Thursday, May 10, 2012

Feral Interactive Announce They Are Bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld To Mac's On 31st May

Feral Interactive have announced they are bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld to Mac's on 31st May. Tomb Raider: Underworld will retail for $24.99, £17.49, and €19.99. the game will be available from the Mac App Store, Digital Download sites, and from Feral Interactive themselves. 


Minimum system requirements:
1.8GHz Intel Mac,
3.0GB RAM,
128MB or better graphics card,
Mac OS 10.6.8 or later.

The following cards are NOT supported: ATI X1xxx series, NVIDIA 7xxx series and Intel GMA series. The Intel GMA HD3000 is only supported using Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.

Press Release

Kalypso Have Released A New Tutorial Video For Port Royal 3 Focusing On Economy And Politics

Kalypso have released a new tutorial video for Port Royale 3. this video is in-depth and helps with the economics and politics of the game. both the Merchant and Adventurer campaigns will be affected by these.

Press Release

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tarsier Studios Announce A Little Big Planet PS Vita Beta Is Coming, Gives Fans A Chance To Take Part

Tarsier Studios have announced that a Beta for the PS Vita version of Little Big Planet is coming. they are giving fans the chance to be a part of the Beta. USA users need to head here to register their interest. EU Users need to follow these instructions to register their interest:

1. Copy the URL and paste it in your browser -
2. Sign in using your SEN account
3. You will be directed to a page saying you don’t have access; don’t worry though,
paste the URL into your browser once again and press enter.
4. Fill in the details and you’re done!

No details have been provided as to what the Beta will show. you will know if you have a spot on the Beta when you get a confirmation Email with a download code. no date was announced for when the Beta will start.

Sources: EU And USA Playstation Blogs

Ubisoft Have Released A New Trailer For Ghost Recon: Future Soldier That's A Documentary Of A Ghost Member

Ubisoft have released a new trailer for Ghost Recon: Future Solder. this trailer is done in the style of a documentary and it aims to show that the Ghosts are not just emotionless killing machines.

Sony Have Released A New Behind The Scenes Look At The Story And Characters In Sorcery

Sony have released a new behind the scenes look at Sorcery, their upcoming Playstation move game. this video features members of the dev team talking about how they created the story of Sorcery and the characters. they reveal how whilst wanting an evil in the game, they wanted to make it believable so people could sympathise with them, so the evil witch in the game became evil to try and get back her daughter. they also talk about the relationship between the characters and how they wanted them to be different from other magic characters in books/movies.

Source: EU Playstation Blog

2k And Irrational Games Announce BioShock Infinite Comes Out Worldwide On 26th February

2K Games and Irrational have announced BioShock Infinite is set to come out worldwide on 26th February. Ken Levine admits that since the original release date was announced back in March, they have come up with new ideas to make the game better and they decided that by delaying the release of the game until the 26th February, they could make a better game.

Press Release

Zero Punctuation - Prototype 2

This week sees a better Yahztee tackling Prototype 2. will he enjoy this sequel or is it more of an expansion to the original game and is there more to it than just a story to play through?