Capcom have revealed Ultra Street Fighter IV. Ultra Street Fighter IV will be a full retail release, and digital release, or you can get it as a paid digital upgrade for Super Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. the retail version is set for $39.99 whilst the digital upgrade is $14.99. both will come out in early 2014. this will come out across PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Ultra Street Fighter IV brings 5 new characters, 6 new stages, rebalanced gameplay, new modes and new features.
- New Characters: Five new characters, including Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento, and an all-new unannounced character join the fight, complete with their own unique play styles… bringing the current roster count to a massive 44 characters.
- New Stages: Six new battle environments: Pitstop 109, Mad Gear Hideout, Cosmic Elevator, Blast Furnace, Half Pipe, and Jurassic Era Research Facility, have been added for even more visual variety.
- Rebalanced Gameplay: Direct fan feedback was gathered on all of Super Street Fighter IV: AE’s original 39 characters and core system mechanics in order to achieve the most balanced Street Fighter ever.
- New Modes and Features: Yet to be announced brand new modes and features further add to the suite of gameplay options.
- Disc and Digital Delivery: Available as both a downloadable upgrade and full retail product, making it easy for veterans and newcomers to experience the fight of the century.
- Complete DLC Costume Offering (retail or full download ver. only): Consumers who purchase the retail or full download version will also receive all previously released costume DLC for