Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 6 - Getting The Earth Crystal

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the #PlayStationPortable version of #FinalFantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on #UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from #GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

Part 6 started with some shopping. after my first time going into The Cavern of Earth drained my supplies, i knew i had to go and get more as we'd be going down further into the dungeon. once i was fully stocked up, we went into The Cavern of Earth and came across the Earth Crystal's boss surprisingly fast. one of the problems with Part 5 is just how many battles it took to get anywhere. but here we got kinda lucky. the boss wasn't too difficult either. Defeating the boss played a short cutscene of a statue breaking apart, but that's not where i went next.

The guide i'm using wants me to go after the Fire Crystal next. i'm a little unsure if i've missed out on some sort of story beat or if it doesn't really matter. another example of this is at the start of the video when i went shopping. it was easy to go back to Cornelia but whilst there, i found a shadowy figure and i have no idea what that's about.

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