Konami have released a new trailer for Hard Corps Uprising. this trailer features a voice over that goes into detail the many features of the game, using in-game action as examples.
Watch Hard Corps Uprising - Launch Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Zoo Games And IndiePub Have Released A New Spring Trailer For Storm
Zoo Games And IndiePub have released a new trailer for Storm. this trailer shows in-game action from a new level and shows how lightning can be used to not only destroy something but to also get items up off the ground.
Watch Storm - Spring Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Storm - Spring Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Sony Announce USA Playstation Plus 1st Birthday Bonus Offers
Playstation Plus is celebrating it's first anniversary. Sony have announced that in celebration of this anniversary, starting from today and running until 11th July, gamers can get free months of membership to Playstation Plus when they buy a Playstation Plus Subscription.
Sony have detailed some of the savings you could have made if you had been a Playstation Plus member since it started:
- More than 50 Free Games
- Over 100 Free DLC Items (Add-ons, Avatars, Themes)
- 170+ Discounts
- Over 100 Exclusives and Early Access items
- $800+ in Savings
Playstation Plus,
Rocksteady Have Revealed The Final Batman: Arkham City Boxart
Rocksteady, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and DC Entertainment have revealed the final boxart for Batman: Arkham City.
Batman: Arkham City,
Warner Brothers
Capcom Have Released A Japanese Resident Evil 4 HD And Resident Evil Code: Veronica X HD Trailer
Capcom have released a new trailer for Resident Evil 4 HD and Resident Evil Code: Veronica X HD. this trailer is mostly in Japanese but it doesn't matter as the trailer aims to show the differences between the original versions and the new HD Versions.
Source: Capcom Unity
Source: Capcom Unity
resident evil,
Resident Evil 4 HD
Capcom Have Released New Screenshots And An Advert For Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Capcom have released new screenshots for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. this collection has a few in-game screenshots from each of the playable characters.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
EA And Grasshopper Have Released A New Trailer For Shadows Of The Damned
EA and Grasshopper have released a new trailer for Shadows Of The Damned. this trailer uses in-game action to show what life is like for a Demon Hunter.
Watch Shadows Of The Damned - Day In The Life Of A Demon Hunter in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Shadows Of The Damned - Day In The Life Of A Demon Hunter in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Shadow Of The Dammed
Sony Announce InviZimals: The Lost Tribe Is Coming this November To The PSP
Sony have announced a new game is coming in the Invizimals series. Novarama are currently developing InviZimals: The Lost Tribe, the third game in the series that's set to come out this November across Europe. the game takes place soon after InviZimals: Shadow Zone, with you playing as the hero looking for Keni. there are now 150 Invizimals in this game, 70 are new and 80 are community favourites. a new feautre added by Novarama is a Tag Team Battle System, allowing 2 V 2 Invizimal battles.
Source: EU Playstation Blog
InviZimals Lost Tribes,
Insomniac Have Released A Resistance 3 Developer Diary Focusing On The Chimera
Insomniac have released a new developer diary for Resistance 3. this video focuses on the Chimera on the game. the video has members of the dev team talking about the evolution of the design of Chimera, not only in how they look but also in how they react and try to fight you. several different Chimera are discussed in this video.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Resistance 3
TellTale Have Released A Story So Far Trailer For Back To The Future: The Game
Telltale have released a Story So Far trailer for Back To The Future: The Videogame. the final episode is out now and this trailer shows gamers some of what has happened so far in the story.
Watch Back To The Future The Videogame - Re-Cap Of The Story So Far in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Back To The Future The Videogame - Re-Cap Of The Story So Far in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Back To The Future,
505 Games And NaturalMotion Games Have Released A Launch Trailer For Backbreaker: Vengeance
505 Games and Natural Motion games have released a launch trailer for their upcoming XBLA game BackBreaker: Vengeance. the trailer uses in-game action to show the games modes and gameplay style.
Watch BackBreaker: Vengeance - Launch Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch BackBreaker: Vengeance - Launch Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Zero Punctuation - inFamous 2
This weeks Zero Punctuation is on inFamous 2. this game hasn't really been getting high review scores, but is the game solid enough and is its sandbox style of gameplay good enough for Yathzee to stick his neck out and say its a good game?
Zero Punctuation
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 28th June
This is all the news From Tuesday 28th June.
You can subscribe to the Hit X Podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below, and if you do or are already a subscriber it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
The Hit X Podcast is available on iTunes from:
A RSS Feed from Podbean For The Hit X Podcast:
And All The Recent Podcasts can be found on qtegamers.blogspot.com:
http://qtegamers.blogspot.com/search/label/Audio Re-Cap
You can subscribe to the Hit X Podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below, and if you do or are already a subscriber it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
The Hit X Podcast is available on iTunes from:
A RSS Feed from Podbean For The Hit X Podcast:
And All The Recent Podcasts can be found on qtegamers.blogspot.com:
http://qtegamers.blogspot.com/search/label/Audio Re-Cap
Audio Re-Cap
Its My Birthday Today So I'm Taking The Day Off!!!!
The title says it all really. the written re-cap is done and posted and i may get hte hit x podcast done. but apart from them two i'm calling it a day. i will be right back tomorrow catching up with today's and of course with tomorrows news as well.
