it's early days at the moment at GDC, mostly it's been new trailers, like
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 but there was suprise news as two new consoles have been announced!
The first is "OnLive". This could singlehandly change the future of gaming. i know it's a bold statement. it may be a bold statement, but there is nothing like it and it could bring gaming to everyone with a phone line. comparisons to youtube are just, all the games, processing, are done online.

for those without a PC, this box is all you need. as all the work is done online, a console sized box is not needed, all it needs to do is connect to a controller, a tv, and the internet. for those with a PC, they offer a in broswer experiance (much like the new quake online) requireing only a small download.
You internet connection is the only limitation for the device. the slower it is, the lower the resolution you'll see.