The latest CoroCoro Comic has leaked in Japan. This weeks comic has revealed a new Pokémon and revealed Pokémon Rumble is coming to the Wii U. The newest Pokémon has been revealed as a new Eevee Evolution and is called Ninfia. its type and ability is currently not known. Ninfia will be first revealed in the Pikachu short Pikachu and Eevee Friends.
Pokémon Rumble, known as Pokémon Scramble in Japan, has been revealed as coming to the Wii U. the game will be a downloadable title and feature all 649 Pokémon from generations I-V. the game will support up to 4 players and there can be up to 100 Pokémon battling at the same time.
Bulbanews and Bulbanews
Nintendo have announced Pokémon Rumble Blast is coming out in the USA on the Nintendo 3DCS on 24th October. Pokémon Rumble Blast features 600 wind up pokemon toys which you have to battle and collect. you can play the game co-op via local wireless connection. StreetPass is used to challenge other 3DS owners, their Mii's and their Toy pokemon.