Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sony - PixleJunk Monsters Delux Screenshots and Facts
Sony - Invizimals Screenshots and Facts
Sony - Fat Princess: Fistfull Of Cake Screenshots and Facts
UK E3 PSN Update 03/06/09
Buzz Quiz World
Eyepet Trailer
Fat Princess Traiker
Gravity Crash Trailer
Heavy Rain Trailer
Hustle Kings
PixleJunk Shooter
Ratcht & Clank: a Crack In Time
Army Of Two The 40th Day
Battlefield 1943 Wake Island trailer
Battlefield Bad Compnay 2 Squad Story
Brutal Legen story trailer
Dantes inferno Announcement trailer
Dragon Age Wardens Vengence Trailer
Front Mission Evovled
Batman Arkham Asylum: Play as Joker Trailer
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3
PixleJunk Monsters Deluxe
Motorstorm Artic Edge
Little Big Planet PSP
Gran Toursimo PSP
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sony E3 Press Event As It Was Twittered
- all sorts of mini gameplay cliips being played from various games
all from the Playsation family
jokes about the release of pspgo information early and that people still turned up, lol
264 games coming out on playstation this year! (or was it 164)
might've been 364, lol
some statisitcs being mentioned. moving on to the PS2
it's in it's 9th year and still can outsell the current gen. they are commited to it whilst people buy/play it
ps2 will have 100 titles this year
ps3 install base grew 40% over 2008
24 million PSN accounts
35 exclusive titles only on playstation this year
Uncharted 2 now up.
tonight , a beta goes online (i think us only). today they'll show single player
looks stuning, amazing backgrounds just like the first. witty banter, climbing....backgrounds are very impressive (crowd cherring!)
being attacked by heklicopter and they run across window roofs and shoot bad guys. very action packed
the envoirnment is being effected by the helicopter blades.... explosions are big. can topple tables to create cover
environment blows up really good.
that was a crazy action sequence, much like a movie. big crowd appluse for its end
MAG next up
live gamplay time. 256 players against each other live. just showed wall of all players. it'll be a assult on a depo. it's a huge map
graphics are good for the type of game. commander is giving out instructions to other players. bullets being fired everywhere
they are assulting the bunkerm now move forward into the base. take out anti aircraft guns, creates a spawn place
all 4 platoons are attacking different parts of the base at the same time...and to finsih it off they join up together
set for fall 2009 release
PSP time
lylac psp gets a huge whoop from crowd, lol
Kaz Hrai now up to talk
spent a couple of years to go round looking how they can make the psp better....the next step, for those with a more digital
PSPgo(his was white)
worst kept secret of e3, lol...he said
it won'te replace the umd or psp 3000. they will market toegther
16gb memory, wifi, download game/movies and other content from psn. bluetooth, M2 port (memory stick)
new app released for PC psn store....Media Go replaces media station. simpliar, more intuative
SenseMe anaylses your music and picks the music in your collection to fit your mood.
lower price of psp dev kits....80% reduction in the costs of the tools!
all designed to bring new content to the psp. all psp titles now will be digital and UMD released toegther
its out usa/eu at $249 249eu, ocotober 1st
video service now. today it's natvily avaliabe on the PSP
more content is going to be added to the PSN. content coming from a whole host of producers
Gran Tourismo Time
(PSN Store on PS3 has been changed. new look and sounds)
gran tourismo on the psp go being shown. it's a full scale game, 60 frames per second
800 cars, 35 tracks, 68 layout variances of those tracks. has time trials and modes to improve driving
features unique to the PSP also, adhoc with 4 players. trade and share cars with other players amkes it easier to complete your collection
many of them will be on time for a trailer.
cgi trailer mostly, looks good tho. loads of cars and different type of tracks.
october 1st could be it's release
yep, beign released along side the PSPgo
MGS stuff now. Kojima being bought on stage now.
