Saturday, May 30, 2009

Star Trek Online Update - Excalibur Class

Cryptic studios have unveiled a new starship for Star Trek Online. this time they have taken the iconic Constitution Class, USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise A for example, and modernised it to create a cruiser that's able to fill a variety of roles for Star Fleet in the 25th century.

Following previously announced vessels this is also designed to be very modular, a way for them to explain why the player can customised their vessels whilst keeping it a part of the Star Trek Universe. because of this, it is more versatile than a ship designed specifically for science or battle.

Due to it's versatility, they explain that its used alot for cargo runs and resupplying, perhaps a hint of missions in the game, and also able to help evacuate civilians. in battle, they say when talking about its Warp Core, "...transfer power to damaged ships or extend its shields to protect an ally without impacting its own defenses or systems. Engineers on an Excalibur-class starship can reroute that power to boost its tractor beams, allowing it to grapple enemy ships that could easily break away from lesser vessels..." perhaps hinting at control schemes, being able to mange power from one thing to another.

They finish off the article by saying ""We can send her anywhere and she can do anything," said Graarvin Narl, primary designer of the Excalibur class. "The Excalibur will carry Starfleet into the 25th century, and she'll do it with style." suggesting that this will be a fairly common class, differenced by the user picking different modules for it.

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