done, we start earning a coin. Again, it’s never introduced what that coin is used for or that we earn it per hour.

We start the game with a French hero. We have play as that character in a very medieval European world. The game has built a medieval European town for us. And then the game stops and we can change civilization. WHAT? I don’t know why, it’s never told. I have no idea why and it was extremely frustrating at the time. I picked England, as I’m from England, and the game continues as if nothing has happened and it’s not discussed. 

Age of Empires Mobile feels like a game with many parts that are not connected. It doesn’t feel like an accessible game for new players, either. I don’t know how fans of the series would react to this game, it doesn’t feel like it was designed for them either. So I don’t know who this is built for, and as it is it’s not worth playing as in a way, do we even play it beyond pressing a button to complete a mission. 

Version 1.3.101 Played.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Train Sim World 5: Free Starter Pack On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation4 version of Train Sim World 5: Free Starter Pack from Dovetail Games. 

This is the free to play Starter Pack for Train Sim World 5 that focuses on the Training Center with 3 trains. for this video, i did the first hour and only used the British Class 323 Electric Multiple Unit. i don't know how far away i was from trying out a different train as the Train Sim World 5 does a poor job showing what you've already done, as can be seen at the end of this video.

I don't have many complaints about this Train Sim World 5 free to play game, Dovetail Games have done a great job at creating a decent tutorial for someone like me, someone who has little to no previous experience playing train games or someone who has little interest in trains themselves. i wanted to try Train Sim World 5 as it would be a new interesting experience and i wasn't disappointed. i would recommend this Free Starter Pack for anyone just wanting to give it a go. 

I did find that the writing and the voice over didn't quite match. at times, it felt like there was more emotion in the writing than there was in the voice over. but the voice was clear and went at a useful pace. also, it did feel like the loading on PS4 was a little longer than i wanted. but they didn't get in the way of the experience. 

My main issues with Train Sim World 5 are what it doesn't teach. i used My First Gran Turismo as an example of a serious game that really tries hard to teach using visual guides. the biggest issue i had when playing Train Sim World 5 was how little i understood braking and how poorly the game does in trying to teach me. i would have greatly appreciated a system like Gran Turismo where they visually show on the track when to brake. Gran Turismo also uses videos to demo what it wants to do, something that could be useful here as for people like myself who aren't familiar with this. touches like this could've really elevated this good tutorial to a great tutorial.

this video ends with a frustrating section. i ended up exploring a new section of the menu and kept coming up against issues. there were sections of the menu that i couldn't access, and when i wanted to check out a custom designed train it seemingly sent me elsewhere. i think this menu system needs to be adaptable for which version of the game you have and maybe even have it's own tutorial.

But i do think that this Free Starter Pack is well worth trying. the tutorial is good, but the game around it isn't as good.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 12 – Belle's Hell 22

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

With Part 12 is a little different as it's the first video where i only managed to complete 1 Bell's Hell. the hell in this video was much much longer than i expected but it did play into the story of the hell so it was still interesting in that respect. There was a nice surprise for finishing this hell but there also seemed more tension between us and the White duo so i wonder if that'll come to something soon.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 6

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

Part 6 was just as rough for our character as Part 5 had been. Things aren't going as well for the Shinsengumi either with a character getting sicker, trouble amongst the ranks, and things happening in Japan. it feels like the story is heading towards some big event and i'm excited to see what happens and how it happens.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Mobile Friday - Infinity Nikki - A Game On Mobile Rather Than A Mobile Game

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Infinity Nikki from Papergames on my iPhone 14 Pro.

As you see from this video, Infinity Nikki makes a bad first impression on mobile. first there's an additional 7GB download, then it has to verify the extra data. next it wants to restart the game, which actually means closing the game to the phone home screen. when you restart the game it then spends 4 minutes or so compiling shaders. In all, it took nearly 20 minutes from starting the game to actually getting to play the game. Infinity Nikki is a game that you must start on Wifi, tho i don't remember if ever warning us that it's additional data download wouldn't be suitable via a mobile network.

Graphically, at first glances it looks amazing but if you look around the edges you can see, and not unsee it, that Infinity Nikki is pushing my #iPhone14Pro to it's limits. there is continuous pop-in, to a distracting degree, and the frame rate appears to suffer fairly often. As the end of this video shows, the game still has some bugs, too.

For me, i found it's soundtrack to be just as impressive as the graphics but it too seems to have issues. there are moments when there's no sound and it really sticks out as the back ground music and sound effects in this game is rather good. there were a couple of moments where the chilled relax nature of the soundtrack didn't match the action on screen or the seriousness of the story either.

This mismatch of tone was something i felt throughout the demo. it wasn't just the music. the game has a clothes making mechanic that has no fanfare about it and is just text on screen. whereas the clothes summoning mechanic has more flash around it and feels more of an event. In this video our characters travel to 2 new worlds and seem surprisingly fine about it all. even the locals they meet don't seem to mind a walking talking teddy bear looking character. it reminds me how weird this similar situation felt in the free to play game Palia, https://youtu.be/B-MIuLyos1g. But the one that really stood out the most, and annoyed me the most, was the tutorial. Infinity Nikki has a fantastic tutorial that makes it an obvious choice to gamers who haven't played too many games. and then there are times when the tutorials revert to simple text boxes. it often tells us what button to press to get out of menus, but also at times doesn't. it mostly puts things into context, too, but it completely drops the ball at the Tidal Guidance section.