snake is comign to the PSP. MGS Peace Walker. settign 10 years after MGS 3, 1970's, TRUE sequel to MGS franchise
he's deeply involved, writing and directing. MGS4 team also involved. this is NO SPINOFF
trailer time
(huge cheer) no cgi or gamplay yet. here we go. MGS style for sure. set in costa rica. looks really good
sneaking aplently, looks really good in game.attacht ballons to bad guys to make them fly. 4 player co-op might have been shown
lol, box fun with two snakes (hard to explain). it's coming 2010
resident evil comign to PSP next year
trailer now being shown of whats coming in2009
interesting, i think a game showing the Gocam being used in a way simular to the ps3 card game....but the monters were attacking the player
Fat Princess PSP may've just been shown
PSN time
50 PS1 games coming. FFVII coming today (us i reckon)
Home, 85% of users return back to it...out of 6.5 million people who have tried it
100,000 units of street figther stuff in two months sold. new content for buzz, infamous as well as loads of publishers getting involved
trailer of homes evolution now
new trailer for whats coming to Ps3 this year
nothing announced that i could see from the trailer
its a very long trailer...theres loads coming
lost planet just annoucned for PS3...2010 release
thats lost planet 2
Agent coming exclusive to PS3 from Rockstar!
assasins creed 2 now being shown for the PS3
starts like ubisofts demo last night
looks good and detailed. you don't start of as a assasin at first, but learn with help from da vinci (who also give you gadets)
using a flying machine to go from one part of the city to another, diving up and down takling out peopple whilst avoiding fire
even more assasin techniques in this game. cool two kill with his hidden blades. Ai can go look when they hear things
assians creed conectivity with PSP game to unlock new weapons
looked cool. used a smoke bomb to hide his escape. out this holiday (same as psp game)
Square Enix Time
FFXIII video, in english and new
all cgi....and looks amazing as ever
and new game play battles....smooth action and cool effects....odin summom, shiver summon
some exploration in game. looked good, a bit sparse tho.
FFXIV explsive to PS3 in 2010
looks epic, different style to any XIII game...hint of FFXI perhaps. stunning character design. Chocobo!, nice logo...ONLINE FOLKS1
jokes that it didn't leak out....FF XIV Online!#
motion controlling stuff now...talking about the cameras
sounds like a controller now....on stage demo with ps3 time
controller is a tick with a ball on the end (prototype). has motion sensor. works with the Playstation eye
tech demos. the ball's light changes to represent different things. first demo is a tele with remote. playstation eyes video is now on it
it follows 1-1. a racket just attatchet virtually to the a baseball bat. it tracks really fast. the tele shows him with items
cool mace shown. used a idea that you control ratchets weapons. full 3d tracking
want to create hardcore games. first person mode has gun facing forward and you controll and move the a limp light sabre, lol
new demo....reach into the scene to grab stuff. he's using two controllers to reach, grab and move things away from him
writing now, really good at it (haivng fun with ti). tracks very accuratly. using analgule stick, can change amount the paint used in art
showing dominos being layed outusing the stick
also showing selection, using real time stragey game as example
goes into one of the tanks to control it using remote
character controll now. he's moving a knight, sheild in one had...sword in the other....(tickles enime bones and plays aorund)
now throwing stuff with a trohwing motion....and now archaerly. reaches behing back pulls them like a proper bow....can measure tension
as long as camera can see you, it'll follow. he bent down on one knee to fire arrows
Little big planet time....Disney packs coming fall.
Play create share genre (little big planet demo) IP. Mod Nation Racers announced.
kart racer game. huge amounts of customization. you can create nearly everything on your character and karts. you upload them for others
and download other peoples creation (like Mii's) ....and do the same with Karts
nice stylised cute graphics. very physics based. circuits are very diverse. simple controls.
weapon pick ups, thins to watch out for on track. and create your own tracks with track studio. doing it in 5 minuites on stage
use driving controls to create track. automatical creates overpasses when you go over track. once it's connected you instantly test it out
can change backgrounds by creating mountains....lakes and more simply.
cool effects when things when things are being made...can be done very fast by qucikly moving the "brush". add weapon pick ups and mroe
lol, loads of sheep just added to it. can change the time of day, where it hits the track
now they're playing it instantly
looks like alot of fun
2010 release
another sneak peak ps3 exclusive....Trico time!
THE LAST GUARDIAN is it's name
cgi is very good, nice and detailed. the grffin thing from before is there. so is the boy whos much more deatiled
its playing like the released video....but soo much more deatield
still has a feel of both shadow and ico to it in gameplay...the art is spot on, effects are much improved and it looks stunning
a quick look at GT5 now, all CGI. Showing tons of cars from NASCAR, rally, GT, and tons more. Tracks look great. No gamplay
God Of War 3 now, this is the last game in the series. Looks stunning, loads of eniemeis and cool ways to kill them
uses eneiemes to reach higher levels by killing them like steps
the sound give everything a kinda weight to it. Very clear, slow mo to show good kills, and up close for super kills
they face off against a centuer and it's a epic battle. But they win and the crowd sheers.
