Showing posts with label Zen PInball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zen PInball. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zen Studios Announce Sorcerer’s Lair, A New Table For Zen Pinball On The PS3

Zen Studios have announced a new table is coming to Zen Pinball on the PS3. Sorcerer’s Lair is set to come out during the week of 25th April on the PSN and its the 7th DLC Table

Source: USA Playstation Blog

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Zen Studio's - Confirmation of What DLC Zen Pinball Is Getting.

I contacted Zen Stuido's asking about what DLC we can expect for Zen Pinball. They replied with "We will have tables with famous themes, original tables, and we are working hard to have old classics recreated."

They also said that "New tables will start to be released very soon...", they were unable to say though when exactly we could start seeing DLC.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

PS3 - Zen Pinball UK Release Confirmed for Tomorrow. There Will Be A Demo Also.

Zen Studios have just confirmed that the UK will get Zen Pinball Tomorrow and it's Demo.

"The title will be released in the UK tomorrow, and there will be a free demo from day one.

Here's a trailer for the game so you can see what it looks like.