This leaves the story and honestly, i don't think even after an hour, i fully know what's happening. Infinity Nikki seems to be a bit of a slow burn at the start and i wouldn't be surprised if it would take another hour or two to fully grasp what's happening. We're teased something about our mum, in the first place we visited, but our character seemed not to notice it. We didn't learn too much about the second world we're in or if we're meant to do more than just find the mythical clothes.

I can't help but wonder if the console experience of playing Infinity Nikki is much better than playing it on iOS. this really did feel like i was playing the lesser version of this game, so much so that i don't think i would recommend it to those who could play it on console. there's the ability to log into the game with a PlayStation account but it never really says if there's cross save between phones and PS5. For many games with rough launches i keep the game on my phone and would check back in on my own time. but for Infinity Nikki, i've already deleted the game. 

Version 1.0.1 Played.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - My First Gran Turismo On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of My First Gran Turismo from Polyphony Digital.

This is a free to play download from the PSN so it's not quite a DEMO, but i thought it was applicable as it's a way in for new players to the series. with this in mind, one thing i was looking for with My First Gran Turismo was whether it was accessible or not to new players. after this first hour with it, i can say that My First Gran Turismo was very approachable and i would recommend it to anyone who's Gran Turismo curious.

The game has a very relaxed approach. it repeatedly makes it clear to the player that they should progress when they want. the game has some great tutorials, too. as well as text on screen and pictures showing specific points, My First Gran Turismo has a demo that uses gameplay to show how it should be done. this can be watched repeatedly so players can pay attention to many different details.

You'll see in this video that retries are very quick in this game as i use it quite a few times. the initial load isn't an issue but i imagine that it's quite a bit longer than the PS5 version. My First Gran Turismo looks great and mostly runs smooth. i did notice a few times some slow down. this was mostly happening in replays. i also noticed some pop-in during replays, too. but when i was actually racing i think i only noticed one drop.

My First Gran Turismo isn't a huge game. by completing a license, you unlock a gameplay mode. there are 4 modes to unlock and in each mode are maybe 3 races. there's also an achievement section that'll show the cars unlocked. i got 10 of the 18 in this video. there weren't any trophies for My First Gran Turismo, but there are leaderboards for many modes so chasing the times of your friends could be fun.

i would recommend My First Gran Turismo for anyone curious about the game. i think it's good for players who like racers in general. i do think the tutorial is good enough for those who aren't experienced with racing games. the relaxed approach is also very welcoming. it's unknown if there'll be updates in the future, but at 11GB it's just small enough for me to keep it on my PS4 to see if there are updates to it, and additions, in the future.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 11 – Belle's Hells 20 And 21

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

With Part 10 being as shocking as it was facing off against the Black Poisonette, i wasn't surprised that Part 11 was a little more back to normal. there wasn't any story stuff for our characters, but there were some interesting stories in the Hells we visited. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 5

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

Part 4 ended with revelations and surprises so i wasn't expecting Part 5 to be just as exciting and yet it also had it's moments. there was a moment that was significant for the Shinsengumi, but it didn't go well for us. then we had someone appear who we were looking for way back in Part 1. and Part 5 then finished with more trouble for us. all in all, the story is still interesting but i do have a number of questions yet to be answered.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Mobile Friday - The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure - Story And Mechanics Not Cohesive, But Easy To Play

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure from Super Planet on my iPhone 14 Pro.

The game's art style caught my attention in the app store but it was the game's Guild Mechanic that made me want to try it. unfortunately, i was not able to try out the Guild feature in The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure as i wasn't able to progress the game enough to unlock it. when i checked out the App Store page, i was concerned that this game may have an additional download but thankfully that wasn't the case.

Right from the start, The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure is a great looking and great sounding game. the intro cinematic/tutorial also makes a great first impression. but after that it's almost relentless. The game doesn't have a tutorial that most other games do, it's similar to last week's King Smith: Forgemaster Quest, https://youtu.be/Jdjm2JGh3xE, in that the game has a mission system that helps teach aspects of gameplay. when there's a mission, you press it and it takes you to where you need to go to complete it. But this means that the main screen starts filling up with icons quickly and at times it can feel somewhat overwhelming.

Other aspects of the game's design have made the game feel streamlined and easy to play. the first example i came across was with the loot. when i obtained a better item, instead of having to go through menus to equip it i could tap a notification on the screen and it automatically equips it. i can visually see the item on my character, too.

But whilst decisions like that make The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure easy to pick up and play, i played most of it one handed, it also means that there are aspects of the game that are not tied into the game's story. the one that stood out the most was the summon system. it doesn't feel tied into the game world at all. 

I think The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure would be a great idle game for many players. the ease of play would be good for those who commute, the story helps elevate it above many other idle games, and it will take time to unlock all the features of the game. But it's the game world and how disconnected it feels from the game's story, the tutorial, and the missions, that will probably mean The Crown Saga: Pi’s Adventure won't win many, if any, awards. However i think it does more than enough right to be a pleasant gaming experience.

