here though are some interesting comments when asked about ship customisation that i personally find quite interesting.
- The vessel you choose will have a familiar silhouette, for example a Miranda class or a Centaur class. you won't be able to add say more warp engines to it, the vessel has to look like it's silhouette, but that still means you "...will be able to modify all the parts – the saucer, the nacelles, the pylons, the primary hull, etc. You will also be able to modify colors, decals, and other bits."Basically creating a viariant of the main design, like the Enterprise B Variant of the Excellsior deisgn (with the extra impulse engines)
- You can upgrade internal parts of your vessel. However, the upgrades are specific depending on your Vessels Class, Nova Class, for example, would be more scientific. all sorts of upgradable parts are available however "....rimary items like your weapons, shields, deflector dish, impulse and warp engines, etc. You will also be able to add lots of enhancements to your systems, such as targeting computers for better accuracy, EPS conduits upgrades to improve power transfer rates, better biobeds for your sick bay..."
- The final thing which can be customised is your bridge crew. "...Your Bridge Officers will come with unique skills that can only be used if they are at a duty station." An example which they mention earlier in the article would be the chief engineer, "... your engineer’s skills will determine your maximum warp speed."
They have even worked with the new Star Trek Movie and incorperated some of those story lines into the games, making both as Cannon as each other. a known example is the uniforms, the left is from the book tie in, the right being from the game. expect information on Data later?!
Looks like IGN has got some more screen shots for the game that aren't even on Star Trek Online's website. Click on IGN Star Trek Online Pic's to have a look at them.
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