The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Tuesday 28th June
- QTE News: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Monday 27th June http://ow.ly/1duKK3
- QTE News: Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Monday 27th June http://ow.ly/1duNZc
- Xbox2: New report claims 360 successor in development since 2006, set for a E3 2012 reveal http://ht.ly/5rYay
- PS3: The Australian ratings board have rated Elevator Action Deluxe, Square Enix publishing, B-Project Developing http://ht.ly/5rYyD
- PS3: At Sony Shareholders Meeting, they say 90% of PSN Users have returned since the PSN was hacked http://ht.ly/5rYBp
- PS3: Sony drops price of 160GB PS3 in the UK, online retailers dropped it to £199-£159 many now selling out due to demand http://ht.ly/5s0Bu
- Wii: Nintendo composer Mahito Yokota says Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword includes a key musical instrument in the game http://ht.ly/5s0Kj
- QTE News: Activision Have Released A Launch Trailer For Transformers: Dark Of Moon - The Videogame On iPhone http://ow.ly/1duRxv
- Call Of Duty Black Ops has become the best selling game in the UK Ever, its sold 3,722,411 units http://ht.ly/5s5wD
- Namco's Charlotte Toci says she made a mistake saying Tales of Vesperia is a Xbox 360 exclusive in the west, apologises http://ht.ly/5s6dF
- 3DS: Its reported EB Games in Australia are pulling Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, the day before its to be released http://ht.ly/5s6Cn
- QTE News: EA Announce The Shift 2 Unleashed Legends And Speedhunters DLC Are Coming To PC For Free http://ow.ly/1duVMw
- 360: BBFC rates Gears Of War 3 18, says game has 90 minutes of cutscenes. no cuts where made to it http://ht.ly/5s7iR
- UTV Ignition announce they are moving from developing games to publishing or partnering. WarDevil maybe cancelled http://ht.ly/5s7sJ
- International Game Developers Association are to investigate claims of unfair work policies at LA.Noire Devs Team Bondi http://ht.ly/5sapa
- QTE News: Sony Announce PSP Dual Game Packs Are Coming To Retail And The PSN This Week In The USA http://ow.ly/1duZZt
- 3DS: Cave Story 3D has been delayed until November. NIS America say its for game improvements http://ht.ly/5sd82
- its reported at Sony's Shareholder meeting, Howard Stringer was asked to step down due to lack of confidence, he didn't http://ht.ly/5sfy7
- PC: Final Fantasy XIV has a new team working on updates, sweeping changes coming soon, moving from grind centric + more http://ht.ly/5sh0x
- 360: Peter Molyneux says the Fable: The Journey demo was only 4 months old, much better demo coming to Gamescom http://ht.ly/5sh4i
- PSP: Japan is getting new PSP Value packs. for ¥17,800 you get 2GB Memory stick, case, PSP 3000. 3 colours available http://ht.ly/5sha6
- QTE News: EA Have Released A New Battlefield Heroes Trailer Introducing Extra Ordinary Heroes http://ow.ly/1dv7LU
- I Am Alive has been rated by the Australian Ratings Board a 15+, this has lead to speculation the games release is soon http://ht.ly/5ssbX
- PC: World Of Warcraft update Rage Of Firelands removes the games free trial time limit, players capped to lvl 20, http://ht.ly/5ssIm
- QTE News: EA And Crytek Have Released A New Trailer For The Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade That's Out Now http://ow.ly/1dvhGR
- QTE News: Naughty Dog Detail The Uncharted 3 Beta Which Is Being Rolled Out Now http://ow.ly/1dvhGQ
- PC: Minecraft maynot make its 11th November release. update 1.7 brings pistons, 1.8 brings adventure mode + more http://ht.ly/5stNR
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Naughty Dog Detail The Uncharted 3 Beta Which Is Being Rolled Out Now
The Uncharted 3 beta is now becoming available across the world. inFamous 2 owners and Playstation Plus members are the first to get it. if you are a Playstation Plus member you can head to your PSN Section and start downloading the 1.6GB Beta. I'm in the UK and the Beta is out Now.
Naughty Dog have also released this video detailing the Beta. the video goes in depth, using in game action, and provides a Uncharted 3 Multiplayer 101. it offers tips, suggestions, explains the facebook integration, boosters, buddies and more. the video is over 5 minutes long but it's very informative, like an instruction manual for the Beta.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Naughty Dog have also released this video detailing the Beta. the video goes in depth, using in game action, and provides a Uncharted 3 Multiplayer 101. it offers tips, suggestions, explains the facebook integration, boosters, buddies and more. the video is over 5 minutes long but it's very informative, like an instruction manual for the Beta.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
Naughty Dog,
Uncharted 3
EA And Crytek Have Released A New Trailer For The Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade That's Out Now
EA and Crytek have released a new trailer for Crysis 2. this trailer is for the Ultra Upgrade, which is out now, and shows how this patch has improved Crysis 2. The Ultra upgrade brings Direct X 11 support to the game and this enhances the games visuals. the trailer shows these enhancements, and they also show some comparisons between Direct X 9 and Direct X 11. EA and Crytek have also announced the Crysis 2 Map Editor Pack is out tomorrow, Wednesday.
Watch Crysis 2 - Direct X 11 Patch Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
PC Gamers Can Create Custom Maps with the Map Editor Pack Available Wednesday
One of the most highly-acclaimed first person shooters of 2011 is getting a facelift. Today, EA and Crytek will be releasing the Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade, giving PC gamers full DirectX®11 support. Enhancing the Crysis 2 gaming experience on PC, the Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade delivers higher quality visuals and features including tessellation, water rendering improvements, high quality HDR motion blur, and many other special effects and higher quality texture formats with the optional high res texture pack. The Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade is available via an auto installation once gamers go online* with Crysis 2 on PC.
Additionally, PC gamers can design their own maps and create their own epic battleground with the Map Editor Pack which can be downloaded at
Watch Crysis 2 - Direct X 11 Patch Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
PC Gamers Can Create Custom Maps with the Map Editor Pack Available Wednesday
One of the most highly-acclaimed first person shooters of 2011 is getting a facelift. Today, EA and Crytek will be releasing the Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade, giving PC gamers full DirectX®11 support. Enhancing the Crysis 2 gaming experience on PC, the Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade delivers higher quality visuals and features including tessellation, water rendering improvements, high quality HDR motion blur, and many other special effects and higher quality texture formats with the optional high res texture pack. The Crysis 2 Ultra Upgrade is available via an auto installation once gamers go online* with Crysis 2 on PC.
