iPad Mini + Wifi (Black+Slate or White+Silver): 16gb $329/£269, 32gb $429/£349, 65gb $529/£429.
iPad Mini + Wifi + 3G (Black+Slate or White+Silver): 16gb $459/£369, 32gb $559/£449, 65gb $659/£529.
Apple have also announced a new iPad. this forth generation iPad still features a 9.7 inch Retina display but now features the A6X Chip, which gives it twice the CPU performance and twice the graphics performance of the A5X Chip in the previous iPad.
iPad 4: 16gb $499, 32gb $599, 64gb $699
iPad 4 + Cellular: 16gb $629, 32gb $729, 64gb $829
Press Release