Sunday, June 20, 2010

E3 2010 Predictions - How Well Did I Do?

I Made some E3 predictions for this years Expo, focusing more on the Press Conferences from Nintendo, Microsoft, And Sony. But how well did i do? well i have crossed out those i got wrong.

PSP 4000 will be announced. PSPgo style but with UMD. Could be called PSP HDD.
PS1 Collections, Like Final Fantasy VII,VIII,IX, available on PSN for discount
New Firmware Update will remove location free
New Comic App update
Expanded PSN Features in games, like a friends list

PS2 games for sale via the PSN
More PSN collections, Like The ICO Collection, Grand Theft Auto Collection, Metal Gear Collection.
RSS Feeds added for Podcasts and Video Podcasts
The PlayStation Move is well recieved
A Slimmer PS3 Slim Model is introduced at a lower price, or current model gets price cut
PlayStation Move priced around £60/$60
More Steaming TV in Europe, like ITV and Demand 5 in UK.
A Surprise Game sequel Announcement
Greater Facebook integration, perhaps introduction of Twitter
PS3 trophy information API available for websites
Final Fantasy VS XIII Stays a PS3 Exclusive
cross game voice chat free for all
New 3rd and 1st Party Game Franchises
New Firmware Update

Final Price drop
re-release of big sellers, perhaps in series bundles, God Of War I+II, Final Fantasy X+X2,
European EyeToy Bundle for current PS2 price

Project Fails To Impress
Xbox 360 Slim revealed
Hulu added
Facebook App updated
youtube App, with video uploading, added
new NXE
2 new 1st party game franchises announced, both spanning this and next console
Natal priced at $110/£110
A Sports/TV re-run channel, like NASCAR that lets you subscribe to a season and watch it your way
Xbox Live Platinum membership
in-game last FM
price reduction on Xbox 360 peripherals, peripherals for Xbox 360 slim priced high
Major push of new games from 3rd party devs
major focus at the show on games and natal
360 Slim replaces arcade unit when its released, elite replaced by end of year

Youtube Channel
New Channels
Demos return and stay
return of Donkey Kong, Starfox, Pikmin, Zelda
New Game franchise announced
vitality sensor fails to impress
Vitality Sensor revealed as integral to well known franchise
new Pokèmon game announced
Firmware update

big game push, many new titles announced
cheap “hits range promoted”
DS range scrapped, Dsi and Dsi LL price drops
Dsi firmware update
twitter added to Dsi and Dsi LL

some upcoming DS games will have 3DS features, Pokèmon Black And White battles will be 3d
large 3DS line-up, plenty of trailers shown, a few games announced for launch, they'll come out over a 3 month period
Nintendo Live/Network announced for 3DS, means current DsiWare games will be transferred to 3DS, and slowly expanded upon

Well, lol, as you can see i didn't do too well. the big change in how all 3 of the console makers did their conferences meant many of my predictions would never be mentioned during their conferences.

I Honestly thought this would be Sony's last big PSP push, but it ended up being just a side mention, the PS2 got even less attention this year. I also thought Sony would continue the social trend they started last year and digital TV, but instead they focused on the casual Playstation Move stuff. I didn't expect a Sly Collection, but i did predict more PS2 collections. The Cross game voice chat could still come to the PS3, it was mentioned on the show floor but no time was mentioned for when it'll come. The New firmware update was also mentioned on the floor, its set to come June 29th, but as it wasn't mentioned at the conference i haven't included it.

I thought Nintendo would bring more Channels to the Wii, like youtube, in an attempt to add greater life to the console, but instead the entire Wii focus was on new games. I also thought there would be a last big push with the DS before the 3DS comes to market, but it also got little mention at the conference. on the show floor there are several games coming, but in the conference Golden Sun was the only game getting a mention. I was right in saying the 3DS was going to have a large line-up, a vast improvement over the DS launch, but i really thought some DS games may have some 3DS features, and as the 3DS plays DSi games i expected some announcement regarding how to get DSi games you own onto the device.

Microsoft was a little more difficult to predict. it was obvious they were going to push Kinect, but i didn't predict they would leave the Hardcore 360 gamer behind in the extent they did. The 360 Slim was obvious, and Microsoft have said that it is replacing the Arcade Unit, but i didn't expect them to have enough to replace the Elite unit straight away. I Don't think Kinect Showed well at Microsoft's E3 press conference, the games were mostly causal, the scripts were terrible, and some of the games didn't Demo well. The press conference also showed off a new NXE for Kinect that was hardly talked about at all, apart from the voice commands. The ESPN wasn't a shock either, but read the small print as it'll cost for most people, as they were very muted when Sony announced MLB.TV and i thought that they may have something themselves.

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