Additionally, PC gamers can design their own maps and create their own epic battleground with the Map Editor Pack which can be downloaded at
EA Have Released A New Battlefield Heroes Trailer Introducing Extra Ordinary Heroes
EA have released a new trailer for Battlefield Heroes. this trailer introduces a couple of new characters coming to the game. much like the previously released Pirates Trailer, this trailer shows them in action and some of their special moves.
Watch Battlefield Heroes - Extra Ordinary Heroes Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Battlefield Heroes - Extra Ordinary Heroes Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Sony Announce PSP Dual Game Packs Are Coming To Retail And The PSN This Week In The USA
Sony have announced PSP Dual Game Packs. each pack comes with 2 games and retails vfor $14.99. the first of these packs include:
As well as coming out at retail, these bundles will be available to buy from the PSP PSN Store.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
- Secret Agent Clank and Daxter
- Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow and Killzone Liberation
- Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo
As well as coming out at retail, these bundles will be available to buy from the PSP PSN Store.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
EA Announce The Shift 2 Unleashed Legends And Speedhunters DLC Are Coming To PC For Free
EA have announced both the Legends and Speedhunters DLC for Shift 2 Unleashed are coming to PC's for free from 30th June. both packs will need to be downloaded from Origin.com
Watch Shift 2 Unleashed - Legendary DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Shift 2 Unleashed - Speed Hunters DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Speedhunters comes with Full list of cars and tracks in the Speedhunters pack:
1. Dodge Challenger R/T Speedhunters
2. Lexus LFA Speedhunters
3. Mazda RX-7 (FC3S) Speedhunters
4. McLaren MP4-12C Speedhunters
5. Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution 2 Speedhunters
6. Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Speedhunters
7. Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION IX MR-edition Speedhunters
8. Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (S30) Speedhunters
9. Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (C10) Speedhunters
10. Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32) Speedhunters
11. Pagani Huayra Speedhunters
12. Toyota Supra Speedhunters
13. Dodge Viper GTS by Twins Turbo (Rival/reward car)
14. World Racing Pro-FWD Reaper Scion tC (Rival/reward car)
1. Miyatomi Drag Strip
2. Miyatomi Mile
3. Aguera Drag Strip
4. Agueda Aerodrome
5. Nevada Drag Strip
6. Nevada Freight Yard
Legends Pack comes with:
Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA (1965)
Austin Mini Cooper S (1965)
BMW 3.0 CSL Gr. 5 (1975)
Ford Capri RS3100 Gr.4 (1974)
Ford Escort Mk1 RS1600 (1971)
Ford GT40 Mk.I (1965)
Ford Lotus Cortina (1963)
Jaguar E-Type Lightweight (1963)
Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (S30) (1971)
Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (C10) (1972)
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 (1974)
Porsche 914/6 GT (1970)
Team Need For Speed Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0
Dijon-Prenois (1972)
Hockenheim (1982)
Monza (1958)
Rouen-Les-Essarts GP (1966)
Rouen-Les-Essarts Short (1952)
Silverstone (1975)
Source: needforspeed.com
And here is the rest of it.
Watch Shift 2 Unleashed - Legendary DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Shift 2 Unleashed - Speed Hunters DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Speedhunters comes with Full list of cars and tracks in the Speedhunters pack:
1. Dodge Challenger R/T Speedhunters
2. Lexus LFA Speedhunters
3. Mazda RX-7 (FC3S) Speedhunters
4. McLaren MP4-12C Speedhunters
5. Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution 2 Speedhunters
6. Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Speedhunters
7. Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION IX MR-edition Speedhunters
8. Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (S30) Speedhunters
9. Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (C10) Speedhunters
10. Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32) Speedhunters
11. Pagani Huayra Speedhunters
12. Toyota Supra Speedhunters
13. Dodge Viper GTS by Twins Turbo (Rival/reward car)
14. World Racing Pro-FWD Reaper Scion tC (Rival/reward car)
1. Miyatomi Drag Strip
2. Miyatomi Mile
3. Aguera Drag Strip
4. Agueda Aerodrome
5. Nevada Drag Strip
6. Nevada Freight Yard
Legends Pack comes with:
Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA (1965)
Austin Mini Cooper S (1965)
BMW 3.0 CSL Gr. 5 (1975)
Ford Capri RS3100 Gr.4 (1974)
Ford Escort Mk1 RS1600 (1971)
Ford GT40 Mk.I (1965)
Ford Lotus Cortina (1963)
Jaguar E-Type Lightweight (1963)
Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (S30) (1971)
Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (C10) (1972)
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 (1974)
Porsche 914/6 GT (1970)
Team Need For Speed Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0
Dijon-Prenois (1972)
Hockenheim (1982)
Monza (1958)
Rouen-Les-Essarts GP (1966)
Rouen-Les-Essarts Short (1952)
Silverstone (1975)
Source: needforspeed.com
And here is the rest of it.
Shift 2 Unleashed
Activision Have Released A Launch Trailer For Transformers: Dark Of Moon - The Videogame On iPhone
EA have released a launch trailer for Transformers: Dark Of Moon - The Videogame on the iPhone and iPad.
Watch Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - iPhone/iPad Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - iPhone/iPad Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Transformers Dark Of Moon
Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From Monday 27th June
This is all the news From Monday 27th June.