Version 1.0.10 Played.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Dog Man: Mission Impawsible On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Dog Man: Mission Impawsible, from Mindscape.

Dog Man: Mission Impawsible looks like a licensed game from something aimed at kids, and i mean that in a positive way. the art style in the game matches the box art! 

The demo starts well with a fun story sequence that sets up the game's story. once we start gameplay, it also starts with a basic tutorial that has good level design built around it so that by the end of the level we're good at the controls. unfortunately, i did find the tutorial to be a bit lacking. for example, i only knew of one button to change character when there was a second.

We only get two stages to play. the first sets up the story and is a solid tutorial level. i assume that the second stage we get to play is maybe the third in the game. it had some nice simple puzzles but i think i got soft locked and had to restart the level again. there appears to be no way to restart from a checkpoint so i retried the level. i still kept the item i had made, but i had to collect the icons once again.

Overall, i don't think Dog Man: Mission Impawsible is great for a young kids first platformer. the jumping in the game doesn't have much room for error and isn't too satisfying. but for older kids i think it would be a good time. for someone older, it's more difficult to say as the two levels we played were quite repetitive and i worry that we may do the same things over and over again. this demo was a bit too short to get a sense of what the final game would be like, but i think it's decent enough to judge how well someone younger may cope with it's platforming.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 10 – Black Poisonette And The 4th Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

In Part 9 we learned more about the Black Poisonette and it was very weird. it looked like we would have to defend ourselves but thankfully the White Poisonette team arrived and we were fine. But the situation wasn't over and in this part it took a turn for the worse and things got even weirder. we did get some new story about the Black Poisonette and about ourselves, but it didn't make things clearer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 4

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

Part 4 was really interesting. it started with the end of the attack that dominated part 3, then there was a time skip, and it finished with the group expanding, news about our father, and a surprising act that nearly cost us our life.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Mobile Friday - King Smith: Forgemaster Quest - It's Buggy And Has No Tutorial But It's Still Good

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out King Smith : Forgemaster Quest from Cat Lab on my #iPhone 14 Pro.

I mention it at the start of the video, but i'll repeat myself here, the recording of this video didn't go to plan. my recording stopped halfway and i lost that file. i restarted the recording and continued my first playthrough of King Smith : Forgemaster Quest. the start of this video is that continuation and it uses the gameplay i recorded. after that, i have included my audio from when i started playing the game. as that video recording is lost, i have included "B-Roll" of King Smith : Forgemaster Quest's App Store Page. 

I was interested in trying out King Smith : Forgemaster Quest because i wanted to see how it would combine forge, dungeon, and shop keeping. i have played a few games similar to this in the past and really enjoyed them so i came into this with some hope of finding something cool.

Unfortunately, King Smith : Forgemaster Quest lacks a tutorial and my first 30 minutes or more were frustrating as i tried to work things out. it's not just a lack of a tutorial that makes starting King Smith : Forgemaster Quest frustrating, some of the UI just doesn't make sense. one of the bigger culprits was levelling up our heroes, on that screen the information on how much of an item we'd use to level up must've been a pixel or two high.

Another frustrating aspect of this first hour were the bugs. you'll hear when the gameplay video starts that there's no BGM. that stopped within the first 30 minutes. when the boss levels start there's a splutter of sound before it starts and fails. when i went into a portal, one of my characters got stuck a floor ahead of my team and just spun in circles. sometimes there were sfx, some times there weren't.

but despite these issues, i did have a good time playing King Smith : Forgemaster Quest. there is something to it's gameplay that's simple but effective. the graphics are good and there are some nice little animations here and there. when i heard the music, it wasn't too bad. I would say the good outweighs the bad, it's still possible to have a good time with it.

But all these issues do mean i won't be considering King Smith : Forgemaster Quest for Mobile Game of the Year. i would still recommend it to people looking for a fun new idle game, but i'd also tell them to watch out for updates via the app store.

Version 1.0.13 Played.

You can try out Tiny Cafe by using my invite code is: BA09G11D

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Crystal Breaker On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Crystal Breaker, from Terarin Games, but it's also coming out on Steam.

Regulars to the site will know that i'm not good at #shmup style games, but i am keen to try them to see if i can find one for me. What made Crystal Breaker interesting was how zoomed in it looked and how focused on close range attacking it was.

I don't know how common this is in the genre, of Shoot 'em ups, but for me i haven't played one quite like Crystal Breaker. the Demo starts with one of two cool pixel art start screens and it clearly says that it's a demo. it's a bit of a shame there's no link here, or elsewhere, to the game's eShop page. there's also no music and i wonder if that'll be true when it comes out. the main menu also has no music, but if you go into options there are sound options. when you pick one, it plays so you can hear when you raise or lower volumes. i recommend keeping voice under 50%, you'll be hearing it a lot but it sounds like an emotionless Ai.

But other than the annoying Ai voice, the music in the game is good. But it's weirdly unbalanced. each of the two stages i played have their own music and i enjoyed them. but in Crystal Breaker you're continuously powering up your weapons and when you reach full power you get the same song continuously playing. so even tho the stage songs are nice, i didn't really get to hear them often.

