Showing posts with label Eat Them. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eat Them. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Eat Them! - From Start To Finish On PS3

I played Eat Them! from December 2022 to January 2023, before i had started the Start to Finish Playlist. i recently found my original video recordings so i decided to stitch together all 4 parts of my Eat Them! playthrough on Backlog Conquering. 
I removed all restarts so it should just show mission completes and making new monsters.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Backlog Conquering - Eat Them! - The Fourth And Final Part

Welcome to Backlog Conquering.
Today's video is part 4, of playing Eat Them! on PS3.

With part 3,, ending on a low with me being stuck on a level and not making any progress, i was concerned that this video would be me still stuck on it. And for a little bit, i was still stuck. but i slowly started to make progress and eventually i succeeded.

It wasn't a big win, but it was enough to progress the story. the rest of the levels weren't too bad and before long i was on the final stage. the game throws all the enemies at you and i was stuck for a little bit. but i had a great idea, to try and avoid being hit by ... well ... everything, i would try to go behind buildings. it worked! they shielded me just enough to finish the final level and the game.

So this is the final video. i'm not worried about getting the PS3 trophies or the gold medals. i've done enough. ultimately, it was a fine videogame. it had a few difficulty spikes and it didn't always control great. but as it was a shorter video game, i felt like whilst they do exist they never really got too in the way. it's a great looking game and the story is easy to follow. i'm glad i played it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Backlog Conquering - Eat Them! - Part 3 - An Easier Time

Welcome to Backlog Conquering.
Today's video is part 3, of playing Eat Them! on PS3.

Today's video went smoother than part 2,, mostly because i died less. Tho, that isn't true for the whole video.

What was also surprising was that it wasn't until this video that i fully understood how the level system worked. Sure, i could visually see that there were comics. but what i had failed to grasp was that one comic would act as the story and the following comic acted as the playable stages. when i started today's video, i was somewhat confused as i was doing a comic ahead of where i remembered i was. It wasn't until i double checked that i realized how the comic books and stages system fully worked.

I finished two comic books, a comic with story and the following comic with stages, and went on to try the next story comic. But i couldn't do it. i tried a few times and even made a new character. but i found it really difficult. the video was going really smoothly until i hit this stumbling block and honestly, i'm not too sure if i'll be able to do it in a part 4.

There will be a part 4, but if i'm unable to get past this story segment, it may also be my last. if you've got this far, feel free to give me some tips on how to complete this stage.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Backlog Conquering - Eat Them! - Part 2 - A More Difficult 45 Minutes

Welcome to Backlog Conquering.
Today's video is part 2, the second 45 minutes, of playing Eat Them! on PS3.

Yesterday's video,, was a fairly simple one where the game was only difficult when i made mistakes. Today's video starts off with me failing to complete a level.

As mentioned yesterday, the game is split into comic books and today's video saw me trying to complete the 3rd comic book. but it's first level was more difficult than i expected. and it wasn't a major problem, i'd just keep missing a policeman and it would stop the convicts from escaping. after a few attempts i learned i had to be more attentive. i couldn't just go and clear a path, i had to manage said path whilst also trying not to be killed.

But that wouldn't be the only stage where i failed. the other failures were much tighter so whilst it was a little annoying to fail, it wasn't a huge issue. but i'm a little concerned going forward by the apparent jump up in difficulty. Let me know in the comments how much harder it's going to get.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Backlog Conquering - Eat Them! - The First Part

Welcome to Backlog Conquering.
Today's video is part 1, the first 45 minutes, of playing Eat Them! on PS3.

This is one of those games that i've seen on my XMB for many years, i even remember watching the little video that plays when it's highlighted. But i've never played it as there's always been something else i've wanted to play more. Well not today. 

It makes a good first impression. it's quick to load and has a whole lot of style. back when this game came out in 2010, it was a somewhat more familiar style of cell shading. but it's not as common today. the lines are thick and black and really work with the art style. it's surprisingly clear what everything is, from the big buildings right down to the characters running away or attacking you.

The tutorial is a bit too brisk. there's a lot happening on screen during it. i would've liked a bit more of a step by step approach, as seen in the game's monster creating area. but the game is mostly simple enough that you can work it out as you play through the opening areas.

You do need to pay attention as to what you're being tasked to do. a couple of times i wasn't paying attention. in this video i play through the tutorial and first "comic." Each map is split into comics, and each comic is broken up into different stages. for the first comic/area, there were 7 stages and i play through each. i also try out the monster creator, too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sony Have Released New Screenshots And A Trailer For Eat Them

Sony have released new screenshots and a trailer for the upcoming PS3 PSN game Eat Them. Eat Them is a game where you can customise your own monster before you take control and rampage a city, eating as many people as possible and destroying everything in sight.The screenshots and trailer show that the game has a comic book style to its graphics, you could call it cell shaded.