Monday, June 1, 2009
THQ - Cars Race-O-Rama Announced. Screens and Video - Press Release

THQ have just announced Cars Race-O-Rama for the Wii, DS, 360, PS3, PS2, and PSP. this is the third game in the series of Cars games that THQ have released.
You play as Lightning McQueen and Chick Hicks in Radiator Springs as you prepare students to take part in the Race O Rama. there are 12 new characters, Lightning McQueen will also have improvements. Players can modify him, and he also comes with new racing kits.
The game is expected Fall 2009.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
PSPgo - As it Happened, What We know, Strange Things On Top Of It.

Once NEOgaf got hold of the information, it didn't take them long to dig out more information
and pictures for the PSPgo and for a thread to start.
Playstation Lifetstyle, the ones who leaked Trico last week, came in and showed the insider information they had...but also then made the comparison with the boxart for the PSPgo to the PS3 Slim with this picture.

This picture itself began all sorts of talk regarding the PS3 Slim again, and what went from a dismissed rumour suddenly became alot more concrete.

Lastly, Kotaku did a feature showing, an estimate of, the PSPgo against the PSP, DS, DSi, and iPhone. firstly it's obvious to see how small the device actually is in comparison.

So what do we know?
- Offical Name - PSP Go
- 3.8″ LCD Screen
- 43% Lighter then PSP-3000 (3.8 ounces now)
- 16GB Flash Memory
- Memory Stick Micro Support
- BlueTooth Support - HeadSet and Cellphone Support
- All Digital Content (No UMD)
- Slide Out Controls
- Remote Play Support (just like PSP-3000)
as a owner of the PSP GO Cam, i was wondering where on the PSPgo would i put it. after looking at the HD version of June's Quore episode (which was in this article earlier) i took a screen grab of the PSPgo at a point when the top of the PSPgo is most clear.

I'm sure more will be announced come E3, when the original release of the PSPgo was meant to happen.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
EA - EA Have Reelased The Games That They are Showing At E3. It Is A Long List Consisting of 27 Titles! - Press Release
The games at this years E3 by EA are:
Army Of Two: The 40th Day, Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2, Brütal Legend™, Dante’s Inferno™,
Dead Space™ Extraction, Dragon Age™: Origins ,EA SPORTS Active™,
EA SPORTS™ Grand Slam® Tennis, FIFA 10, Fight Night Round 4, Games from EA Mobile,
G.I. JOE™ The Rise of Cobra™, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™,
LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE, Madden NFL 10, Mass Effect™ 2, MySims™ Agents,
NCAA® Football 10, NHL 10, Need for Speed™ NITRO, Need for Speed™ SHIFT,
Spore™ Hero, Spore™ Hero Arena, The Sims TM 3, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10,
Battlefield 1943, And The Saboteur
Press Release
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. --(Business Wire)-- May 27, 2009 Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today revealed the games it will present at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) at the Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) June 2 - 4. The year’s lineup features blockbuster franchises, new intellectual property as well as ten titles for the Wii.
“This year at E3, we have an incredible slate of games for the Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac and mobile devices,” said EA’s CEO John Riccitiello. “Our creative teams are developing some of the most innovative experiences on any platform. We couldn’t be more proud of the games we’re presenting this year.”
EA will kick off E3 with a press briefing hosted by John Riccitiello to highlight many of the company’s creative leaders and top titles from EA. For all the latest information on EA’s games, plus photos, videos, and interviews from the EA booth during E3 2009, visit
Titles which will be previewed in EA’s booth (#1501) at the Los Angeles Convention Center include:
The ultimate two-man private military team of Salem and Rios return in ARMY OF TWO: THE 40th DAY, where they must fight to survive a carefully orchestrated series of catastrophes that are dragging the city of Shanghai to the brink of disaster. The game has been built from the ground up with a focus on an incredible cooperative experience. A bigger playbook of features and a new arsenal of co-op moves are available to both players to perform at any time, opening up fresh strategies and choices. The result is a bigger, deeper, more organic and immersive co-op experience that lets players put their best two-man tactics to use whenever and wherever they want.
