Sony's EU Playstation Blog has detailed the comics coming out today in the EU on the Digital Comic Store. This week there is a free Comic from DC Comics called The Night Owls.
* 2000AD Prog #1687 2000AD
* Astonishing Tales (2009) #4 Marvel
* Batman: Year One #3 DC Comics
* Black Panther (2005) #6 – #9 Marvel
* Cancertown: An Inconvenient Tooth : Chapter 6 of 6 Insomnia
* Criminal: The Sinners (2008) #1 & #2 Icon
* Devi #7 Liquid Comics
* DMZ #6 – #12 DC Comics
* Donald Duck and The Secret of the 313 Disney
* Eleventh Hour #3 Markosia
* Fables #11 – #14 DC Comics
* Finding Nemo Disney
* Free Realms #5 & #6 DC Comics
* Ghostbusters: Holiday Special : CON-volution! IDW
* Green Lantern: Secret Origin #3 DC Comics
* Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War : Part 4 DC Comics
* High Moon #2 DC Comics
* Jonah Hex #13 & #14 DC Comics
* Justice League: Generation Lost #5 DC Comics
* Marvel Zombies 2 (2007) #1 Marvel
* Mickey Mouse in the Haunted City Disney
* Planetary/Authority: Ruling the World DC Comics
* Planetary/JLA: Terra Occulta DC Comics
* Project Eon #2 Markosia
* Ramayan 3392 AD #7 Liquid Comics
* Resistance #5 & #6 DC Comics
* Scrooge McDuck and The High Sea Trap Disney
* Snakewoman #7 Liquid Comics
* Star Trek: McCoy #3 IDW
* Superduck #13 : Creatures of the Abyss Disney
* The Lexian Chronicles #8 Markosia
* The Night Owls #1 DC Comics [FREE]
* The Sadhu #7 Liquid Comics
* Transformers #8 IDW
* Victorian Undead #3 DC Comics
* Walk-In #6 Liquid Comics
* Wizards of Mickey #9 : The Return of the Phantom Blot Disney
* Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper #1 IDW
From EU Playstation Blog
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