You can subscribe to the Hit X Podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below, and if you do or are already a subscriber it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
The Hit X Podcast is available on iTunes from:
A RSS Feed from Podbean For The Hit X Podcast:
And All The Recent Podcasts can be found on qtegamers.blogspot.com:
http://qtegamers.blogspot.com/search/label/Audio Re-Cap
You can subscribe to the Hit X Podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below, and if you do or are already a subscriber it would be very helpful for me if you can rate and review the podcast.
The Hit X Podcast is available on iTunes from:
A RSS Feed from Podbean For The Hit X Podcast:
And All The Recent Podcasts can be found on qtegamers.blogspot.com:
http://qtegamers.blogspot.com/search/label/Audio Re-Cap
Audio Re-Cap
The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Monday 27th June
- QTE News: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From The Weekend Of Saturday 25th And Sunday 26th June
- Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From The Weekend Of Saturday 25th And Sunday 26th June http://ht.ly/5r24K
- QTE News: UK Game Charts Top 20; Includes Zumba Fitness, L.A.Noire, F.E.A.R.3, Dirt 3, Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean http://ht.ly/5r276
- JP Consoles, 3DS 40.649, PSP 31.741, PS3 16.081, Wii 6.678, DSiLL 5.464, DSi 5.322, 360 2.875, PS2 1.346 http://ht.ly/5r2aj
- 3DS: Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will not allow users to delete their save game, maybe done to discourage game sell http://ht.ly/5r2b6
- 3DS: Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D devs Grezzo reveals they deliberately left some N64 bugs in the game http://ht.ly/5r2Ui
- Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi, + 3 other drivers, wins his class in 24 Hours Nürburgring with his Nissan GT-R http://ht.ly/5r3Am
- QTE News: EA Have Released A New Trailer For Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 the Videogame http://ow.ly/1dtz8q
- PS3: Tecmo Koei say there is no truth to them making Fatal Frame for the PS3 http://ht.ly/5r5yq
- its reported George Hotz is working for Facebook, not clear what his job is there http://ht.ly/5r5Kw
- PS4: sources at IndustryGamers, who work at a top developer, say the PS4 will be revealed within 18 months http://ht.ly/5r60s
- QTE News: thatgamecompany Detail The Invite Only Journey Beta Which Stars Tomorrow http://ow.ly/1dtCYq
- WiiU: Resident Evil producer Masachika Kawata says he's personally interested in developing for Wii U http://ht.ly/5raf1
- The Jump Magazine reveals Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan is getting a videogame. its coming to PS3/360, Konami Publishing http://ht.ly/5rb4B
- OnLive: they admit they are talking to Sony and Microsoft, would like to see their service working with consoles http://ht.ly/5rdYn
- Toru Iwatani, creator of Pac-Man, calls modern iphone/social games fleeting and simple. devs need to make memorable games http://ht.ly/5rfAl
- Activision have registered several web domains for something called GoldenEye Reloaded, port of Wii GoldenEye speculated http://ht.ly/5rh8E
- PS3: Sony have confirmed Sorcery is still in development. no release date or new information provided http://ht.ly/5rktF
- QTE News: Microsoft Detail This Years XBLA Summer Of Arcade, Reveal You Get A Free Game If All Titles Bought http://ow.ly/1dtORh
- QTE News: Codemasters Detail The Valley Of Death DLC For Operation Flashpoint: Red River http://ow.ly/1dtSmP
Monday, June 27, 2011
Codemasters Detail The Valley Of Death DLC For Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Codemasters have detailed the Valley Of Death DLC for Operation Flashpoint: Red River. this DLC, which is out now on the PSN across Europe for £4.79, €5.99, brings 8 new Fireteam Engagements playable in single-player or in four player online co-op. these include Two new Combat Sweep missions, two new CSAR missions, two new Last Stand missions and two new Rolling Thunder missions. This DLC is will come out on 28th June on Xbox Live for 560 MS Points, also on Games For Windows Marketplace, and the PSN In the USA for $6.99.
Watch Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Valley Of Death DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
UK – June 27th 2011 2PM – Codemasters® today announced the The Valley of Death Pack DLC for Operation Flashpoint®: Red River™ is now available from the PLAYSTATION NETWORK in Europe (£4.79, €5.99), and will launch from Tuesday 28th June from Xbox Marketplace (560 MSP), Games For Windows Marketplace (560 MSP) and PLAYSTATION NETWORK in North America ($6.99). To mark the release, Codemasters has launched a new gameplay video showcasing the Valley of Death Pack, which is now online at www.youtube.com/flashpointgame.
The Valley of Death Pack features eight new Fireteam Engagements playable in single-player or in four player online co-op. Two new Combat Sweep missions, two new CSAR missions, two new Last Stand missions and two new Rolling Thunder missions are set across stunning new locales. Players will fight through the warehouses and factories of a former Soviet Manufacturing town and carry out operations in a riverside mudbrick village set beneath foreboding hilltop ruins.
Now playing at www.youtube.com/flashpointgame, the Valley of Death DLC video shows the range of challenges to feature in this substantial game extension. Marines are showing sweeping through dangerous ruins, compounds and towns flooded with enemies. Other missions include protecting convoys, holding elevated positions against increasing waves of enemies, night operations and rescuing downed pilots stranded deep in enemy territory.
Operation Flashpoint: Red River is out now for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Games For Windows® LIVE. Sign up to “get some” USMC style with the latest briefings direct from the Operation Flashpoint studio at www.facebook.com/flashpointredriver and www.twitter.com/flashpointgame.