Platforms – Xbox 360®, PLAYSTATION®3 and PSP®
Ship Date – Winter
ESRB Rating – Rating Pending
Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
Specializing in online vehicle warfare since 1942 – In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, DICE brings its best-in-class online vehicle warfare to a spectacular new level. By pushing destruction to new heights and delivering a host of land, sea and air vehicles, players will experience all-out-warfare like never before. Whether its intense battles online or in the single player campaign, players must use every weapon and vehicle at their disposal to survive and conquer. This unprecedented action unfolds on the battlefield to bring a new level of excitement to vehicular warfare never before experienced in a modern warfare action game.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and PC
Ship Date – Q1 2010 (calendar year)
ESRB Rating – Rating Pending
Brütal Legend™
From the mind of Tim Schafer and Double Fine Productions comes Brütal Legend, a 3rd person action game starring Jack Black as the ultimate roadie Eddie Riggs. Rich in combat, imagery and storytelling, Brütal Legend delivers lighter-flicking fun sure to melt your face off, and will be playable for the first time in the EA booth.
Platforms – PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360
Ship date – Rocktober 13th in North America, Rocktober 16th in the UK and Europe
ESRB – Rating Pending
Dante’s Inferno™
From Visceral Games™, award-winning creators of last year’s critically-acclaimed Dead Space™, comes one of 2010’s most highly anticipated 3rd person action adventure games, Dante’s Inferno. Based on part one of Dante Alighierei’s classic poem “The Divine Comedy,” EA’s Dante’s Inferno takes gamers on an epic adventure through Dante’s nine circles of hell – limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. The game features a highly responsive, addictive combat system, which players will need to take Dante through a gauntlet of unimaginable evils as he fights to recapture the soul of his beloved Beatrice.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and PSP
Ship Date – Q1 2010 (calendar year)
ESRB – Rating Pending
Dead Space™ Extraction
From Visceral Games comes Dead Space Extraction, the thrilling prequel to last fall’s award-winning Dead Space, built from the ground up exclusively for the Wii. In Dead Space Extraction gamers will experience the panic before the terror through the eyes of a handful of space colonists desperately struggling to escape from a horrific infection on the Aegis VII mining colony. The game introduces Lexine, a new heroine in the Dead Space universe, and it quickly becomes clear that protecting her may be the crew’s only hope for survival in one of the most cinematic action-horror game experiences ever made for the Wii.
Platforms – Wii
Ship Date – Fall 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
Dragon Age™: Origins
Award-winning RPG developer, BioWare™ invites players to experience their deepest RPG to date. For thousands of years, the Grey Wardens have been the guardians of the land. Now with an ancient evil on the rise again, it is up to players to unite the shattered lands and slay the corrupted dragon known as the Archdemon. In Dragon Age: Origins, players must make ruthless decisions and be willing to sacrifice their friends and loved ones for the greater good of mankind. At E3 2009, BioWare will be debuting one of the deadliest creatures in the game and will reveal how romance can have a significant impact on the adventure.
-- Platforms – PC, Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3
-- Ship Date – Fall 2009
-- ESRB – Rating Pending
EA SPORTS Active is an innovative, virtual fitness product that offers personalized, customizable workouts that can be done from the comfort of home. Developed in collaboration with fitness experts, EA SPORTS Active is a fun and cost-effective way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Users will get their heart pumping through interactive circuit workouts from more than 25 different activities and exercises that target the upper and lower body, as well as cardio. Similar to a personal trainer, the program provides clear instruction, feedback on technique and encouragement, while also providing calories burned in real time. To help get started users can also choose to take the 30-Day Challenge, a fitness road map designed to provide tangible fitness goals with the guidance of the virtual trainer. EA SPORTS Active includes software, a specially-designed leg strap that holds the Wii Nunchuk™ controller to track lower body movements, as well as a resistance band to increase the intensity to upper body exercises. The program can support two players at one time, and is compatible with the Wii Balance Board™, which will add components to the sports drills.