Crystal Breaker doesn't have a tutorial, it has a digital instruction manual that you can access via the main menu. unfortunately, this manual didn't have any moving pictures but there are pictures and i found the English clear enough to understand what's happening. i highly recommend checking this out first before trying to play the game if you're unfamiliar with this type of game.

Crystal Breaker doesn't complicate the gameplay with various mechanics. whilst this may make the game seem simple, for me i quite liked this approach and found Crystal Breaker somewhat good for newcomers. hitting/crashing into enemies doesn't damage you but their bullets will. This is fantastic and what's more Crystal Breaker isn't a Bullet Hell shmup, so it's not too difficult to dodge enemy attacks. our ship even has a booster option that can help us avoid incoming fire.

The goal of Crystal Breaker seems to be to get the highest score. to help the player achieve this there are plenty of power ups, plenty of things to shoot to help prolong and/or increase a combo, and there are crystals to pick up that some ships and things drop when hit. There are also various stage bonuses to find, targets a certain color to hit, and hidden targets that offer big points. simply put, Crystal Breaker encourages players to destroy as much as possible and gives players high scores for doing so. But there doesn't seem to be online leaderboards to compare scores with friends. in this demo it all seems local, or there's no obvious easy way to check what scores your friends got.

For me, what i found to be lacking in Crystal Breaker was a sense of story. i wanted more from my time with this DEMO, i wanted to be grabbed by a story but there isn't one here and i don't think there's one in the final game either. i don't know who the characters are, i don't know why we're doing this, and i don't know why there are crystals. I wanted some answers to this and didn't get any. So for me, i won't be getting Crystal Breaker, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game, nor does it mean this is a bad demo. it's a simple arcade Shmup that's designed to be a score chase and i guess i'm looking for more than that on a console. if Crystal Breaker came out on a pocketable portable like PSP, then i might be more interested in the pick up and quick play style of this game.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 9 – Finishing The Third Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Part 8 was unique in that it was the first part that didn't add to the story, we only did a couple of Belle's Hells. Going into this Part, i expected there to be story but i was surprised that we got some back story for the Black Poisonette. It makes me wonder if it'll become an enemy we have to deal with, but i also wonder if it's partner got to heaven or had a far worse fate.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 3

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

We left Part 2, https://youtu.be/hQJtjsH3jeo, on a bit of a cliffhanger. we knew something was about to happen and in this Part it did. But there was more as a second big event started in this video.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Mobile Friday - The Get Out Kids - A Highly Recommended Great Looking Free Narrative Puzzle Game

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out The Get Out Kids from Frosty Pop on my iPhone 14 Pro.

I've not been great at narrative puzzle games. there are times when the game's logic and my logic don't match and it can become frustrating trying to solve long winded puzzles. an example of this is when i played When the Past Was Around on Switch. some of the shorter puzzles in that game were fine, but there were times i just didn't understand what it expected me to do. Ultimately it was the story that kept me going, and you can check out that video at https://youtu.be/DAdBca0e-mI.

The Get Out Kids starts with a fairly unique characterful home screen. when i hit the Let The Adventure Begin button i was pleasantly surprised by how many chapters there were to this story. it gave me hope that The Get Out Kids was going to be more story focused than puzzle based. it starts with a prologue that tells a rather sad story with text on screen. for me, i had no issue with the size of the font, but it would've been nice to have a font size option for better accessibility as other aspects of the game allow us to zoom in to see things better but this part doesn't.

With the sad story finished, we time skip to what i assume to be the game's present and a couple of the main characters. After some story and introductions to them, we start with Molly's room and it looks great. there's a lot of character in the room, the same with Salim's room too, but it's not overwhelming. everything was nice and clear and easy to work out what's what. in this room and the next, our goals were simply find stuff and maybe do a light puzzle or two.

It's now Chapter 3 and this was a very short chapter that had a simple puzzle before we got some story from the town about a pet goat. then it's Chapter 4 and the final chapter i did for this video. in another beautifully rendered location we're tasked with making a noise and creating an escape. each puzzle happens in turn so it never felt overwhelming but what stood out the most to me here, other than the floating heads, was the text for Molly's dog Moses. the game didn't need to give the dog some character, it would've made sense by what had happened in the story for the dog to go when it was told to. but the developers wrote 3 sentences about this dog's character and temperament that weren't needed but really added to the game.

Back at the home screen, on the left side there's an icon for Computer Games and i tried out the 7 bite sized games that come free with The Get Out Kids. they're retro styled but have some modern ideas. i really liked the first one, Spaced Out, and think it could be it's own separate game in a Bit.Trip or Geometry Wars style game. the game i didn't understand was SeeSaw.

i really enjoyed my time with The Get Out Kids. one reason why i stopped playing the story when i did was because i wanted to take my time with it, maybe record the story as part of my Stories on Tuesday series because i was enjoying it. but it wasn't just the story, i enjoyed the tasks needed to progress the story. it really felt like a game crafted for a mobile experience. The Get Out Kids is a game i would recommend to anyone with an iPhone and it's seriously making a challenge as one of my Mobile Game of the Year games. if i could make a suggestion to the developers, it's that i'd like an option to turn the background music down. at present, there's only on or off but i'd like a halfway level of volume. other than that, i can't think of anything else The Get Out Kids needs.