About Codemasters
Codemasters, the award winning games developer and publisher, has a 24-year heritage and annual revenues in excess of US$ 150 Million. The company’s dominant brands include DiRT, GRID and Operation Flashpoint; the company retains the exclusive worldwide video game rights to FORMULA ONE. Codemasters operates three UK development studios – one at its Warwickshire HQ with further sites at Guildford and Birmingham. An additional art studio is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2009 Codemasters won the coveted Grand Prix Award at the 2009 Develop Industry Excellence Awards, an award bestowed on the company felt by Develop to have contributed the most to the games medium in recent times. Across the group, Codemasters employs over 450 people. In March 2010, Reliance Big Entertainment Ltd. (RBEL), a part of India’s Reliance ADA group, acquired a 50 per cent shareholding in the company, alongside existing investor, Balderton Capital, the leading European venture capital firm that first invested in Codemasters in 2005. For more information on Codemasters’ product portfolio, please visit www.codemasters.com
Codemasters is a registered trademark owned by The Codemasters Software Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. “PlayStation”, “PLAYSTATION” and “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox LIVE are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. NINTENDO DS, Wii AND THE Wii LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO.
Watch Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Valley Of Death DLC Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
UK – June 27th 2011 2PM – Codemasters® today announced the The Valley of Death Pack DLC for Operation Flashpoint®: Red River™ is now available from the PLAYSTATION NETWORK in Europe (£4.79, €5.99), and will launch from Tuesday 28th June from Xbox Marketplace (560 MSP), Games For Windows Marketplace (560 MSP) and PLAYSTATION NETWORK in North America ($6.99). To mark the release, Codemasters has launched a new gameplay video showcasing the Valley of Death Pack, which is now online at www.youtube.com/flashpointgame.
The Valley of Death Pack features eight new Fireteam Engagements playable in single-player or in four player online co-op. Two new Combat Sweep missions, two new CSAR missions, two new Last Stand missions and two new Rolling Thunder missions are set across stunning new locales. Players will fight through the warehouses and factories of a former Soviet Manufacturing town and carry out operations in a riverside mudbrick village set beneath foreboding hilltop ruins.
Now playing at www.youtube.com/flashpointgame, the Valley of Death DLC video shows the range of challenges to feature in this substantial game extension. Marines are showing sweeping through dangerous ruins, compounds and towns flooded with enemies. Other missions include protecting convoys, holding elevated positions against increasing waves of enemies, night operations and rescuing downed pilots stranded deep in enemy territory.
Operation Flashpoint: Red River is out now for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Games For Windows® LIVE. Sign up to “get some” USMC style with the latest briefings direct from the Operation Flashpoint studio at www.facebook.com/flashpointredriver and www.twitter.com/flashpointgame.
About Codemasters
Codemasters, the award winning games developer and publisher, has a 24-year heritage and annual revenues in excess of US$ 150 Million. The company’s dominant brands include DiRT, GRID and Operation Flashpoint; the company retains the exclusive worldwide video game rights to FORMULA ONE. Codemasters operates three UK development studios – one at its Warwickshire HQ with further sites at Guildford and Birmingham. An additional art studio is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2009 Codemasters won the coveted Grand Prix Award at the 2009 Develop Industry Excellence Awards, an award bestowed on the company felt by Develop to have contributed the most to the games medium in recent times. Across the group, Codemasters employs over 450 people. In March 2010, Reliance Big Entertainment Ltd. (RBEL), a part of India’s Reliance ADA group, acquired a 50 per cent shareholding in the company, alongside existing investor, Balderton Capital, the leading European venture capital firm that first invested in Codemasters in 2005. For more information on Codemasters’ product portfolio, please visit www.codemasters.com
Codemasters is a registered trademark owned by The Codemasters Software Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. “PlayStation”, “PLAYSTATION” and “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox LIVE are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. NINTENDO DS, Wii AND THE Wii LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO.
Microsoft Detail This Years XBLA Summer Of Arcade, Reveal You Get A Free Game If All Titles Bought
Microsoft have detailed this years Xbox Live Arcade Summer Of Arcade. starting from 20th July and running until 17th August, 5 games are coming out. these games are:
July 20: Bastion, for 1200 MS Points
July 27: From Dust, for 1200 MS Points
August 3: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, for 1200 MS Points
August 10: Fruit Ninja Kinect, for 800 MS Points
August 17: Toy Soldiers: Cold War, for 1200 MS Points
Watch XBLA Summer Of Arcade - Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Microsoft have released this trailer during E3 for this years Summer Of Arcade. Microsoft have also announced that if you buy all 5 games, you will get Crimson Alliance for free when the game comes out on 7th September.
Source: Major Nelson
July 20: Bastion, for 1200 MS Points
July 27: From Dust, for 1200 MS Points
August 3: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, for 1200 MS Points
August 10: Fruit Ninja Kinect, for 800 MS Points
August 17: Toy Soldiers: Cold War, for 1200 MS Points
Watch XBLA Summer Of Arcade - Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Microsoft have released this trailer during E3 for this years Summer Of Arcade. Microsoft have also announced that if you buy all 5 games, you will get Crimson Alliance for free when the game comes out on 7th September.
Source: Major Nelson
thatgamecompany Detail The Invite Only Journey Beta Which Stars Tomorrow
Journey is getting a multiplayer beta. however, its a small beta that you can only get access to by invite. the beta will run from 28th June to 12th July. for a chance to get into the beta you have to be a Playstation Plus subscriber and had bought Fl0wer soon after its release. a few beta codes will be made available at the Playstation Blog, thatgamecompany facebook page and a few other areas. the main purpose for this beta is to test the games multiplayer network code. the online beta will run on Tuesdays from 6pm to 10pm PST.
The Beta will start in the USA and is detailed above. the Beta will come to europe and will be available to EU Beta Testers and selected Playstation Plus members. more details about the EU Part of the Beta will be revealed later.