Platforms – Wii
Shipped – May 19, 2009
ESRB – E for Everyone
EA SPORTS™ Grand Slam® Tennis
EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis, launching first on the Wii, makes users feel like they are playing championship tennis in the comfort of their living rooms. The Wii MotionPlus™ accessory elevates the authentic tennis experience to a higher level with precise ball placement and added shot depth. With the accessory, tennis fans will appreciate the freedom to control the backswing of champions like John McEnroe, Serena Williams, Roger Federer or any one of the in-game players, as well as have the ability to run around a forehand or backhand. EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis is developed by EA Canada in Vancouver, B.C.
Platforms – Currently on Wii; additional platforms later in the year
Ship Date – June 8, 2009 in North America; Street Date – June 12, 2009 in Europe
ESRB – E for Everyone
From EA Canada, FIFA 10 will deliver what matters most to fans by refining the critical fundamentals in gameplay, responding to feedback from more than 250 million online games played and innovating player control.
Platforms – PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC, PlayStation®2, Nintendo DS PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and mobile
Available in October 2009 in North America and Europe (Europe’s street date is in Q2 FY10)
ESRB – Rating Pending
Fight Night Round 4
The champ is here! EA SPORTS challenges you to step into the ring with Fight Night Round 4. This highly anticipated iteration of the critically acclaimed franchise has perfected every jab, slip, and punch in the sport of boxing to bring you the most realistic fighting experience to date. With an advanced physics system, stunning graphics, and deep gameplay and feature enhancements, Fight Night Round 4 is putting the science back in the sweet science.
Platforms – PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360
Ship Date – June 30, 2009 in North America; Street Date in the UK – June 26, 2009, rest of Europe July 3, 2009 (Europe’s street date is in Q1 FY10)
ESRB – T for Teen
Games from EA Mobile
EA Mobile’s iPhone™ and iPod® touch games have consistently made it into Apple’s top 25 apps, and will be showcased at E3! The first is the highly-anticipatedThe Sims™ 3, which lets players manipulate their Sims destinies on the go. EA will also be giving sneak peeks into two thrilling action titles that have yet to be released – save the galaxy from peril in Mass Effect™ Galaxy, or use the touch screen to conquer enemies in Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™. And lastly, swing by the booth to line up a perfect putt on the green with Tiger Woods PGA TOUR®.
Platforms – iPhone and iPod touch
G.I. JOE™ The Rise of Cobra™
G.I. JOE The Rise of Cobra for all major video game consoles features an exclusive storyline that picks up where the live-action movie, from Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment, in association with Hasbro, leaves off, allowing players to re-create and re-live the greatest moments from the film, cartoon series and action figure toy line. The game offers 16 playable characters – four of which are unlockable COBRA characters – each with unique abilities and weapons. Adding to the adrenaline rush is an intense single-screen co-op mode allowing two players to easily unite as a team in a classic struggle between good and evil to defeat the powers of COBRA.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS and mobile devices
Ship Date – August 2009
ESRB Rating – E10+ for Nintendo DS; Rating Pending for console and PSP versions
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™
Relive the thrills, action, and excitement of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince™ movie this summer! From EA and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game takes you to Hogwarts to help Harry survive a fraught sixth year. Engage in exciting wizard duels, mix and brew magical ingredients in Potions class, and take to the air to lead the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory.
Platforms – Wii, PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS, PC, Mac and mobile devices
Ship Date – June 30, 2009 in North America; Street Date – July 3, 2009 in Europe (Europe’s street date is in Q1 FY10)
ESRB Rating: E 10+ (ESRB)
New from the EA Play Label is LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE, an innovative, beautifully designed, safe online entertainment and community destination for girls based on the globally popular LITTLEST PET SHOP brand. The web-based LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE world is a girl’s gateway to fun and exciting online games and tons of activities, tools to customize and play with her favorite LITTLEST PET SHOP pets, and daily events to connect with friends and make new ones, too. LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE is a fun online community that stretches the imagination and allows girls to enter the coolest LITTLEST PET SHOP world ever.
