QTE Blog: Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/169qkE
PS3: Sony looked at making the PS3 even smaller than the slim they released, using Flash memory or save data on the PSN http://ow.ly/LUcM
Warner Bros. Have confirmed that they hold the publishing rights to Batman Arkham Asylum, and that Eidos do not. http://ow.ly/LUeu
Amazon.com have listings for Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 on both the DS and Wii. http://ow.ly/LUg4
PS3: Braid is set to come out in the UK on the PSN on December 17th http://ow.ly/LUh2
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of The Weekends News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/169sq1
GameStop have Dead Space II as coming out in early 2011 http://ow.ly/LUhX
Square Enix's Akitoshi Kawazu has said he wants the Final Fantasy franchise to go on forever, http://ow.ly/LUjs
Famitsu reveals Japanese actress Aya Hirono is working on a new game for Capcom, its thought to be a new Monster Hunter http://ow.ly/LUkP
360: its being reported that a "Private Match hack" glitch is becoming popular on the 360 version of Modern Warfare 2 http://ow.ly/LUoc
UK Game Charts, Modern Warfare 2, Wii Sports Resort, Assassins Creed II, Wii Fit plus, FIFA 10 are top 5 http://ow.ly/LUpq
PS3: AdHoc Party has a tentative release date of 22nd December for Europe. http://ow.ly/LXi4
Dante's Inferno runs at 60fps, whilst the cut-scenes run at 30 fps. http://ow.ly/LXk5
PS3: Star Ocean The Last Hope will have new characters and new character portraits. http://ow.ly/LXma
QTE Blog: Nintendo Releases It's USA Q1 Wii, WiiWare, DS, DSiWare Release Calendar http://ow.ly/169uxp
PS3: Digital Foundry look at Mini's on PS3. Emulator a work in progress. 2D games ok, 3D games can struggle + more http://ow.ly/LYxw
Wii: Blue and Pink WiiMotes are coming out in USA on February 14th. they will come bundled with WiiMotion Plus http://ow.ly/LYGs
Its being reported that Recoil Games have put Earth No More on Hold whilst they work on smaller titles. http://ow.ly/LYL3
PS3: Sony has talked about Monthly Fees when discussing the PSN and costs. they are looking at many ways to make money http://ow.ly/LYQt
Its reported that Europe will get a Limited Collectors Edition for Final Fantasy XIII, no specifics were mentioned http://ow.ly/LYRL
QTE Blog: Microsoft Has Released A New Trailer For Crackdown 2 http://ow.ly/169wbW
QTE Blog: Disney Interactive Reveal Tron Evolution Details http://ow.ly/169x5z
QTE Blog: 2K Reveal Spec Ops The Line Details http://ow.ly/169x5A
QTE Blog: EA Reveal That A Army Of Two The 40th Day Demo Is Coming Out December 17th http://ow.ly/169zk1
QTE Blog: Sony Announce The SingStar Viewer For The Playstation 3 http://ow.ly/169zk2
360: Square Enix is releasing 0 Day Attack On Earth on December 23rd http://ow.ly/M4hn
360: There are reports of matchmaking issues on the 360. a fix is already in the works http://ow.ly/M4hY
Left 4 Dead 2 DLC, The Passing, will feature the cast from Left 4 Dead. its coming out early 2010. http://ow.ly/M4jt
QTE Blog: This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases http://ow.ly/169AHg
QTE Blog: EA And BioWare Announce That Dragon Age Origins Is Coming To Mac's On December 21st http://ow.ly/169AHh
DSi: DSi LL could've been called DSi Executive or DSi Deka, DSi Premium, DSi Living, or DSi Comfort http://ow.ly/M4kR
Wii: Development on Zelda is well underway. hope to show the game at E3. http://ow.ly/M4my
PC: Actor Zachary Quinto, Spock in new Star Trek Movie, Will voice the tutorial EMH in Star Trek Online http://ow.ly/M4vt
QTE Blog: IDW Are Working On Audio Commentaries For PSP Digital Comics http://ow.ly/169BHA
QTE Blog: Funcom Announce A Unlimited Free Trial Offer For Age Of Conan Hyborian Adventures http://ow.ly/169BHB
hello and welcome to the audio re-cap of yesterdays news. This is mondays enws and its in oldest to newest order with news from qtegamers at the end.
Well if you want to keep up to date with all the news in videogames from across the web, uyou can visit our site at qtegamers.blogspot.com. If you have a twitter account, you can suscribe to our news at twitter.com/qte. These audiorecaps can be found on itunes by searching for qte. And if you want to get in touch, feel free to do so either throguh twitter or by emaling us on qtegamers@googlemail.com
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