Source: USA Playstation Blog
EA Have Released A New Trailer For Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 the Videogame
EA have released a new trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 the Videogame. this trailer uses in-game action to show many of the characters fighting. it also shows similar sequences to the recently released movie trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 the Videogame - Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 the Videogame - Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
UK Game Charts Top 20; Includes Zumba Fitness, L.A.Noire, F.E.A.R.3, Dirt 3, Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean
UKIE have released this weeks UK game charts. this weeks highest new entry is F.E.A.R.3, in at number 3. this week also saw the re-entry into the top 20 of 2 tennis games, mostly due to Wimbledon.
1 - Zumba Fitness
2 - L.A.Noire
3 - F.E.A.R.3
4 - Dirt 3
5 - LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean
6 - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D
7 - FIFA 11
8 - Duke Nukem Forever
9 - Brink
10 - Top Spin 4
11 - inFamous 2
12 - Crysis 2
13 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
14 - Dungeon Siege III
15 - Wii Sports Resort
16 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
17 - Transformers: Dark Of The Moon
18 - Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
19 - Portal 2
20 - Virtua Tennis 4
Charts Supplied By 3. UKIE Games Charts©, compiled by GfK Chart-Track"
Last Week Top 20
1 - Zumba Fitness
2 - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D
3 - Duke Nukem Forever
4 - L.A.Noire
5 - Brink
6 - LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean
7 - Dirt 3
8 - inFamous 2
9 - Dungeon Siege III
10 - FIFA 11
11 - Call Of Duty Black Ops
12 - Red Faction Armageddon
13 - Alice: Madness Returns
14 - Wii Sports Resort
15 - Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
16 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
17 - Portal 2
18 - Homefront
19 - Crysis 2
20 - Mario Kart Wii
1 - Zumba Fitness
2 - L.A.Noire
3 - F.E.A.R.3
4 - Dirt 3
5 - LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean
6 - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D
7 - FIFA 11
8 - Duke Nukem Forever
9 - Brink
10 - Top Spin 4
11 - inFamous 2
12 - Crysis 2
13 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
14 - Dungeon Siege III
15 - Wii Sports Resort
16 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
17 - Transformers: Dark Of The Moon
18 - Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
19 - Portal 2
20 - Virtua Tennis 4
Charts Supplied By 3. UKIE Games Charts©, compiled by GfK Chart-Track"
Last Week Top 20
1 - Zumba Fitness
2 - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D
3 - Duke Nukem Forever
4 - L.A.Noire
5 - Brink
6 - LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean
7 - Dirt 3
8 - inFamous 2
9 - Dungeon Siege III
10 - FIFA 11
11 - Call Of Duty Black Ops
12 - Red Faction Armageddon
13 - Alice: Madness Returns
14 - Wii Sports Resort
15 - Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
16 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
17 - Portal 2
18 - Homefront
19 - Crysis 2
20 - Mario Kart Wii
UK Game Charts
Hit X Podcast: All The News From QTE Gamers From The Weekend Of Saturday 25th And Sunday 26th June
This is all the news From The Weekend Of Saturday 25th And Sunday 26th June.
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Audio Re-Cap
The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From The Weekend Of Saturday 25th And Sunday 26th June
- QTE News: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Friday 24th June http://ow.ly/1drECO
- the hacking group Lulzsec have announced they have disbanded, 50 days after they were formed http://ht.ly/5qxyE
- IGN Australia have interesting article on development of L.A.Noire, talk about accusations or working condition's + more http://ht.ly/5qxZI
- PC: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII reportedly uploaded to Steam Servers, maynot be stable enough for release http://ht.ly/5qybN
- Wii: Nintendo France reportedly say The Last Story and Xenoblade is coming out in 2012, maybe early 2012 http://ht.ly/5qyl1
- a Google job listing reveals "Games at Google". no specific details revealed http://ht.ly/5qyNH
- PC: Sony Online Entertainment and Lucas Arts announce Star Wars Galaxies will be shut down on 15th December http://ht.ly/5qz72
- Yu Suzuki announces he is leaving his job at Sega in September, will remain in advisory role. http://ht.ly/5qzk5
- Wii: USA Nintendo fans initiate Operation Rainfall, campaign for Wii games like Xenoblade to get USA release http://ht.ly/5qzQX
- QTE News: Autumn Games Have Released A New Peacock Character Trailer For Skullgirls http://ow.ly/1dsKkE
- QTE News: Codemasters Have Released The First Developer Diary For F1 2011 http://ow.ly/1dsKkF
- PS3: GameStop page for Silent Hill HD Collection reveals game has updated in-game voice over and soundtrack score http://ht.ly/5qAit
- QTE News: Aksys Games Annouynce BIT.TRIP COMPLETE For The Nintendo Wii http://ow.ly/1dsMRw
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Aksys Games Announce BIT.TRIP COMPLETE For The Nintendo Wii
Aksys Games have announced a new BIT.TRIP Collection. a 3DS collection had previously been announced but now the 6 WiiWare games are getting a Wii retail release. BIT.TRIP COLLECTION is set to come out 13th September in the USA. this collection will feature the 6 BIT.TRIP games but with 120 new challenges spanning the six games. Each of games will have online leaderboards.
Coming with the collection is a original soundtrack CD. it will come with a selection of music from each of the 6 games. On the game disc there is also several bonus features including an audio gallery, image gallery, and video gallery.
Fact Sheet
All six BIT.TRIP games are morphing into a single entity called BIT.TRIP COMPLETE.
Experience the crushing difficulty of the rhythmic galaxies and ride along the long journey with CommanderVideo as he completes his mission and returns... home.
All 6 games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series in one complete package with 120 completely new BIT.TRIP challenges spanning all six games!
New audio gallery with fan remixes, original songs, and demo versions of existing BIT.TRIP themes!
An image gallery with exclusive production stills, concept
art, and promo images!
A video gallery with more than 25 movies telling the story of CommanderVideo!
6 Letters to BIT.TRIP fans, written by the series' director!
Original soundtrack CD packaged with BIT.TRIP COMPLETE featuring music from all six games in the series!