Version 1.0.2 Played.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Time Walker: Dark World On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Time Walker: Dark World, from the developers Heartfun and publisher 2P Games.

I had seen this game on the eShop and i was curious how it all worked. the screenshots looked busy and i couldn't understand from them what type of game it was. i was really curious how the game would teach us, the player, how to manage such busy screens.

The demo's home screen doesn't mention that it's a demo and by the end of the video we also learn that out of the 5 options we have on screen, only Start and Settings work. for some reason the developers chose to keep the other 3 options highlighted even tho they don't do anything.

when i started, i was at a screen with four characters. i knew from the eShop page that the game had classes, but what i didn't understand...even now...is whether i started playing the game with 4 regular people who gained their class when i found it in the level or if they kept their class and i had to remember which of the same looking characters was which and give them the correct class.

Time Walker: Dark World, before i had started playing the game, hadn't given me enough information to understand what was happening and then when i started playing it dumped me straight into a combat situation with no tutorial. i had to pause and look around the screen for some hints as to what was happening but all it really said was press Y to fight.

once the fight was finished we're greeted by one of the worst tutorial screens i have ever seen, a screen that used the term "ability" when the only other term we had seen is class, and offered just 3 short sentences, one of which was "Then Fight". Needless to say i had no idea what was happening and my short time with Time Walker: Dark World was mostly one of confusion and frustration.

Atrocious tutorial aside, Time Walker: Dark World does have nice graphics and i was enjoying the music. but it's not enough to make up for the poor user experience i had playing this demo. i finished it, earned some purple stuff the game never told me about, unlocked stuff i seemingly couldn't access, and was given 3 choices. "Talent", "Play Again", and "Back to Start". i guessed Talent might have something to do with abilities or class, but wasn't sure as it wasn't explained. i thought play again would restart the game at the first dungeon and back to start would take me back to the home menu. i was wrong, Play Again took me back to the home menu and i was done with Time Walker: Dark World.

The demo told me little about the game and i might even argue the demo was a waste of time. i would've got just as much from watching a video on the game than playing the demo they released for it. i don't recommend people try the demo, and if this is a representation of the final game i don't recommend people get that either.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 8 – Thirteenth and Fourteenth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

We didn't get much story in this week's video, but the hells we visited were somewhat interesting. the first one had the saddest, and most confusing, story so far whilst the second saw us facing off against enemies wearing dessert themed hats or back packs, similar to how the flower themed enemies were dressed during the hay fever hell.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 2

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

The thing that stood out the most from Part 1 were the characters that the game kept introducing. it felt like not a lot happened in my first hour with the game. in this part, time wise in the game's story, more time has passed and it felt like we got to have some character growth for ourselves and we got a better look at how the game world works. We also got to make a couple more choices for ourselves and how they were handled in the game was how i imagined the choices i made playing out.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Switch Funday - Banjo-Kazooie - My First Time

Welcome to Switch Funday!

This week's game is Banjo-Kazooie and this is my first time playing it! I've heard people talk about this game for a long time and most often they've spoke highly of it, putting it up as one of the best on the N64. I've always been curious about it, but i never got it when it came out on Xbox 360. With it's sequel, Banjo-Tooie, being released i was reminded that Banjo-Kazooie was already out Nintendo Switch.

having tried out other N64 games, i knew that the controls might be the most annoying part of playing this but thankfully they weren't too bad. it wasn't great but it was manageable enough. that's not to say that Banjo-Kazooie doesn't have it's own quirks, i found it's momentum to be frustrating when it came to doing big jumps and trying it's roll attacks. but by the time i was finishing this video i was starting to get to grips with that aspect of the game.

Having heard people talk about this game for so long, things like the puzzle pieces or music notes weren't a surprise to me. But there were still things, even after all this time, that surprised me. you'll hear after i finish the first level how surprised i am that Grunty's Castle isn't linear, that it's full of secrets and small puzzles. i was also kinda surprised by how small the first stage was. i was worried that with all the collectables the stages would be massive and it'd be a pain to find everything. but i fond that first stage to be the right size and it's puzzles not too difficult. things could change with the later stages, but for this first hour or so it was very pleasant.

Banjo-Kazooie really makes a great first impression with it's introduction "movie", the tutorial area, and the first area we visit in the castle. i enjoyed the quips between each character, too. for me, i had such a great time with Banjo-Kazooie that i do want to play more. i'd prefer to play more with modern controls, but with the XBLA closed and Rare Replay not on a console i own, i may have to learn to tolerate the controls on the Switch Pro Controller...but i think it might be worth it!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Angel at Dusk On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of  Angel at Dusk, from the developers Akiragoya and publisher Sanuk.

I'm not good at shmups so when i saw a demo for this one on the eShop i was interested in trying it as i hoped that the demo would give me a good idea on how it's difficulty is. but honestly, i wasn't expecting it to be as approachable as it was.