Platforms – Online
Ship Date – Fall 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
Madden NFL 10
Experience first-hand what it’s like to Fight for Every Yard in Madden NFL 10 for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3. With the all-new Pro-Tak animation technology, players have more control over the outcome of each play. Whether driving a receiver towards the first down, or battling for a fumble at the bottom of a pile, the play won’t end until the whistle blows. Add to that the most immersive broadcast presentation and online innovation in franchise history, and Madden NFL 10captures the authenticity and emotion of the NFL like never before. This year, Madden NFL 10 arrives on the Wii with breath-taking visuals that will captivate both seasoned veterans and newcomers to the franchise. Completely redesigned and built from the ground up Madden NFL 10 introduces a unique art style that will define the look of sports games on the Wii. All-new player models embody characteristics of your favorite athletes, plus new larger-than-life stadiums showcase the unique details found at each of the 32 NFL fields. Madden NFL 10 epitomizes what fun looks like on the Wii, delivering the most social and dynamic experience from the franchise to date. Quick, exciting game modes ensure that anytime is the right time for Madden NFL 10 on the Wii.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PLAYSTATION 3, PSP and Wii™
Street Date – August 14, 2009
ESRB Rating – E for Everyone
Mass Effect™ 2
Mass Effect 2 is the gripping dark second chapter in the Mass Effect Trilogy, where players must recruit a diverse team of specialists who possess their own distinct and powerful skill sets as they embark on a suicide mission to save mankind. At E3 2009, Commander Shepard’s fate will finally be revealed in the explosive debut of Mass Effect 2.
Platforms – Xbox 360 and PC
Ship Date – Early 2010
ESRB – Rating Pending
MySims™ Agents
In MySims Agents on the Wii, players take on the role of a special agent hired to foil the sinister plans of Morcubus, lord of the criminal underworld. By recruiting different MySims, each with their own special characteristics, players can build up their very own crime-busting dream team. From tracking footprints and using forensics to picking locks, hacking into computers, following leads and collecting clues, players must rely on their wits, skills and trusty gadgets to piece together the clues to solve the mystery. Jump aboard the jet to reach an ancient temple, a spooky mansion or an icy mountaintop chalet in search of clues that lead players closer to the sinister Morcubus. Return from the adventure with cool treasures that players can use to construct and customize their headquarters and make it their own.
Platforms – Wii and Nintendo DS
Ship Date – Fall 2009
ESRB Rating – Rating Pending
NCAA® Football 10
NCAA Football 10 brings an unparalleled college game day experience to football fans across the nation. True to the tradition of the award-winning franchise,NCAA Football 10 continues to push the bar on innovation with new online modes. NCAA Football 10 will bring the excitement of college football to fans across the nation like never before with the all-new Season Showdown. In this new mode, every game counts as fans declare their loyalty to a favorite school and give the ultimate show of support in a nationwide competition for pride. In addition to Season Showdown, NCAA Football 10 introduces TeamBuilder, an all-new, online create-a-school feature that will revolutionize the user’s ability to produce personalized content. A football fan’s dream, TeamBuilder will enable users to experience the excitement and pageantry of college football, defined by their own personalized creations.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PLAYSTATION 3 and PSP
Street Date – July 14, 2009
ESRB Rating – E for Everyone
NHL 10
From EA Canada, NHL®10 delivers a new, physical brand of hockey that includes first-person fighting to match the physical and emotional intensity real-world players endure in pursuit of a Stanley Cup™ Championship. The franchise that has won 19 sports game of the year awards since 2007 begins a new era with gameplay innovations that include all-new board play that lets you shield the puck with your body along the boards, kick-pass it to teammates, or pin an opponent, post-whistle action to instigate scrums, draw penalties, and fight, spectacular new ways to score like shooting from the knees and a new 360° precision passing mechanic that delivers precise control over the speed and direction of passes.
Platforms – PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360
Ship Date – September 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
Need for Speed™ NITRO
Developed specifically for the Wii and Nintendo DS, Need for Speed NITRO delivers the fun and exhilaration of high-speed racing, combining the franchise’s trademark attitude and car culture with deep and thrilling gameplay. Hitting retailers worldwide in November, gamers must battle through the mayhem of aggressive cops, master the art of drifting to gain boost at 150 mph, and prove themselves across five mega cities at a silky smooth 60 FPS. With a nearly limitless visual customization system, not only can players design their dream car, but they can also create a personal graffiti style to attach to their ride. As they edge out competitors, their graffiti will dominate the world, vibrantly painting a story of racing supremacy. All this combined with fresh modes, tracks and locations make Need for Speed NITRO one of this Fall’s most innovative and exciting arcade racers for the Nintendo platforms.