New difficulty modes in all games!
Online leaderboards!
Aksys Games,
Gaijin Games,
Autumn Games Have Released A New Peacock Character Trailer For Skullgirls
Autumn Games have released a new trailer for Skullgirls. this trailer introduces a new fighter in the game called Peacock. the trailer uses in-game action to show the many moves and combo's this fighter has.
Watch Skullgirls - Peacock Character Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch Skullgirls - Peacock Character Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Autumn Games,
Codemasters Have Released The First Developer Diary For F1 2011
Codemasters have released the first developer diary for F1 2011. this video reveals the team are working on improving the multiplayer options, increasing the number of players during online races and adding split screen multiplayer. in-game action is shown from several cars, and different weather conditions.
Watch F1 2011 - Developer Diary 1 in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Watch F1 2011 - Developer Diary 1 in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Friday 24th June
- QTE News: The Re-Cap: News From QTE Gamers From Thursday 23rd June http://ow.ly/1dqsKh
- QTE News: EA Have Released A Trailer And Screenshots For Their Newly Released iPhone Game Don't Fall Off http://ow.ly/1dqA2y
- QTE News: PopCap Announce Plants vs. Zombies Is Out Now On Windows Phone 7 For £3.99 http://ow.ly/1dqE38
- QTE News: Rockstar Announce L.A.Noire Is Coming To PC This Fall With 3D Support And Improved Graphics http://ow.ly/1dqHZS
- PSV: its strongly rumoured Sony have told UK retails the Vita will not make Christmas release, January/February release http://ht.ly/5pO5C
- PS3: its rumoured Sony will announce a Price drop at Gamescom, in August, dropping the price to £199.99 http://ht.ly/5pO9A
- PS3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled won't be available in the USA from the PSN after 30th June http://ht.ly/5pOdi
- 360: The German Ratings Board have rated Double Dragon 2 Wanderer Of The Dragons. game hasn't been announced http://ht.ly/5pPBb
- QTE News: Valve Release Meet The Medic And Announce Team Fortress 2 Is Not Free To Play http://ow.ly/1dqUu8
- 360: Its reported free to play games are coming to the 360, Microsoft in discussions with devs, use MS Points http://ht.ly/5pPFn
- PS3: Sony release new statement apologising for PSN still being down in Japan, more time needed before resumption http://ht.ly/5pQV3
Friday, June 24, 2011
Valve Release Meet The Medic And Announce Team Fortress 2 Is Now Free To Play
Valve have released the latest Meet The video for Team Fortress 2, this time its for the medic. that's the first video. the second video is the other big announcement for the game. Team Fortress 2 is now Free To Play.
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Team Fortress 2,
Rockstar Announce L.A.Noire Is Coming To PC This Fall With 3D Support And Improved Graphics
Rockstar have announced they are bringing L.A. Noire to PC's. the pc version is being developed by Rockstar Leeds and will have pc exclusive features. L.A. Noire will support 3D and have improved graphics, and there are customisation options for controllers/keyboards. Rockstar have revealed they have shipped over 4 Million units of L.A. Noire since it's release.
Press Release
New York, NY – June 23, 2011 - Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), and Team Bondi Pty. Ltd., are proud to announce that L.A. Noire will be arriving this fall for the PC.
“L.A. Noire is a new type of game that makes players see through a detective’s eyes in 1940s Los Angeles,” said Sam Houser, founder of Rockstar Games. “Its unique blend of story, action and crime solving will be perfect to play on PC.”
The PC version of L.A. Noire was developed by Rockstar Leeds. It will run on a wide range of PCs and feature customization, including keyboard remapping and gamepad functionality to both optimize and customize the performance and user experience. Along with increased fidelity and improved graphical enhancements, the PC version will feature 3D support for an even greater sense of interaction and immersion within a painstakingly detailed 1940s Los Angeles.
Developed by Team Bondi in conjunction with Rockstar Games, L.A. Noire is a crime thriller set in post World War II Los Angeles. As Detective Cole Phelps, players must search for clues, interrogate suspects and chase down criminals to solve a series of cases inspired by real world incidents. As he rises through the ranks of the LAPD, Phelps comes face-to-face with the corrupt heart of Los Angeles: from fallen starlets to double-dealing police officers and the vast reaches of the criminal underworld – and finally, the darkness of his own personal demons.
Utilizing a brand new type of facial capture technology called MotionScan, L.A. Noire breathes unprecedented life into character performances and was honored as an official selection of the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival.
Since its release on May 17, L.A. Noire has shipped approximately 4 million units worldwide to date. The game was the number one best-selling video game for three consecutive weeks in the U.K. and the fastest-selling new video game IP in U.K. history*. In addition, L.A. Noire was the highest-selling game in the U.S. for the month of May according to The NPD Group.
L.A. Noire is rated M for Mature by the ESRB and will release this fall for the PC at retail and digitally.
For more information, log onto www.rockstargames.com/lanoire.
*According to UKIE/GfK Chart-Track.
About Take-Two Interactive Software
Headquartered in New York City, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is a global developer, marketer and publisher of interactive entertainment software games for the PC, PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®2 computer entertainment systems, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Wii™, Nintendo DS™, iPhone®, iPod® touch and iPad™. The Company publishes and develops products through its wholly owned labels Rockstar Games and 2K, which publishes its titles under 2K Games, 2K Sports and 2K Play. The Company’s common stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol TTWO. For more corporate and product information please visit our website at www.take2games.com.
