At Tokyo Game Show, Microsoft have announced Project Draco, a game from Microsoft Game Studios and Yukio Futatsugi, The Director of “ Phantom Dust ” and “Panzer Dragoon,”. Project Draco is a 3D flying shooter where you have a Dragon which you nurture and communicate with, via Kinect, and develop its skills in combat.
Press Release
“Project Draco” (Grounding, Microsoft Game Studios). The director of the cult hits “ Phantom Dust ” and “Panzer Dragoon,” game director Yukio Futatsugi, brings you an epic 3-D flying shooter. With the magic of Kinect for Xbox 360, you will be able to nurture and learn to communicate with your dragon as you develop its skills and train it as a partner in combat. Then join friends* on Xbox LIVE to feel the rush of flight as you take to the skies together and experience breathtaking vistas and engage in thrilling battles.