Platforms – Wii and Nintendo DS
Ship Date – November 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
Need for Speed™ SHIFT
Need for Speed SHIFT combines a groundbreaking cockpit experience, world-class physics, stunning pixel-perfect car models, and authentic race tracks to create one of the most intense racing experiences ever. Players are thrust into the loud, visceral, intense, athletic experience of racing a car on the edge of control through the combination of perception based G-forces, the hyper reality of the cockpit view and the brutal experience of a first person crash dynamic. A highly sophisticated AI system ensures that AI opponents will react and perform based on the player’s aggression and overall driving skill thus creating race experiences for all skill sets. Need for Speed SHIFT is the first racing game to accurately reflect the true driver’s experience.
Platforms – Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, PC and PSP
Ship Date – September 17 in Europe and September 22 in North America
ESRB Rating – Rating Pending
Spore™ Hero
Created exclusively for the Wii, Spore Hero delivers the unmatched creative freedom of Spore in an accessible, story-driven action-adventure. Set in a rich and vibrant 3D world, Spore Hero empowers players to create their own Hero as they embark on an epic quest to fight to save their new home world from destruction as a dark force threatens the planet. Taking full advantage of the Wii controls, Spore Hero engages players in heated battles, humorous missions, curious puzzles and more. Throughout the game, players will collect more than 250 parts with unique abilities and experience the unparalleled customization of the revolutionary Spore Creature Creator enhanced for the Wii. A combative multiplayer mode will be unveiled at the EA booth at this year’s E3 and available for hands-on play.
Platforms – Wii
Ship Date – Fall 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
Spore™ Hero Arena
Spore Hero Arena catapults Nintendo DS players into a 3D galaxy filled with fun, intense arena-based combat. Players create a unique gladiator Hero creature and guide it from planet to planet as they fight dangerous enemy creatures and complete special missions, collecting new parts and abilities to gain upgrades along the way. By combining special abilities, parts, and upgrades, players create a fighting style of their own in hopes of stopping an evil force and save the galaxy. Built with multiplayer capabilities in mind, Spore Hero Arena allows players to battle with up to three friends locally or play with a friend over Wi-Fi. Players will have hands-on time with Spore Hero Arena for the first time at the EA booth at this year’s E3.
Platforms – Nintendo DS
Ship Date – Fall 2009
ESRB – Rating Pending
The Sims TM 3
Let there be Sims! InThe Sims 3 you can create lifelike Sims with a unique personality and take them anywhere in the neighborhood. The powerful Create-a-Sim tool allows you to create Sims that are more realistic that ever. Select from dozens of personality traits such as brave, artistic, kleptomaniac, clumsy, paranoid and romantic. With Create-a-Sim, you can create a limitless number of truly unique Sims. The Sims 3 allows for infinite possibilities to design the interior and exterior of your Sims’ surroundings using the Create-a-style feature. Additionally, you can enjoy the challenge of short-term and long-term goals and then reap the rewards! Based on personality traits, skills and career choices, your Sims have short and long term Wishes that provide constant fun challenges and so many things to do and achieve. You have the ultimate freedom to choose whether to fulfill their destiny, giving them lifetime happiness and rewards or not! Register your copy of The Sims 3 for PC and Mac at to enjoy the robust online and community features unique to your game including an all-new town called Riverview that you can download for no additional charge once you register*. You will also gain access to 1,000 free SimPoints to purchase items from The Sims 3 Store to customize your Sims appearance and houses in all-new ways. Be the director of your Sims’ movies by capturing clips during your gameplay, visiting the official site, and editing the soundtrack, story, and transitions, then share it with the world. See what you can create with The Sims 3.
Platforms – PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod touch and mobile devices
Street Date – June 2, 2009
ESRB Rating – T for Teen
* INTERNET CONNECTION required. See product pack or digital distribution rules for details.
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 10 on the Wii will support the innovative Wii MotionPlus accessory and give players a near-perfect 1:1 swing. Golf fans will experience an authentic swing motion and be able to work the ball from tee box to green. For the first time in franchise history, take on one of the toughest tests in golf – the U.S. Open at Bethpage Black. All-new to Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 is EA SPORTS Live Tournaments, where gamers go to prove themselves against the best players online and play alongside actual PGA TOUR pros during real-world tournament events. Fight a multitude of tough courses, real-time weather conditions, the challenge of online tournaments, and more – Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 provides an inside-the-ropes experience like never before.