Angel at Dusk has a great tutorial that i would recommend to anyone interested in shumps. the game makes the point that this tutorial isn't just for this game, it's designed to teach players the basics of the genre. Angel at Dusk does have it's own game mechanics and not only does the tutorial tell us how to use it, it gives suggestions on how best to use it against enemies in game.

The demo consists of the tutorial, which is about 20-25 minutes, and the first two stages from the game's story mode. unfortunately, i can't really comment much on the story as it passes really quickly. there are text boxes, but as i'm not good at shumps my focus was on the action rather than the story as the game doesn't pause to tell it.

after trying out the demo, i would recommend Angel at Dusk to anyone curious about the shump genre and who are looking for a game to try. the demo is worth trying, but i'd recommend wishlisting the game and when it's at a price that's good for you i think it'd be worth getting. it has a fantastic tutorial, the options are cool as well as let you customise colors for many things, and whilst the game has it's own mechanics they never felt overwhelming. they were simple but effective, and due to the tutorial i was confident on how it all worked.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 7 – Eleventh and Twelfth "Belles' Hells"

*There's no commentary from me, my audio software crashed 3 times and i couldn't save it.

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

The two Belle's Hells i did in this video went fairly quickly and felt mostly fine difficulty wise. what was interesting were the little bits of story that helped flesh out how hell works but also that we didn't deal with the "big bad" when going to the second circle of hell.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Stories on Tuesday - Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi - Part 1

The new game in the Stories on Tuesday series is the PS3 PSN version of Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi. I've not played an Otome style game before and whilst this style of game may not be marketed or aimed at me, i'm still curious to try it out and see what the story is.

This is a game i have started before, but i don't remember doing more than maybe the prologue and chapter 1. It's been so long ago i don't really remember the story, tho after playing this part some of the backgrounds and character designs did look familiar.

In this part i finished the prologue and did the first month of Chapter 1. there were a lot of introductions to, what seem to be, the main characters of the story. There wasn't a lot of back story revealed, but the interactions between the characters did reveal a little of the relationships/standings/friendships between them. so far, we've only had to make one choice in our story, but i'm expecting to make a lot more in the future.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Amedama On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Amedama, from the developers IzanagiGames and Acquire Corp.

The first thing that struck me when playing Amedama is it's visual style. throughout the video i try to say what it reminds me off, but i never succeed in doing so. in some respects, Amedama looks so familiar, but it also looks unique. the real question is does it actually look good, does it work visually. that i'm less sure off. i'll be honest and say that i didn't mind the character artwork and i thought that the backgrounds looked good. but i didn't like the character art, tho i do appreciate that for the most part people were visually distinct.

The trouble is, there's not enough variety. early on i started to notice that character art was being reused over and over again but it kinda got in the way of story telling. for gang members one type of artwork would be used, and then it would be used again for someone working with the samurai. it started to take me out of the world and the story telling and by the end of this video, it was starting to feel cheap or not finished because it just kept on happening. 

By the end of this video, i don't think i understood the game. in the hour i played, i was following the story, but the game itself never presented itself as anything more than a brawler with a unique character control mechanic. the day system did hint that something was up with the game but i never got to the end in this video. there was one kinda bug near the end during the final fight i had where the boss character was able to hit me up and seemingly into the rafters. i would be stuck up off screen and unable to attack until i moved and fell to the floor.

Ultimately, i would recommend people try out this demo but they'd have to play more than me to get a better sense of what it is. the idea of controlling over people's body's isn't new, but i did enjoy how they used it in this game. But Amedama isn't for me. it feels cheap/unfinished to such an extent that it started to get in the way of the story telling and the world they were trying to build.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 6 – Ninth and Tenth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

we're six videos in and i'm starting to predict when things are going to happen, like i knew there would be a story update in this video and it was a very interesting update. But it's not been an issue as Poison Control has, so far, been able to break the monotony by changing things slightly or by revealing more of the story. one gameplay change came in the 10th Belle's Hell where not only did we have the regular enemies wearing a costume, there were other cardboard cut out enemies to deal with. in the previous video there was another change where money was the goal. Poison Control has done great in changing things up slightly to feel fresh and exciting whilst also dishing out at the right times updates to it's story.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Mobile Friday - Pokémon TCG Pocket - Open Packs With Minimal Flair, Get To Level 3 For Card Battles

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Pokémon TCG Pocket from The Pokemon Company on my iPhone 14 Pro.

I've always been a bit of an admirer of Pokémon TCG, not so much because of the game but because of the artwork. i have never collected Pokémon cards before so i was looking forward to trying this out. 

But Pokémon TCG never really matched my enthusiasm. it's a somewhat sterile experience. the excitement i felt of getting a cool looking card was never matched by the experience of getting it in the game. By having little to no fanfare, it comes across as a generic app even tho the experience of collecting is quite personal.

Thankfully, getting the cards is mostly straightforward with a decent enough tutorial on how things work. But there are Ui aspects that give the impression that not everyone was communicating with each other. the home screen has buttons on the top left that look like we can do something, but when you click on them it opens up and we can't. i don't understand why it looks like it's something we can use when we actually can't. it should be greyed out on the home screen or not there at all. 

