Capcom have announced that they are working with Hi Corp And Their engine Mascot Capsule Eruption to bring Resident Evil 4 to the Zeebo Console.
Hi Corp have also announced that their engine will be available to other developers who want to port games to the Zeebo Console.

you can click on the Screenshot to see it bigger.
Press Release
TOKYO --(Business Wire)-- Nov 09, 2009 HI CORPORATION (JASDAQ:3846)(ISIN:JP3160860007)(Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Kazuo Kawabata; hereinafter "HI") announced today that HI's 3D rendering engine MascotCapsule eruption (hereinafter "eruption") has been adopted by Capcom Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President and COO: Haruhiro Tsujimoto; hereinafter "Capcom") for their video game "Resident Evil 4: Zeebo edition"developed for a 3G Wireless entertainment system "Zeebo", targeting consumers in BRIC countries. The Zeebo ismanufactured by Zeebo, Inc. (Headquarters: San Diego, California, United States; CEO: John Rizzo).
"By using eruption, we were successfully able to easily port the game utilizing the BREW(R) version. In addition, thanks to eruption's high quality graphics, we can represent our high technologies to Zeebo users," said Takeshi Tezuka, General Manager of Mobile Content Development and Senior Manager of Business Development, R&D Management Group at Capcom.
"It's great to see popular brands like Resident Evil come to the Zeebo platform," said Mike Yuen, Senior Vice President, Content & Services at Zeebo, Inc. "HI's MascotCapsule technology is very well known and widely used by Japanese game publishers, and we hope this is just the first of many more great titles to be made available for our system."
Now that eruption supports Zeebo, game publishers are able to use it for developing new games for Zeebo. They can also use MascotCapsule V3, a full-software 3D rendering engine, for Zeebo.
How to Obtain Software Development Kit
To obtain the software development kit of eruption, you need to accept the commercial license agreement (A license fee is required). Contact adinfo@hicorp.co.jp for details.
* MascotCapsule(R) is a registered trademark of HI CORPORATION in Japan.
* Other company names and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of respective companies.
About HI
HI CORPORATION is a leading research and development company in middleware development for embedded devices. Its flagship product, real-time 3D rendering engine "MascotCapsule", has been adopted by five Japanese mobile network operators as well as by major handsets manufacturers for their global releases. For more information, visit our website athttp://www.hicorp.co.jp/english/index.html.