Platforms – Wii, Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, PlayStation 2 and PSP
Ship Date – June 8, 2009 in North America; Street Date – July 3, 2009 in Europe (Europe’s street date is in Q1 FY10)
ESRB Rating – E for Everyone
In addition to the titles on the show floor, several titles will be shown in meeting rooms 406 and 407 on the second level in the concourse hall in the LACC, which is accessible to anyone with Exhibitor, VIP Retailer, Second-level Meeting Room or Press Badges. Titles shown in room 406 include The Sims 3, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Need for Speed Nitro, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10, Need for Speed Shift and EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis. Titles shown in room 407 include Dragon Age: Origins, Brutal Legend, Mass Effect 2, Dante’s Inferno as well as The Saboteur™:
Also featured at E3 will be:
Battlefield 1943
Battlefield 1943 is a premium arcade title that delivers endless hours of 24-player First-Person Shooter action on popular maps inspired by Battlefield 1942™. The game will have players battling over three tropic locations: Wake Island, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. These maps have now been updated with the DICE Frostbite™ engine, providing destructibility to the battlefield and leaving players with almost nowhere to hide. Gamers play as the US Marines or the Imperial Japanese Navy, competing by land, air and sea. They have the freedom to pick their path in battle - be it as a rifleman crawling through the trenches, a steel fisted tank commander, or a dog fighting ace pilot that rules the skies!
Platforms – Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and PC
Ship Date – Summer 2009 on console; September 2009 on PC
ESRB Rating – T for Teen
* Battlefield 1943 will be playable at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 Expo) at the intersection of West Hall & Concourse Walkway.
The Saboteur
Fight, climb, and race your way through a uniquely stylized version of Nazi-occupied France in Pandemic Studios’ upcoming action sandbox game The Saboteur. Meet Sean Devlin, the daredevil hero of The Saboteur – a street-tough Irish racecar driver turned resistance fighter in 1940s Paris, where the women are sexy and the missions are epic.
Platforms – PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360 and PC
Ship date – Fall/ Winter FY10
ESRB – Rating Pending
About Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), headquartered in Redwood City, California, is a leading global interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, the Company develops, publishes, and distributes interactive software worldwide for video game systems, personal computers, wireless devices and the Internet. Electronic Arts markets its products under four brand names: EA™, EA SPORTS™, EA Mobile™ and POGO™. In fiscal 2009, EA posted GAAP net revenue of $4.2 billion and had 31 titles that sold more than one million copies. EA's homepage and online game site is More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at
EA, EA SPORTS, EA Mobile, POGO, Army of Two, Need for Speed, The Sims, MySims, Dead Space, Dante’s Inferno, The Saboteur, EA SPORTS Active, Charm Girls Club, Visceral Games and Spore are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Battlefield: Bad Company Battlefield 1943, Battlefield 1942 and Frostbite are a trademarks or registered trademarks of EA Digital Illusions CE AB in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Mass Effect, Dragon Age and BioWare are trademarks or registered trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Brütal Legend is a trademark of DoubleFine Productions, Inc.
LITTLEST PET SHOP and GI JOE The Rise of the Cobra are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission.
Grand Slam is a registered Trademark jointly owned by Australian Open, US Open, French Open and Wimbledon.
The mark "John Madden" is a trademark or other intellectual property of Red Bear, Inc. or John Madden, subject to license to Electronic Arts Inc., and may not be otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Red Bear or John Madden. NFL is a registered trademark of the National Football League.
NCAA is a registered trademark of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
NHL and Stanley Cup are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League.
The mark ‘TIGERWOODS’ is a trademark of ETW Corp. and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of ETW Corp PGA TOUR is a trademark of PGA TOUR, INC. and used by permission.
FIFA 10 is an Official FIFA licensed product
HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s09)
“PLAYSTATION”, “PlayStation” and “PSP are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Wii, Wii MotionPlus, Nunchuk, Wii Balance Board and Nintendo DS are trademarks of Nintendo. Xbox and Xbox 360 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Computer.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
EA Corp. Comm.
Holly Rockwood, 650-628-7323
EA Games Label PR
Tammy Schachter, 650-628-7223
EA Play Label PR
Trudy Muller, 650-628-2926
David Tinson, 650-628-5189
EA Investor Relations
Tricia Gugler, 650-628-7327