This lack of unity appears when battles are unlocked. i don't understand why some parts of the battle mechanics require us to touch a card, when others require a hold and press motion. there are times when you have to go from one style to another. so when the battle section starts, you'll see i get more frustrated with the overly complicated controls.

But to get to this part of the "game" you have to get to Level 3, something that can easily take 2 days due to the pack cool down timers, which are 12 hours. This feature is locked on the home screen, whereas the example i mentioned above isn't as clearly locked. i don't understand why such a big aspect of the game is locked behind player level, when it doesn't matter.

When you start the battle mode, you don't use the cards you've unlocked. you have to do the tutorial first and for this you're given cards. when you complete it you're given a deck of 20 cards, tho for some crazy reason i wouldn't be able to check out this deck for a while to come. when i stumbled upon the deck menu, i was given the opportunity to create my own deck with my own cards. This is what should've been put behind player level, not the whole game mode but this aspect.

Pokémon TCG Pocket isn't a great user experience. it doesn't feel cohesive, it doesn't match the emotion we the player feel, and it kinda feels a little old. If you want to collect packs, then it's fine. if you want to battle, it's fine. unfortunately, in it's current state Pokémon TCG Pocket is nothing more than fine.

Version 1.0.5 Played.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Botworld Odyssey On Switch

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the Nintendo Switch version of Botworld Odyssey, from the developers Featherweight Games.

I didn't read too much about this game on the eShop before downloading the demo, it was the screenshots that drew me in. the game looks colorful with a wide range of localities. the fighting looked exciting and the robot aspect interested me as i wondered how close to a "Pokémon" style game would they go or would it be more of a "Metabots" game.

the first screen we're greeted with not only makes it clear that we're playing a demo but also provides a way to pre-order/but the game from the Switch eShop. it's always surprising when a game doesn't have a way to pre-order it or buy it from a store. there could've been a message saying this is a short demo, maybe saying outright or giving a hint as to what we can do, either on the first screen or before the next Character Creation screen. very few games do something like this but here it might've helped as i was surprised when the demo finished as abruptly as it did.

the character creation is limited but what we can make looks like it's part of the world. Out of the Buffalo, Rat, Cat, Dog, and Lizard options, i chose to create a cat character and i was satisfied with what was made. then we're thrown straight into the game and the beginning tutorial section. for the most part i found the tutorial section to be good. but it did feel like they were missing out on incorporating the family more into it. and then the tutorial seems to suddenly end right when new things are opening up. the big example in this video is how the game works with 4 robots. i didn't realize that only 3 can be on the field at a time, so it was confusing why we now had a fourth that did nothing.

The fighting aspect of the game is a real highlight. it's simple enough that the games tutorial covered it well enough that i knew what to do, but there's also depth in what we can do. by the end of the demo i was already thinking about how to strategically place my robots to work around the enemy robots. it's too early to tell how this part of the game will grow and change, for example it would've been nice to see how we could swap out a robot for another one in a way to change our strategy. a nice touch was how we, the player character, to interact with the fights and attack.

But i don't think i ever understood how to change my own loadout. i either missed it in the tutorial or there wasn't one for it. the game also failed to have a tutorial for upgrading our robots. it did introduce upgrading them with material we found. but i don't remember it ever telling us to upgrade their Ai or how that system worked.

The demo for Botworld Odyssey is good and after playing it i would be happy to continue playing the game. i just feel that it's disappointing that the tutorial works so well until it doesn't. it's very noticeable when something new happens in the early tutorial part of the game, but there's no tutorial for it. But it's not a big complaint when compared to how good the rest of my experience with the demo was. i'd recommend people check out the demo for sure.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 5 – Seventh and Eighth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Now the story is continuing, after being stuck in Part 3 and getting unstuck in Part 4, i managed to do 2  Belle's Hells. the first one was simple and similar to other one's i've done. but the second one had a bit more of an interesting design and requirement to finish so it was a pleasant surprise. 

Today's video ends at the shop and a discussion had there gave my character some answers but left more for my companion. the way the story is being teased out at a decent pace is really keeping me engaged with it so i look forward to the next video.

Friday, October 25, 2024

For Mobile Friday this week is i tried out Tiny Cafe from Nanali Studios on my iPhone 14 Pro.

I have played a few of these animal themed restaurant simulators for Mobile Friday. Campfire Cat Cafe, https://youtu.be/Zhz5-EKj2NM, has been one of the ones i would recommend but i can now add Tiny Cafe to that list, too. These games all tend to have great art style, but then suffer with issues like they're too grindy, Cat Snack Bar, https://youtu.be/hhqyaTmhXw4 and Cats & Soup, https://youtu.be/B5_zo0ov4IM and https://youtu.be/hCvATMGu-9g, being too big examples of this. or if they try to have a story it feels like a side thought and isn't too in-depth, Animal Restaurant https://youtu.be/DZhTicMX4Bo is an example of this.

In the hour i played with Tiny Cafe, i do think i was at the beginning of the grind in terms of the basic gameplay but the story aspect of the game was just getting started and i was interested in where it would go. we not only have the story of our main character, but there's the story of his friend, and the stories of those who visit our shop. these stories are an effective way to get us to come back to play the game.

