Showing posts with label Sonic Team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonic Team. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Cloud Monday - Sonic Frontiers - Part 1 - Too Long Before Manual Save Unlocked, Empty World a Plus!

This week's Cloud Monday video is part 1 of playing Sonic Frontiers on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

It's nice to bring back Cloud Monday. the main difference with the return is that in Part 2, i'll make my opinion clear and "badge" the game if i recommend playing it via the cloud, if i don't, or "user beware". feel free to check out the rest of the playlist, i think i've made the video titles mostly clear as to what my thoughts were.

For Sonic Frontiers, my main concern was how clear the world would be if Sonic was moving fast. unfortunately, it never really was an issue in this first part of trying out Sonic Frontiers. the open world segments don't really open up enough to go full speed and the more traditional stages i've done so far are short. in terms of gameplay, it's probably a negative but with how empty the open world has been it's actually a good thing for a game being played in the cloud. if the bitrate of the video stream decreases, or the resolution drops, or if there's lag in the controls, having an open world full of enemies would be really tricky. but here i'm not concerned about it.

In this Part, the stream held up well. i noticed no lag in the controls nor did i notice any drops in the video stream. i am concerned with the controls as even with how good things were i was having some issues controlling Sonic. there was a situation where i was trying to make a jump but my character's shadow wasn't below me indicating where i would be landing. there were also a couple of instances where the camera wasn't helping and pointing in the direction i needed to go. i was trying to make some jumps or trying to reach jump pads and i was unable to lock on or work out where to go. if i'm having this much trouble when things are going well, i imagine this would be a big negative playing Sonic Frontiers in worse conditions.

This biggest issue i had was with the game's save system. there is an auto save, but it never seemed as frequent as i would like. there is a manual save system but the game never told me about it and when i found it was seemingly unable to manual save for nearly the whole of this video. with the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming service, there's a 20 second warning before disconnection and after this first part i would not feel good trusting Sonic Frontiers' save system. the game does make it clear when it won't allow manual saves, but that didn't seem to match a lot of my first hour with the game. i couldn't work out why it didn't work.