All trademarks and copyrights contained herein are the property of their respective holders.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The statements contained herein which are not historical facts are considered forward-looking statements under federal securities laws and may be identified by words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "potential," "predicts," "projects," "seeks," "will," or words of similar meaning and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the outlook for the Company's future business and financial performance. Such forward-looking statements are based on the current beliefs of our management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to them, which are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Actual outcomes and results may vary materially from these forward-looking statements based on a variety of risks and uncertainties including: our dependence on key management and product development personnel, our dependence on our Grand Theft Auto products and our ability to develop other hit titles for current generation platforms, the timely release and significant market acceptance of our games, the ability to maintain acceptable pricing levels on our games, our ability to raise capital if needed and risks associated with international operations. Other important factors and information are contained in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, in the section entitled "Risk Factors," and the Company's other periodic filings with the SEC, which can be accessed at www.take2games.com. All forward-looking statements are qualified by these cautionary statements and apply only as of the date they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
L.A. Noire,
PopCap Announce Plants vs. Zombies Is Out Now On Windows Phone 7 For £3.99
PopCap have announced that Plants vs. Zombies Is out now for Windows Phone 7. for £3.99,the game comes with:
- Adventure Mode
- Zen Garden
- All Mini-Games from the Original PC Version
- Vasebreaker and iZombie Modes
- Xbox LIVE Connection for Tapping into Leaderboards and achievements
- EFIGS Language Support
Watch Plants vs. Zombies - Windows Phone 7 Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
Dublin, Ireland – June 23rd, 2011 — PopCap Games, the worldwide leader in casual games, today announced the global launch of mega-hit game Plants vs. Zombies™ as part of the Must Have Games program for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone, the cutting-edge mobile operating system from Microsoft. The Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone adaptation of Plants vs. Zombies is available immediately for a list price of £3.99 and marks the first time fans of the game can compare scores via Xbox LIVE leaderboards.
“Our support of Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone is an important move given the mobile gaming capabilities and reach of this powerful operating system,” stated Andrew Stein, senior director of mobile platforms at PopCap Games. “Plants vs. Zombies for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone will push the boundaries of mobile gaming, tying directly into Xbox LIVE leaderboards and achievements to provide a more competitive experience for gamers on-the-go. In true PopCap tradition, with this adaptation, we’re offering fans and aficionados something completely unique to the platform.”
Plants vs. Zombies for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone offers the following game features:
- Adventure Mode
- Zen Garden
- All Mini-Games from the Original PC Version
- Vasebreaker and iZombie Modes (first appearance on any mobile platform)
- Xbox LIVE Connection for Tapping into Leaderboards and achievements
(leaderboards offered for select game modes, including Adventure, iZombie and Vasebreaker.)
- EFIGS Language Support
About PopCap
PopCap Games is the leading global developer, publisher and operator of casual video games: fun, easy-to-learn, captivating games that appeal to all ages across PC, mobile, social and other platforms. Based in Seattle, Washington, PopCap was founded in 2000 and has a worldwide staff of more than 400 people in Seattle, San Francisco, Vancouver, B.C., Dublin, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo. PopCap's games have been downloaded over 1.5 billion times by consumers worldwide, and its flagship franchise, Bejeweled®, has sold more than 50 million units.
# # #
The PopCap logo and all other trademarks used herein that are listed at www.popcap.com/trademarks are owned by PopCap Games, Inc. or its licensors and may be registered in some countries. Other company and product names used herein may be trademarks of their respective owners and are used for the benefit of those owners.
Windows Phone, Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox LIVE are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
- Adventure Mode
- Zen Garden
- All Mini-Games from the Original PC Version
- Vasebreaker and iZombie Modes
- Xbox LIVE Connection for Tapping into Leaderboards and achievements
- EFIGS Language Support
Watch Plants vs. Zombies - Windows Phone 7 Trailer in Tech & Gaming | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Press Release
Dublin, Ireland – June 23rd, 2011 — PopCap Games, the worldwide leader in casual games, today announced the global launch of mega-hit game Plants vs. Zombies™ as part of the Must Have Games program for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone, the cutting-edge mobile operating system from Microsoft. The Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone adaptation of Plants vs. Zombies is available immediately for a list price of £3.99 and marks the first time fans of the game can compare scores via Xbox LIVE leaderboards.
“Our support of Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone is an important move given the mobile gaming capabilities and reach of this powerful operating system,” stated Andrew Stein, senior director of mobile platforms at PopCap Games. “Plants vs. Zombies for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone will push the boundaries of mobile gaming, tying directly into Xbox LIVE leaderboards and achievements to provide a more competitive experience for gamers on-the-go. In true PopCap tradition, with this adaptation, we’re offering fans and aficionados something completely unique to the platform.”
Plants vs. Zombies for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone offers the following game features:
- Adventure Mode
- Zen Garden
- All Mini-Games from the Original PC Version
- Vasebreaker and iZombie Modes (first appearance on any mobile platform)
- Xbox LIVE Connection for Tapping into Leaderboards and achievements
(leaderboards offered for select game modes, including Adventure, iZombie and Vasebreaker.)
- EFIGS Language Support
About PopCap
PopCap Games is the leading global developer, publisher and operator of casual video games: fun, easy-to-learn, captivating games that appeal to all ages across PC, mobile, social and other platforms. Based in Seattle, Washington, PopCap was founded in 2000 and has a worldwide staff of more than 400 people in Seattle, San Francisco, Vancouver, B.C., Dublin, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo. PopCap's games have been downloaded over 1.5 billion times by consumers worldwide, and its flagship franchise, Bejeweled®, has sold more than 50 million units.
# # #
The PopCap logo and all other trademarks used herein that are listed at www.popcap.com/trademarks are owned by PopCap Games, Inc. or its licensors and may be registered in some countries. Other company and product names used herein may be trademarks of their respective owners and are used for the benefit of those owners.
Windows Phone, Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox LIVE are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
Plants vs Zombies,
Windows Phone 7
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