The start of the game does well to incorporate the games story into the tutorial and it takes us through basic gameplay in a way that's a little handholdy but not in a patronising way. the tutorial was soo good that i was surprised when it failed to do some basic things. there are icons on the screen that the game doesn't tell us about but there was also a way to take a screenshot of your cafe and the game hadn't told us about it.

the characters and their animations are great. For the most part, i enjoyed the art style of the characters and the cooking equipment. but the background details seemed a bit too flat, basic, and not quite in the same style as other stuff. it's noticeable but not distracting. the game does something a little unique where you can not only zoom into a specific piece of equipment but you can also rotate around it a little. Tiny Cafe doesn't just have traditional cooking and cafe stuff, there are some fun things as well like a bath.

I would recommend Tiny Cafe. it's one of the better restaurant simulation games i've played but also one of the better ones with a story as well so i'm interested in returning to see what happens next.

Version 1.0.8 Played.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Demo Play Thursday - Ys X: Nordics Demo On PS4

For this week's Demo Play Thursday i played the PlayStation 4 version of Ys X: Nordics Demo from Nihon Falcom.

Ys is a series that i've heard about but not one i've ever played before. so trying out this demo wasn't just for the site, it was for me too. i was curious about soo many aspects and hoped that the demo would let me know if i want to get the game or not.

Unfortunately, my time with the demo got every increasingly frustrating and i didn't enjoy my time with it. nearly every aspect of the game felt outdated or that it was built for a different console, whether that's the #Switch or maybe if the initially started planning this on Vita. graphically, the PS4 version feels like a downgrade. the lack of shadows make certain items in the game look like stickers, but there's the opposite problem where there are shadows that make characters look like they have scars.

The artwork for buildings looks so bland, and the draw distance is so close to the camera that later on islands in the background started to blend in with the sea so it looked like a wall of a single color. the characters were the best looking thing in the game, but don't look to closely as their mouths don't sync up with their speeches. 

I also found the game's story wasn't syncing up with what i was doing and that was probably the most frustrating thing as it meant i was having to pick what to say from a choice of something that makes no sense or something that makes only a little sense. very rarely did the game offer me something to say that i, the player, wanted to say.

The demo also hit a technical issue where i had single digits of frames. this started with the dual battle with the "Princess" and maybe a combination of luck and low difficulty setting meant we could defeat the wolves even if nothing was moving on screen.

Unfortunately, i can't recommend the PS4 version of the Ys X: Nordics Demo, and as my experience with the game was so negative i can't really recommend people getting the game. it felt like it's only for the hardcore fans who are maybe used to the outdated designs and complaints i had through most of this video.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 4 – Once More Into The Second Circle of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

In Part 3, i got stuck in the first major "Dungeon" of the Second Circle of Hell. i tried twice and was defeated twice, right at the end of the Dungeon. so going into this part i thought that would be my first goal. Unfortunately, i seemed to have forgotten to manually save after recording Part 3 so when i started the game for this recording, i realized that i had to basically re-do Part 3 all over again. 

Thankfully i was able to defeat the dungeon, which had previously bested me, on my first attempt. This lead the the story twist that i didn't see coming. previously, our goal had been to collect stickers. we get stickers by solving personal hells. with 5 of them, we're able to get to heaven. well, by finishing the dungeon today i got all 5 and headed off to the shop to redeem them. that's when it's revealed that 5 stickers are needed to get 1 Gold Sticker, and it's 5 Gold Stickers that are needed to get to heaven. so our goal, and the amount of videos in this series for this game, as now grown. 

I am still enjoying the story and the gameplay is mostly fine. the camera tends to fight me now and then and sometimes the lock-on seems to be aiming at ghosts or just off the enemy. thankfully the story is keeping me going so i am looking forward to the next couple of videos at least to see where things are headed.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Switch Funday - Blast Corps - A Frustrating Nostalgic Return

Welcome to Switch Funday!

This week's game is Blast Corps and this isn't my first time playing this N64 game. back when it came out, my sister either rented or borrowed this game and we played it a little. the problem was, we only played it a little because we got stuck. my hope about revising Blast Corps is to try and make progress but also to understand why i probably got stuck as a kid.

As ever, some of the journey with N64 games on Nintendo Switch is working out what the controls are, how they've been brought over to the Pro Controller. unfortunately, i think that even after my time with the game, i still didn't fully understand all the controls. i understood enough, but for example i couldn't work out how to do the dump truck drift.

The controls throughout were always a little weird, not just in how they've been brought over to the Pro Controller, but in how responsive they are in game. at times, i was impressed with how responsive and accurate it was. then there were times where i kept getting stuck on buildings as the controls didn't quite work as expected. 

out of the different modes i played, i enjoyed the timed destruction ones the most. having a set level, a time limit, and a target was nice and was like a puzzle. it did feel like there was only one answer to this puzzle, but it was mostly fun and a nice way to try out each of the machines you can control. Racing had potential, but i think the course design didn't match well enough with the vehicles and the short cutting mechanic. the second race i did came close. but other than that, i didn't really enjoy the other game modes.

I came away from Blast Corps with the feeling that this was an XBLA game before such a thing existed. for me, there's not enough here for a full game release. not just in terms of gameplay, but also with the menus, music, and basic lack of any information.