Konami have released new screenshots for the Playstation 3 version of DanceDanceRevolution. these screenshots are in-game and show off various parts of the game. the first screenshot shows of the weight loss option, where it tracks how many calories you've lost from dancing. the next screenshot shows off some of the options. The following 8 screenshots are just art, whilst the next screen is from the "Club" mode. The next 2 screens show off the multiplayer "Dance Off" mode, where up to 4 players use the same dance matt to pull of a set of moves the best. This is followed by 5 screens from the games free play mode, and the last set of screenshots show Playstation Move integration.
Konami have released new screenshots for the Nintendo Wii version of Dance Dance Revolution. these screenshots are in-game and show off gameplay using in-game characters or by using your Mii's head on a Dance Dance Revolution characters body. many different songs are shown, each with their own background, as well as many of the movements needed to complete the song. the movements also appear to show that you use the WiiMote and maybe the Nunchuck as well as using the dance mat.