Level-5 have announced 3 new games are coming to the EU eShop. these 3DS games had not been released outside of the USA. the 3 games are Liberation Maiden, Aero Porter And Crimson Shroud. Liberation Maiden is the first of the games to be released for £7.19.
Liberation Maiden is a 3D sci-fi shooter developed by Goichi Suda, aka SUDA51 from Grasshopper Manufacture. the game is set in Japan 100 years from now and you play a humanoid called Shoko Ozora who pilots a robot called Kamui.
Aero Porter is set to come out in November and is an airport simulation. the game was designed by Yoot Saito. the player has to sort out color coded luggage on conveyor belts whilst avoiding mishaps and delays.
Crimson Shroud is set to come out in December and is designed by Yasumi Matsuno, who has worked on Final Fantasy Tasctics. Crimson Shroud is a new RPG based on table top RPG.
Liberation Maiden Screenshots